The highest score for a simple dish is ham cakes. If you are tired of pies, we prepare delicious cakes with ham


Tortillas are wonderful relatives of such popular pies.

There was a time, they differed in the presence or absence of the filling. And they cooked cakes in prosperous houses, and cakes - where simpler.

The times are long gone, and flat cakes with filling are no longer rare, but they are distinguished from cakes ... well, perhaps with a more rounded, "flat" shape, and they usually try to make the dough lean and rough.

However - to whom, to taste!

Ham flat cakes - general cooking principles

• Homemade ham cakes are baked in the oven or fried in a pan in a small amount of vegetable fat. They are prepared with and without filling.

• Ham for cakes any fit. It is ground with a grater or cut into small thin slices, after which it is mixed with dough or put in the filling. Often, cheese and finely chopped greens are used in addition to grater. To enhance the taste, the ham can be slightly fried without drying its slices.

• Dough for flat cakes can be picked up with yeast, on kefir, sour cream or water. They even cook it from mashed potatoes or canned corn. Flour is added to them in small quantities to hold together other ingredients.

• Ham flat cakes are served with soup and meat dishes instead of bread. They are also served with tea, coffee or milk drinks.

Ham and cheese unleavened cakes


• 300 grams of flour;

• 40 ml of purified oil;

• spicy tomato ketchup;

• hard "Russian" cheese - 150 gr .;

• pork ham, boiled - 200 gr;

• spices "For pizza" - a couple of pinches.

Cooking method:

1. Boil 300 ml of drinking water.

2. In a large bowl, transfer the flour, add a pinch of fine salt and mix thoroughly.

3. Pour boiling water into the flour and knead the dough, first with a spoon, and then with your hands on the table.

4. When the dough has cooled well, cut it into ten pieces and roll each thin loaf.

5. Lubricate the blanks with ketchup and sprinkle with pizza spices. On a half of each flat cake, lay the ham crushed on a grater and sprinkle it with small cheese chips.

6. Wrap the free edge of the tortilla on the filling and pinch the edges tightly.

7. In a pan, heat and then heat the vegetable oil very hot. In it, fry the semi-finished products on both sides. Turn over and get out only after they are covered with a slight blush.

Ham Corn Tortillas


• 300 gr. canned corn;

• two small onions;

• four tablespoons of flour;

• 50 gr. ham;

• 70 gr. "Dutch" or "Kostroma" cheese;

• two eggs, large;

• butter, natural butter.

Cooking method:

1. From a can of corn, take four tablespoons of the marinade in a separate cup, drain the remaining marinade.

2. Wash the eggs with warm water, and, carefully breaking the shell with a knife, separate the yolks from the proteins.

3. Beat the yolks well with salt and flour. Then add onion chopped into small pieces and mix thoroughly.

4. Lightly pepper, add corn and selected marinade. Pour the diced ham and grated cheese into large chips, mix.

5. Beat the whites well and gently mix them with the corn-ham mass.

6. In a pan, with minimal heating, melt the oil and, slightly raising the temperature, warm it well. Then, prying a tablespoon of cooked mass, put small cakes and fry on each side, achieving a bright blush.

Belarusian ham yeast cakes - "Smazhentsy"


In the dough:

• a pound of white baking flour;

• two chicken eggs;

• 20 gr. instant dry yeast;

• a tablespoon of sugar;

• a spoon of refined sunflower oil;

• 200 ml of pasteurized milk.

To the filling:

• 150 g of hard, mild cheese;

• 200 gr. ham;

• a small pickled cucumber;

• any smoked sausage - 100 gr.


• one and a half tablespoons of garlic ketchup;

• mayonnaise, fatty - 1 tbsp. l .;

• a spoonful of thick tomato;

• sour cream - two spoons;

• natural butter - 30 gr.;

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve the yeast in a glass of slightly warmed water. Add a tablespoon of sugar and a small spoon of fine salt, two full tablespoons of flour to the mixture. Stir and place closer to heat.

2. The yeast mixture begins to bubble. Immediately mix it with warm milk. Add a whipped egg and vegetable oil. Pour all the flour and knead the dough. Form it with a ball, put in a large bowl and leave, covering the container with a towel. After about two hours, wash the ball up with your hands and leave it for another two hours.

3. Grind salted cucumber, ham, smoked sausage and cheese into chips with a coarse grater. Mix the ham and sausage.

4. In a small cup, mix sour cream with a small pinch of ground pepper.

5. Apply a thin layer of butter on a baking sheet.

6. Nip off small pieces of dough and squeeze them lightly with your palm on the baking sheet so that you get flat cakes with a thickness of up to 0.7 cm. Spread the workpieces at a centimeter distance.

7. When filling the entire pan, grease the cakes with mayonnaise mixed with tomato paste and ketchup. Put the sausage with ham on top and cover the meat layer with chopped pickles, sprinkle cheese on it rarely.

8. Squeeze the filling lightly with your hands and brush with sour cream and ground pepper.

9. Place the baking tray in the oven. Temperatures - 200 degrees, duration - up to 20 minutes.

Ham potato cakes


• 700 gr. potatoes;

• one egg;

• 90 gr. flour;

• a teaspoon of sesame seed;

• turmeric, curry and ground pepper mixture - to taste

• a spoonful of refined oil.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices and cook in slightly salted water. Decant the broth, and mash the potatoes with a crush and cool well.

2. Beat the egg in mashed potatoes. Add turmeric, curry and pepper mixture to your liking. Pour the ham into small cubes and thin rings of green onion. Knead the potato dough thoroughly, it will stick a little to your hands.

3. Cover the pan with parchment and apply a thin layer of vegetable oil on it. With your hands moistened with water, form small round cakes, half a centimeter thick, from potato dough and distribute them on a baking sheet.

4. Evenly chop the surface of the products with a fork and moisten them with sunflower oil. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top and set for 15 minutes. in the oven. The temperature is 180 degrees.

Ham and kefir cheese cakes


• a full glass of fat yogurt;

• cheese "Kostroma" or Russian "- 200 gr.;

• 0.5 tablespoons of sugar;

• refined oil;

• 0.5 tablespoons of soda;

• half a spoon of salt;

• 250 gr. pork ham.

Cooking method:

1. Pre-heat kefir by placing the container with the fermented milk product in warm water.

2. Pour kefir into a wide, voluminous bowl. Pour soda into it, stir vigorously and leave for ten minutes.

3. Add salt and granulated sugar, add the finest grained cheese and mix again.

4. Pouring flour in small portions, knead the dough and let it stand for twenty minutes.

5. Cut the ham into thin, medium-sized cubes or rub with a coarse grater.

6. Divide the dough into pieces and form a ball from each.

7. Roll the pieces of dough into flat cakes, put the ham filling in the center and cover the edges of the products above the filling. Then turn over and slightly roll the cakes with a rolling pin, giving them a more accurate shape.

8. In a frying pan, warm the vegetable oil for several minutes, lower and fry the cakes on it on both sides, until a delicious golden crust appears.

Tortillas with ham and cheese, in a pan on sour cream


• 300 gr. high fat sour cream;

• three eggs;

• young dill;

• 100 gr. fresh "Russian" cheese;

• ham, any boiled - 100 gr.;

• five tablespoons of flour.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the eggs into a bowl, add sour cream, a small pinch of salt to them and stir everything well with a whisk or mixer.

2. During the mixing process, add a full spoonful of flour to the mixture. When all the flour has been consumed, the dough should turn out, its consistency resembling thick sour cream.

3. Grate the ham and cheese with medium chips, chop the dill with a knife and add all the crushed ingredients to the dough. Shuffle.

4. In a pan, warm a few tablespoons of non-aromatic vegetable oil well and put a few tablespoons of dough in it. Spread it evenly over the bottom of the pan with a spatula and fry the cake, three minutes to the side.

Ham Flatbread Cooking Tips & Tips

• Do not add a lot of filling to the cakes and glue the edges tightly so that the filling does not fall out when frying.

• When frying flat cakes, do not pour a lot of oil into the pan, otherwise the products will turn out to be too greasy; after frying, put them on a disposable towel or napkin to remove the remaining oil from them

• To prevent sesame seeds from sprinkling on finished products, lubricate their surface with water or oil before sprinkling.

• Try adding brine cheeses to the filling instead of hard cheese, or to it. The filling will be more loose and the taste of cakes will improve.

• Ham from large and flat cans for filling tortillas is not suitable, it contains too much moisture. But home-made types of ham, especially from poultry, are simply created for such baking.

• If you cook home-made ham, presuming in advance that part will go to the tortilla filling, make it slightly more saltier and slightly less greasy. Excess moisture is also not good, but ham should not be too dry.

• If you bake cakes in the oven, be sure to cover the pan with parchment or grease it with oil so that they do not stick to the frypot.

• In the northern regions of Ukraine, ham cakes are served with sour cream and garlic sauce. Baking is slightly salted, and salt, crushed garlic and sour cream are mixed, whipped and served separately in sauceboats. Such cakes are called "Smazheniki" and they act as a completely independent dish. Hot savory dipped in chilled sauce, washed down with sweet tea.


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