Golden milk: how to cook milk with turmeric. What is the use of milk with turmeric and whether there is harm from it


Traditional medicine knows many recipes based on milk.

Honey, onions, soda - this is just a very small list of ingredients that, in combination with a milk base, have a therapeutic effect on the body.

But Ayurveda gave us another wonderful recipe - milk with turmeric.

This drink is very popular today.

Benefits of Turmeric Milk

Golden yellow turmeric powder is not accidentally called a natural antibiotic or natural aspirin. Its ingestion is really very useful. Turmeric has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, disinfectant and wound healing properties. It helps to cope with a headache, quickly cure a cold, get rid of edema.

In combination with milk, the wonderful properties of turmeric are enhanced. Golden milk with turmeric has a wide range of therapeutic applications:

• relieves pain of any localization;

• literally in 2-3 days heals a cold;

• strengthens the body's immune forces;

• normalizes the functioning of the intestines and digestive organs, stopping diarrhea;

• promotes the rapid removal of toxins from the body;

• cleanse the liver and blood;

• reduces blood pressure in hypertension;

• beneficial effect on joint tissue and bone system, strengthening them;

• relieves skin of irritation, redness, makes it very beautiful, healthy, elastic;

• considered to be the prevention of cancer and Alzheimer's disease;

• effectively reduces excess weight.

If you take milk with turmeric constantly, then you can get rid of the deposition of salts, arthritic pain and joint inflammation, strengthen your nerves, and make your spine more flexible and healthy. This is an indispensable product for preserving youth and beauty. In addition, it has a good effect on the activity of brain cells, increasing mental activity.

How to make turmeric milk

There are several basic recipes for making milk with turmeric, the benefits and harms of which are of great interest today. Which recipe to choose is actually not that important. In any case, you get a delicious healing drink.

Pepper recipe

Before you breed turmeric in milk, you need to make a special paste from it. It is easy to store and dissolve as needed.


• a quarter cup of turmeric defect;

• half a glass of cooled boiling water;

• half a teaspoon of ground hot pepper (you can take less if you want to make a not too spicy drink).

All the components of the future paste need to be mixed, thoroughly smashed with a fork, lumps and put on fire. When the water boils, boil the mass over low heat for 7 minutes. It is important to stir constantly so that the mixture does not burn. As a result, after a set time, a thick beautiful mass forms in the saucepan. It needs to be cooled, transferred to a glass jar and sent to the refrigerator. The paste base is stored in the cold for exactly a month. After 30 days, it is not usable.

No pepper recipe

Another recipe for turmeric pasta allows you to get a mild product: it does not have red pepper. Therefore, the taste is softer.


• two tablespoons of turmeric (with peas);

• a glass of drinking water.

Mix the yellow powder and water, pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil. After the liquid has boiled, cook for ten minutes on low heat, not forgetting to stir constantly. The boiled pasta will also turn out quite thick: its consistency will resemble a store sauce. Pour turmeric paste in the same way into glass containers and store it on the shelf of the refrigerator.

What to do with ready-made pasta? Make a wonderful drink out of it, just dilute it in milk. Moreover, recipes of milk with turmeric, the benefits and harms of which are known to fans of Ayurvedic medicine, are also many.

Complicated recipe

In a glass of milk, stir a teaspoon of the finished paste. You can take milk not only cow, but also any other to taste: soy, goat, almond, sesame, coconut. Put milk on the fire and bring to a boil. When the milk has cooled slightly, add a teaspoon of bee honey and the same amount of any useful oil (peanut, almond, coconut or ordinary sunflower). Stir and drink.

Simple recipe

Everything can be made much simpler without adding oil and honey. You just need to heat the milk to the desired comfortable temperature (preventing it from boiling) and stir the paste in it. In a glass of milk, just take a teaspoon of ready-made pasta.

Turmeric milk recipes for colds, insomnia, arthritis

You can make golden milk with turmeric without prior boiling of the powder to a paste. There are a lot of recipes for a simple and healthy drink, and they can be used to treat various ailments, including as an ambulance for colds.

To cure an sore throat, it is not necessary to use pharmacy products. A wonderful recipe for ancient Ayurveda will help to do this quickly and completely safely. In addition to sore throat, milk prepared in this way will soften the cough and bring down the temperature.


• a quarter cup of warm boiled water;

• half a teaspoon of turmeric powder;

• a teaspoon of ground dried ginger.

All components of the home remedy need to be mixed, top up with milk and put on fire. Stir the boiled mixture over low heat for 2-3 minutes, cool slightly and add a little honey to taste. Instead of honey, you can put sugar. It is very good to drink such milk with turmeric at night: the cough will subside, and noticeable relief will come in the morning.

To relieve pain (headache, chronic pain in the spine, symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis), get rid of insomnia, you can drink a glass of milk with turmeric at night. This recipe is also suitable for getting rid of diarrhea or indigestion. In this case, you need to drink milk in the afternoon, half an hour before meals.

Preparing the medicine is very simple: you just need to stir a pinch of turmeric in a glass of warm milk (about a quarter teaspoon).

Golden milk for obesity

Turmeric is an excellent way to get rid of several kilograms of excess weight. To lose weight, you need to cook milk according to any of the following fat-burning recipes.

Honey recipe

Boil an incomplete glass of milk and a little water separately. In a glass, put a tablespoon of turmeric, pour a quarter of boiling water and mix. Pour the glass to the top with slightly cooled milk, sweeten with honey to taste (you can not put honey) and drink at night.

Ginger recipe

Another fat burning recipe involves the use of kefir. The ingredients are as follows:

• half a liter of fat-free kefir;

• a tablespoon of turmeric powder;

• a tablespoon of freshly grated ginger root (can be replaced with dried ginger powder);

• three tablespoons of black tea;

• a teaspoon of honey;

• half a liter of water.

All ingredients except kefir, mix and pour boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, strain it and combine with kefir. Replace your drink with breakfast or dinner.

Harm from turmeric milk

Does turmeric milk have contraindications? If there is no allergy to turmeric itself or milk, then healthy people can drink without harm to their health.

The only thing to avoid is an overdose. Any excess leads to sad consequences. In the case of turmeric, it can be constipation, heartburn, high cholesterol, a decrease in the body's immune response, hypotension, a drop in blood sugar, and alopecia.

In addition, contraindications for milk with turmeric appear in the presence of the following diseases:

• the presence of stones in the bile ducts;

• ulcer and gastritis;

• taking any medications.

People suffering from any chronic illness should definitely consult a doctor about the possibility of consuming turmeric.

Important, that three weeks before the proposed operation, you need to stop using turmeric. The fact is that spice dilutes blood, and therefore can cause bleeding during surgery.


Watch the video: How To Make Turmeric Milk - Golden Milk Recipe - Haldi Doodh For Quick Weight Loss & To Sleep Better (June 2024).