We select a sports complex for the baby from birth!


Every mother dreams of seeing her child healthy and cheerful, well prepared physically, active, agile and smart.

In the first years of life, the child masters many movements. At first, his actions were awkward, inept, inharmonious. Motor skills develop gradually, and in each child their formation proceeds at their own pace.

To help your child better master his movements, it is important to create an active preparatory environment, to offer a variety of games and exercises that contribute to the development of coordination and improvement of motor skills.

The sports complex specially designed for children of the first years of life will help to develop the child most fully. A sports complex can and should be bought for a child almost from birth.

Choosing a sports complex

Many parents who care about the physical development of their children install sports complexes, Swedish walls, horizontal bars in children's rooms. However, when choosing a sports complex for your crumbs, you need to consider some features.

The thickness of the crossbars of the complex should be small - 19-20 mm, so that it is convenient to clasp them with a small handle, so that the baby firmly and confidently holds on to them.

The fingers of the child should almost close, grasping the crossbar of the sports complex.

Please note that the distance between the crossbars of the Swedish wall is no more than 9-10 cm. Then the child will easily and with interest climb onto the ladder. He will not be scared away by the need to raise his leg high, risking to miss. And there is no danger that the child will get stuck trying to climb between the steps.

Do not choose the “floor-to-ceiling” Swedish wall for your crumbs, so that later (usually after the first fall from a height) you hang the upper steps, restricting the child. A low complex will allow the baby to engage (boldly climb to the very top and, more importantly, get off) without the help of a mother.

The kid feels confident in a low sports complex

It is important that the sports complex is functional. It should provide the baby with the opportunity not only to climb and get down, but also to make a “trip” - climb on one side, climb on the other, hang on the crossbar, get out the window, moving with added steps along the crossbars along the complex to get to the end of the path. It is even better if your sports complex will have the opportunity to change the position of stairs and rungs. Such a complex will never bother the child!

And finally, do not forget about the slide and swing. These accessories, loved by almost all children, will make classes at the complex even more attractive and interesting for the baby. Well, if the slide can be installed at different heights and in different positions. A swing can be hung not only on the sports complex, but also, for example, in the doorway.

The slide is not only the most beloved, but also a very useful accessory.

So you bought a sports complex

If the child is active, easily accepting everything new, then perhaps he himself will go to the complex and immediately begin to climb. Be close, but do not stand behind the child (we will talk about insurance in more detail below).

If the child is cautious or shy, do not rush. When the baby first sees the complex, do not rush it, do not push to the complex and do not cheer. Let you get accustomed and get used to a new subject in the house.

To adapt, put on the complex one of the usual toys for the child (you can one of your favorites). Or show how the toy climbs the ladder and goes down. Perhaps this will provoke the baby into trying to independently develop the complex.

Using your favorite toys, you will help your child master the sports complex

If the child did not want to climb, do not worry. Arrange with friends who have kids of a similar age or a little older, who already know how to climb ladders and sports centers, and invite them to visit next weekend. For many children, just an example of peers is enough.

About insurance and security

During classes at the sports complex, the child does not need the help of parents. If from the very beginning you will help the child, then he will hope for your help, which means that he will be afraid to do what he did not do before. And most importantly, he will always be sure that you support him. And this is extremely dangerous! Indeed, if you are distracted for a split second, then the child, thinking that you are catching him, will simply let go of his hands and fall not on your arms, but on the floor.

If, from the very beginning of classes, a child is left to his own devices at the complex, then he will only rely on his own strength. This will teach him to plan his actions, count them. It will teach you how to insure (grab the bar at the right time or put your foot in the right place on time), rather than wait and hope for mom.

Remember that your help to the child at the complex is a disservice!

The child himself will never climb to where he is scared

In order to avoid injuries during classes at the complex, first of all, never provoke your child to do something that he still does not know how to do. Do not place, plant or suspend it with your own hands where it is not yet able to climb. When a child does something on his own, he is able to get out of this exercise himself. And if you hung him up or set him up, then he is unlikely to be able to quickly figure out how to get out of here.

So, remember, the child should be at the complex only there (and in that position), where he can get.

And a few more important safety rules:

  • Do not use the sports complex without gymnastic mats.
  • Do not allow children to leave toys on gymnastic mats in areas where the child may fall (jump) from the shells of the complex.
  • Do not allow children to climb into the sports complex with toys in their hands, with food in their hands or in their mouths.
  • The child at the sports complex should only be barefoot.
  • Do not leave a small child unattended during classes at the sports complex!
  • When using the sports complex with several children at the same time, do not allow them to climb one projectile together.

By creating a suitable environment for a child from a very young age for full physical development, you will ensure his health for many years to come. Being engaged in a sports complex, your child will become agile, active and strong, and this will become the key to his further success in physical development.

You can choose a sports complex for the kid on the official website of the manufacturer of children's sports and gaming complexes "Early Start"

"Early start" - original sports and game complexes for children from birth to school are now in the new branch in St. Petersburg! Come see live! We deliver fast and free around the city.


Watch the video: Sea Babies Swim Lessons - Woodloch Sports Complex (June 2024).