Modern men disappoint modern women


In articles, television programs, forums devoted to relations or social issues, one can often hear reproaches addressed by specific women to all “modern men”.

Often this can be heard from feminists, who traditionally have a “special” relationship with men because of their worldview and women who are disappointed in relationships or tired of fruitless attempts to get them. But what about women in general?

The Internet portal “Women's Opinion” decided to find out how modern women are generally satisfied with the male part of our society and conducted a survey on this topic. Participants were asked to choose one of three simple answer options: “modern men” delight, leave them indifferent or upset, understanding this term as a collective image of all those men they encounter in everyday life. And also we asked the participants to give their comments.

And the results of this survey cannot be called sedative for the stronger sex.

Only 40% of women are completely satisfied with the behavior of the stronger sex. Such women argue that they increasingly come across resourceful, persistent, self-sufficient and pleasant in all respects men who are not afraid of difficulties. Although they often make the reservation that they are probably just lucky (and this is alarming).

Another 28 percent of respondents admit that despite some rare glimpses, the male part of society seems to them an inexpressive gray mass and therefore practically does not cause any emotions. Knights and men were not afraid to make beautiful gestures, it’s hard to meet a person who is bright, charismatic and at the same time able to beautifully look after and truly love, they say. Hence the indifference.

Well, 32% of the women surveyed pour accusations against the stronger sex, as if from a cornucopia: infantility, narcissism, alpha, infidelity, laziness ... "The infantilism of modern men goes beyond all reasonable limits." “They are like children playing shooters on a computer, how can we take them seriously?” “They only love themselves and believe that we should love them the same way. But for what !? ”“ Only my dog ​​makes me happy ”- these are just some of the statements.

Maybe this is spoiled Muscovites say this? Not at all.

Irina, 25 years old, Cheboksary: Speaking of men, the current ones ... I would say that there are few “men”, but “men” are a dime a dozen people who do something and do nothing ... They are mostly lazy. Even in transport they are not inferior to the elderly, they are just waiting for the girls to yield ... Unfortunately, very few educated people and cultural ones. Or vice versa - workaholics who are always busy with their own affairs, I know many who, living only through work, cannot create a family.

And here is another interesting opinion:

Ksenia (age and place of residence unknown): ... If we talk about disappointment or joy, then we must start from some kind of internal expectations, and these expectations must somehow be formed. At my age, these expectations are based on personal experience. So at the moment, the men I come across everyday meet the expectations. When I was young, expectations were formed by cinema, theater and literature - and these are naturally idealized images. At that time, men from my surroundings disappointed me, and very much.

Maybe, indeed, modern women should formulate their expectations based on the prosaic reality that is around us - and men will begin to seem better to us?


Watch the video: 8 Things About A Woman That Disappoints A Man Most (June 2024).