Green walnut, useful properties and methods of application. Green walnut: contraindications


Each medicinal plant contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Most of them people have not yet learned to get the synthetic method, so the recipes of traditional medicine, remain popular for many years.

Green walnut beneficial properties

Walnuts are the fruits of a tree from the nut family. Their harvesting is carried out at the end of May or the beginning of June, carefully plucked from the tree handle. Dried green nuts in well-ventilated areas, without exposure to sunlight.

Green walnut and its beneficial properties have been known for a very long time. The non-evil fruits of this tree include:

• Tannins (up to 25%);

• Juglon;

• Vitamin C;

• Vitamins A, E, PP, K;

• Vitamins of group B;

• Trace elements (zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron).

According to research, the amount of ascorbic acid in unripe walnuts is 8 times higher than its volume in blackcurrant berries and 50 times in citrus fruits. Walnut kernels are digested better than animal products.

Another useful ingredient in green walnuts is juglone. This is a coloring substance with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects, which successfully fights infections.

You can use green walnuts, without contraindications:

• With endocrine disorders (thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism);

• In case of gynecological diseases (infertility, endometriosis, fibromyomas);

• For diseases of the respiratory system (tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma);

• For blood diseases (leukopenia, iron deficiency anemia);

• For digestive problems (gastritis with low acidity, pancreatitis, diarrhea);

• With dermatological diseases (tuberculosis of the skin, furunculosis, dermatitis);

• With frequent stress and depression.

Green walnut: a digestive aid

For digestive problems, take a tincture of green walnuts. It is prepared in different ways, using 70% medical alcohol or good quality vodka.

Nut tincture for gastritis

Tincture made from green walnuts is taken for gastritis with low acidity and poor digestion of food. To do this, 30 fruits are crushed together with the peel, placed in a glass jar, filled with a liter of alcohol and tightly closed with a lid. Insist on the sun for two weeks, occasionally shaking.

After this time, the tincture is filtered and put in the refrigerator. Take 5 ml of the drug half an hour before meals, three times a day. Treatment should be consumed for a month, then take a break for two weeks. Green walnut has a lot of useful properties, but the tincture has a rather specific taste.

Walnut liquor

For digestive problems, you can use liquor based on green walnuts. For this, the raw materials remaining from the tincture are covered with sugar to taste and mixed thoroughly. Then pour 500 ml of vodka and let it brew for a month.

Filter the liquor and add 2 sticks of cinnamon and 5 cloves of cloves. The finished drink is stored in a tightly sealed glass bottle in a dark, cool place. Take it in 50 ml while eating. Treatment is continued until the symptoms disappear. Green walnuts are contraindicated in gastritis with high acidity.

Nut tincture for diarrhea

In order to prepare a remedy for diarrhea, a small glass container is filled to a third with internal partitions of green walnuts. The jar is poured to the top with alcohol, tightly closed and allowed to infuse for a week. Take tincture with diarrhea, diluting 10 drops of the product in a tablespoon of water. It should be consumed no more than four times a day, until the symptoms disappear completely.

You can prepare the product according to another recipe. To do this, green nuts are crushed and placed in a glass jar, filling it in half. Raw materials are poured with vodka and put for a week in a cool dark place. After the tincture is ready, it is filtered and taken on a teaspoon, until the symptoms of the disease are relieved.

Green Walnut: A Respiratory Treatment

The antibacterial properties of green walnuts help to cope with diseases of the respiratory system. Medicines based on walnut fruits are used as an adjuvant for tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis.

Infusion for the treatment of tuberculosis

The fruits of green walnuts are used for tuberculosis of internal organs and skin. Also, this tool helps to get rid of night sweats that accompany the disease. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix the following components in equal amounts:

• 2 parts of green walnut fruit;

• 2 parts of sage leaves;

• 2 parts of valerian roots;

• 4 parts of horsetail grass.

5 g of the collection is poured with 250 ml of boiling water and allowed to infuse for 15 minutes, then filtered. Drink in small sips half an hour before meals. You need to drink 750 ml of infusion per day. You need to prepare the product immediately before use. Treatment is continued for two months.

With tuberculosis of the skin, this infusion is additionally washed in damaged areas twice a day, for three weeks. Ready infusion is stored in the refrigerator, no more than two days.

Juice of green walnuts from bronchitis and pneumonia

In order to prepare the medicine, green walnuts are cut in half, placed in a glass jar and covered with sugar. Then close the lid and store in a dark place until they let the juice. Take it in a teaspoon, three times a day for ten days.

In order to prepare the product for the future, it is necessary to strain it, squeeze the nuts as much as possible. The resulting syrup is mixed in the same amount with vodka, which will act as a preservative. Store the finished medicine in a cool place.

Take this tool in a tablespoon, three times a day, half an hour before eating or an hour after eating. Treatment should last until the symptoms of the disease are relieved.

Green walnut: an application for the treatment of skin diseases

Due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, green nuts help get rid of skin diseases, such as:

• Lupus;

• Inductive erythema;

• Scrofulous lichen;

• Warty tuberculosis of the skin;

• Chronic epidermophytosis;

• streptoderma;

• Furunculosis.

An infusion or decoction of walnut is used in the form of lotions or for washing wounds.

Prepare them as follows:

• 2 nuts are chopped, pour 200 ml of boiling water and left for 40 minutes, then filtered. In the infusion, a piece of cotton cloth is moistened and applied to the affected area. Top covered with polyethylene and a bandage. Change lotion twice a day.

• 5 green walnuts, cut in half, pour 500 ml of water and put in a water bath and boil for 10 minutes. After the broth has cooled to room temperature, it is filtered and used for washing to rinse the affected areas. The procedure can be carried out in the morning and in the evening, until the disease subsides.

• With fungal diseases, the affected areas are smeared with fresh juice of green walnut twice a day, for seven days. Previously, you can add a small amount of alcohol or vodka to it.

In order for the product to be effective, green walnuts and their beneficial properties can be enhanced by adding other ingredients such as chamomile flowers or calendula. To prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions, they must be mixed in equal proportions with the fruits of a walnut tree.

Green walnut: use for: contraindications

Despite the benefits of green walnuts, contraindications for their use also exist.

These include:

• Increased sensitivity to components;

• Violation of blood coagulability;

• Severe liver and kidney disease;

• Exacerbation of a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;

• Pregnancy and lactation.

Before starting treatment with preparations made from green walnuts, it is worth consulting a doctor.


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