If you want to be lucky and be healthy - take the golden root. About the beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea and contraindications


Altai folk healers believed in the unique qualities of Rhodiola rosea. Although the recipes for the use of this miraculous plant were kept secret in Tibet, folk methods of healing with the help of Rhodiola rosea were preserved.

This name was given to the plant by the Swedish scientist, botanist Karl Linney. A little later, other names appeared - the golden root, Tibetan or Siberian ginseng, pink root. The beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea were known more than four hundred years ago. It was in those ancient times that a sign was born: whoever is lucky enough to find a golden root will be lucky in life, he will always be healthy. In today's time, the areas where the pink root grows are Altai, the Carpathians, Eastern Siberia, the Urals and the Far East.

Botany on the beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea

The golden root refers to perennial plants, which in length can reach up to thirty - fifty centimeters. Belongs to the family of Crassulaceae, and therefore the leaves and stem are soft, juicy. A characteristic feature of the stems is the number can reach up to one hundred, they are straight and do not branch, the height is up to sixty centimeters. The leaves are small - up to four centimeters in length and one - one and a half centimeters in width, oblong in shape with pointed edges, dark green. The flowers of the plant are usually yellow, collected in a dense inflorescence at the very top. Rhodiola has fruits called a leaflet. Fruits ripening in late summer, usually red or tan.

The golden root can rightly be called hardy, because it can grow at an altitude of up to three thousand meters above sea level in various conditions. But nevertheless, the most comfortable habitat is places that are moistened in sufficient quantity. These are wet meadows in the Alps, rocky lake shores, mountain valleys with rivers. Tibetan ginseng in dry places is much less common: deciduous woodlands, bushes in the Alps.

For medicinal purposes, the roots of old plants are harvested after they bloom: from May to July. The roots must be dug from the ground, washed thoroughly, cleaned from the ground and rotted parts. Then the roots are cut into small parts - five to ten centimeters. It is desirable to dry in a special dryer or on a stove, but sun rays should not fall on the roots. The smell of broken dry rhizome is similar to a pink scent.

The dried roots of Rhodiola contain a lot of substances necessary for health: essential oils, valerianic and other acids, manganese and tannins.

Useful properties of Rhodiola rosea from various diseases

Golden ginseng is indispensable in the fight against many diseases. After all, this is a unique storehouse of therapeutic substances that can improve the body.

  • For hypotonics - an excellent folk remedy that increases blood pressure. In addition, the golden root restores the work of the cardiovascular organs.

  • Infusions from the root are used as antipyretic and anti-allergic agents.

  • Rhodiola helps to quickly stop bleeding and heals wounds.

  • Medicinal features of Rhodiola rosea are used for disorders of the nervous system. Indeed, tinctures of this plant give a calming, tonic effect, restore the body after strong physical and emotional stress.

  • If your metabolic processes and appetite are disturbed, decoctions and infusions from Tibetan ginseng will cope with them for a short time.

  • Restore visual acuity and hearing.

  • Rhodiola has a positive effect on many skin diseases, severe fractures.

  • Long since traditional methods with a pink rhodiola treat signs of pulmonary tuberculosis.

  • Helps to alleviate the general condition after radiation damage in small doses.

  • Recommended for men to maintain men's health, and women to combat gynecological problems.

Surely all of the above about Rhodiola rosea and its beneficial properties convinces us of the need to learn folk recipes for use.

Alternative methods of using Rhodiola rosea, its useful properties in traditional medicine

From the golden root, folk healers recommend decoctions and infusions that are taken both internally and locally. In order for the tincture to have healing properties, it is necessary to follow the rules when preparing it.

  • Recipe 1 - for hypotension. Grind fifty grams of rhizome and add about five hundred grams of 40˚ alcohol. The mixture should be infused for two weeks in a place that is protected from light. Periodically, after a few days, the mixture should be shaken. Then retake the tincture. Use on the principle of smaller doses to large - start with five drops, gradually increasing the dose to twenty. Take alcohol tincture twenty minutes before eating.

  • Recipe 2 - strengthens the body's defenses. In the same amount - twenty grams each - take the rhizome of Rhodiola, high zamanicha and wild rose. Add a little hawthorn and nettle to the collection - fifteen grams. Then a pinch of St. John's wort. From the resulting drug collection, select one tablespoon and pour hot water - two hundred grams. Boil for ten minutes, and the mixture should be infused for several hours. Then discard the filtered raw materials, and add two hundred grams of hot water to the liquid. Take seven tablespoons three times: in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

  • Recipe 3 - treat a cold and heart. Grind a small amount of root and add two hundred grams of hot water. Four hours later, when the mixture is infused, retrace. Take one hundred grams in the morning and evening. This infusion restores the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal system.

Decoctions from the upper parts of the medicinal plant are effective for local exposure. It will be interesting for women to find out that the broth of the golden root copes well with problem skin.

Caution: Rhodiola rosea and contraindications

Traditional healers say that the golden root does not cause side effects. However, with the use of decoctions and infusions at home, you should be careful, because Rhodiola rosea has contraindications.

  • Firstly, it is strictly forbidden to take funds from the root for children under the age of twelve, pregnant women and during lactation. Negative consequences are possible for this category: allergic skin rash, vomiting.

  • Secondly, individual intolerance to funds from Rhodiola rosea.

  • For people suffering from hypotension, an excess of rhodiola can cause the opposite effect: a rapid decrease in pressure.

  • Rhodiola rosea is contraindicated in certain infectious inflammatory processes.

  • With signs of a catarrhal disease - fever, chills, fever.

  • Decoctions and tinctures from Rhodiola rosea are contraindicated in patients suffering from epilepsy.

  • Some pharmacy preparations are incompatible with the golden root. This applies to Eleutherococcus and tincture of Schisandra. Side effects are possible - nervousness, sleep loss.

Using folk secrets of the beneficial properties of Rhodiola rosea, maintain a healthy, happy longevity.
