Flaxseed oil for the face from wrinkles - reviews on the successful application. How to use linseed oil for wrinkles?


Having unique properties that our great-grandmothers have noticed, flaxseed oil is widely used in the treatment of various ailments, as well as in cosmetology.

Soft natural effect on the skin of the face improves its general condition, gives youth and beauty.

The composition and useful properties of linseed oil for the face

An unrefined product (only it is valuable) is rich in substances necessary for the skin, such as vitamin E, A, F. These components do an excellent job of nourishing and moisturizing the skin, which, in turn, prevents its earlier aging.

Flaxseed oil is a “champion” in the content of unsaturated fatty acids, which, as you know, prolong youth not only in the skin, but in the whole body. The lack of these substances provokes such common problems as dryness, peeling and itching, as well as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema.

According to many women, flaxseed oil for the face is indispensable for dry skin. It perfectly softens, nourishes and rejuvenates. In addition, the healing product smoothes wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face, improves the elasticity of the skin.

Thanks to the healing components of the product, the skin with regular replenishment, as they say, gains a second youth. Flaxseed oil has: firstly, an antioxidant, secondly, a regenerating, thirdly, anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

Flaxseed oil for the face - reviews

Flax seed oil is used as an independent drug, and as a basic component in the composition of aromatic mixtures. The product goes well with sandalwood, apricot and jojoba oil.

Reviews of some women on flaxseed oil for the face indicate the maximum effectiveness of the product.


My grandmother always made compresses and lotions on her face using flax seeds. Even in extreme old age, my grandmother's wrinkles looked “noble”.


I have been using flax seed oil for a long time. I add it to food, put it on my face. The effect makes me happy. The skin radiates with freshness, it is always moisturized, and wrinkles are not visible.


Oil does not allow my skin to be super dry.


I share the recipe for a gorgeous wrinkle mask: combine a spoon of white clay with a spoon of sea buckthorn and linseed oil. Add a few drops of lemon oil to the composition (buy at a pharmacy). Keep the composition for 20 minutes and after a short time you can enjoy the result.

How to use linseed oil from wrinkles

Flaxseed oil is ideal for all skin types. There are simple and more complex recipes for preparing a therapeutic product for wrinkles.

1. Care for skin starting to age is provided for by daily application of a natural vitamin remedy - flaxseed oil. They carefully treat not only the face, but also the visible places: neck, neckline.

2. Flaxseed oil can be added to any cream. Thus, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the cosmetic product.

3. The composition has an excellent anti-aging effect, which is quite simple to prepare: chop the peel of the lemons. Enough 2 fruits. Pour the powder with a glass of boiling water. Let the mixture brew for approximately 10 hours. Then strain the composition, add a small spoonful of honey, linseed oil, lemon juice (from peeled lemons), a couple of tablespoons of milk and 3 tablespoons of cologne.

Apply a healing cream to your skin daily, taking care not to touch the area around the eyes, where an excess of the product can cause a cosmetic defect such as swelling. Keep the cream for no more than 2 weeks, because it is completely devoid of the presence of chemical preservatives.

4. To help get rid of wrinkles of extremely dry skin, it is able to use a nutrient mixture that is prepared as follows: mix a small spoonful of flaxseed oil and honey, 1 egg yolk. Warm the container with the mixture (a cup of hot water is suitable), and then apply to the skin of the face.

5. Flaxseed oil is indispensable in the care of oily skin. Rub a spoonful of cottage cheese with sour cream and egg white. Add a couple of small tablespoons of flax seed oil to the mixture. Mix everything and enjoy the effect of the healing mask, keeping it for 15-20 minutes.

6. How to use linseed oil from wrinkles for normal skin? Mash the tomato, add the yolk, a teaspoon of flour and 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil. The resulting mixture is healing, fighting skin aging.

7. A good and more advanced mask. It is ideal for facial skin with clear signs of aging. Combine a spoonful of yeast with milk. Mix well. Add a small spoonful of linseed oil, honey, sour cream and lemon juice. The healing mask is ready!

8. Perfectly tones, nourishes and moisturizes this mask: mash egg yolk with lemon peel powder. Knead the mixture thoroughly and let stand for about 15 minutes. After the allotted time, add a small amount of linseed oil to it. Mix everything again and use as a mask.

9. The skin around the eyes is especially sensitive. Therefore, care for it should be as delicate as possible. Make a mixture of linseed, sandalwood, rose and lemon oils. The base here is flax seed oil, so it is more - 1 tablespoon. Drop the remaining components in 1-2 drops and apply with gentle movements to delicate areas.

10. Fights wrinkles, tones and rejuvenates the face skin mask, which includes nettle. Pour boiling water over the leaves and chop them. Combine 2 tablespoons of raw material with a large spoonful of linseed oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face.

11. Smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes and softens the skin of the face such a composition: combine a large spoonful of softened cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of milk (fatty) and 1 large spoonful of linseed oil. The resulting mixture is a healing mask for wrinkles.

12. How to use linseed oil from wrinkles to women who are for ...? Mix a spoonful of sour cream with mashed cucumber. Add a small spoonful of linseed oil to the mixture and apply on the face.

13. Tired skin with noticeable wrinkles will be supported by a mask with aromatic oils, where the main component is a flaxseed product. Drop 1 drop of rose oil, sandalwood, chamomile, orange in a large spoonful of flax seed oil. Apply to clean and steamed skin.

14. An effective way to get rid of wrinkles: Rub a large spoonful of linseed oil with yolks (3 pcs.). Add cream or fat milk (1 cup). Grind the lemon peel and pour it with boiling water (1 cup) for 2 hours. Then strain and add the squeezed lemon juice (the one that was peeled), honey (1 spoon). Combine both compounds.

Add 150 ml of camphor alcohol and water to the liquid. It should turn out only 500 ml of the healing mixture. Keep it in a cool place, and shake before use. Shelf life - a week.

Wrinkle linseed oil - how to use and apply healing masks

In order for the effect of applying any selected mask to please you, you should know some rules:

• apply the medicinal composition only to cleansed skin

• bypass the area around the eyes

• apply the mask with light movements along well-known massage lines

• before using the mask, steam the skin

• after applying the treatment composition, lie down and relax, allowing the person to be immobilized

• remove the mask without stretching the skin

• at the end of the procedure, wipe the skin with lotion and apply your favorite cream

• withstand the mask, as usual, for 15-20 minutes

The soft tonic, smoothing effect of linseed oil for the skin of the face makes it indispensable for the first or obvious signs of aging. The rich vitamin composition of the product gives the skin firmness, elasticity, freshness.


Watch the video: झररय स छटकर कस पए. How to Remove Wrinkles from Face at Home. Wrinkle Treatment (July 2024).