What is an Adam's apple (maclura) and how to use it. The use of Adam's apple in folk medicine


An unusual fruit with a tuberous green peel is popularly called by people in different ways: Adam's apple, maclura, gift of God's tree, false orange, Indian (or inedible) orange. Traditional medicine knows many ways to use this strange plant to heal from various ailments. Official medicine stubbornly does not notice the Adam's apple, but healers successfully use it.

What is the use of Adam's apple

The bumpy balls of maklura remotely resemble an orange, but have an orange-green, close to light green color. The tree itself is considered a source of wood, but in no way edible fruit. Meanwhile, an Adam's apple, similar in composition to mulberry, contains a lot of useful substances:

• a lot of antioxidants essential for the body (flavonoid compounds);

• powerful natural immunostimulants;

• valuable substances (fatty acids, sterols, saponins);

• pectin;

• citric acid.

With all the value of Adam's apple juice, the use of this fruit in folk medicine should be very careful. The fact is that the fruits of the tree are quite poisonous, so you need to hard-dose any medicine prepared on the basis of maklyura. Combining treatment and taking antibiotics or alcohol is not possible.

It is better for allergy sufferers not to risk at all and turn to other treatments. Refuse to use Adam's apple tincture inside those who are diagnosed with diabetes.

What diseases does the Adam apple heal?

The use of maclore in folk medicine is very wide. Home-made medicinal products prepared on its basis have anti-sclerotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, antiviral properties.

The list of ailments that can be treated with rubbing, tinctures, ointments, oils from Adam's apple includes the following diseases:

• arthritis, polyarthritis, gout, sciatica, rheumatism;

• varicose veins;

• hemorrhagic pathologies;

• immunodeficiency states;

• metabolic disorders;

• hernia, including intervertebral;

• skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, deep skin injuries),

• intoxication.

Cases of using Adam's apple in folk medicine to strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems, normalize the liver and spleen are known. But the most valuable property of macular drugs is the ability to stop the development of cancerous tumors (including those with metastases) and benign neoplasms. The anticancer use in traditional medicine of mackerel involves the use of tinctures inside. It is important to dose them strictly, as you will have to drink for a long time.

How to make a grind, ointment and tincture of Adam's apple

From the Adam's apple, mainly external preparations are prepared: grindings, ointments, oils. In rare cases, maclura is used in folk medicine as a tincture for oral administration.

The healing effect of the fruits of God’s tree is so great that after the preparation of any medicinal potion in the cake there are enough useful substances that can be successfully used. Therefore, squeezing the fruit slices insisted on vodka, alcohol, oil, fat should not be thrown away. They should be ground in a meat grinder, combined in a small amount of any oil. Use the mass as a compress, laying on a sore spot.


To prepare the grinding you will need:

• one ripe fruit of maklura;

• alcohol or moonshine with a strength of 70% (about half a glass).

To prepare the mass, you need to select a really mature fruit, medium in size. It must be grated on the middle side of the grater and mixed with the same amount of alcohol. Pour the workpiece into a glass jar with a threaded lid, close it tightly and put it in the cabinet for two weeks so that the grind is properly infused. Grinding from Adam's apple is used in folk medicine to treat diseased joints, as it perfectly regulates the water-salt balance.


Therapeutic effective ointment from Adam's apple can be prepared in several ways. The first is quite difficult to prepare. You will need interior pork fat (about 150-200 grams) and a ripe fruit of the God's tree. The fat must be put on a dry frying pan and heated to a plastic state. Finely chop the Adam's apple. Then, in a convenient glass container, the two components are transferred in layers and kept in a water bath for 24 hours. The resulting liquid is drained and used after solidification.

Second way Preparation of ointment involves the use of a ready-made base for ointment. It can be zinc or salicylic ointment, glycerin, spermaceti, lanolin (all this is sold in the pharmacy). In extreme cases, ordinary ghee is suitable. The right amount of base is mixed with the finished tincture of Adam's apple and used to treat skin inflammations, ulcers, long healing wounds and systemic diseases.


To make butter from Adam's apple, you need to take two ripe fruits and cut them into thin strips. Place the finished mass in a glass jar, pour with any vegetable oil that is at hand (edible oil of sunflower, corn, olive, etc. is suitable). Leave the maklura to insist under the lid for a week. On the eighth day, drain the oil and store it in a dark glass dish. Adam's apple found its use in folk medicine in the form of oil for the treatment of dermatitis, lichen, psoriasis, eczema.


Preparation of tinctures for oral administration is a lengthy process. It is necessary to select ripe intact fruits by removing them from the branch in late September - early October (the fruit should have an orange color). Cut 2-3 fruits (depending on the volume of the glass container) into pieces and fill the bottle to the top. Pour the contents with good vodka or alcohol diluted up to 40 degrees, cork tightly and leave for infusion for six months. The finished product should have a rich brown-red color, reminiscent of strong tea. You can insist it up to one year inclusive. As soon as the color of the tincture changes and becomes pale orange, treatment can begin.

Internal use is acceptable for the treatment of cancer. Tincture comprehensively affects the whole body. To enhance the effect, you can combine tincture treatment with juice therapy using freshly squeezed carrot and cabbage juice.

Outwardly, the infusion of maklura is used in folk medicine in the form of lotions, turundas, compresses for gout, mastopathy, calcaneal spur, osteochondrosis, hernia. Tincture for outdoor use can be prepared faster. To do this, four sliced ​​Adam apples into pieces need to be folded into a three-liter jar, pour vodka or diluted alcohol and insist for one month.

How to use maklura and medicines from it

For the treatment of the most common diseases, Adam's apple is used in folk medicine externally.

Joint diseases, injuries

Especially effective are alcohol tinctures in the form of a compress in the treatment of inflamed joints, back pain, dislocations and bruises. On a sore or injured place, you need to impose a cloth soaked in tincture of mackle. Cover with a piece of cling film, cellophane bag, oilcloth, then cover with something warm for additional warming. A shawl, a plaid, a heavy towel will do.

If it is impossible to make a compress, then you need to thoroughly grind the sore spot with a small amount of alcohol tincture, attach a leaf of cabbage, coltsfoot, burdock and cover with a warm blanket.


Mastopathy can be treated with fresh fruit juice, cut into halves and rubbing the breast with slices. Another option is to make compresses from the alcohol tincture of maklura and hold for two to three hours.

If ointment is used for treatment, then it is necessary to keep its skin overnight. To make the procedure more effective, you need to prepare a herbal collection (oregano, white acacia, wild rose, sage) and drink it simultaneously with compresses.

Diseases of the nasopharynx

An ordinary runny nose and dangerous sinusitis can be cured by laying in the nose turundochki with a medicinal solution. In order not to burn the mucous membrane, a tablespoon of tincture should be diluted in five tablespoons of cooled boiled water, soak turundas from gauze or cotton wool and lay for 20 minutes twice a day (morning-evening). The course of treatment is one week.

Polyps can be treated in the same way. The exposure time increases to half an hour.

Diseases of the rectum

If cracks are disturbed or cancer of this organ is diagnosed, water tincture of Adam's apple will help. The use in folk medicine involves an enema. For water tincture, you will need the following components:

• a tablespoon of chopped fruit;

• a glass of boiling water.

The fruit must be put in a thermos, pour water and insist for at least 12 hours. Before using the medicine, make a regular cleansing enema, and then microclyster from the infusion of mackle.


Malignant and benign tumors are treated with alcohol tincture of mackle, using it according to the accordion method. It will take a long time to be treated, but the process can be stopped at least. Alcohol tincture is used inside first by increasing the number of drops for one daily intake, and then - in descending order. The scheme may be as follows:

• during the first week, take three drops per day;

• during the second week, the dose of the medicine increases: you need to drink the same three drops, but twice a day;

• from the third week, the medicine should be taken three times a day, and you should drink once not three drops, but four on the first day, five on the second, six on the third, etc. That is, add a drop every day until the dose is 30 drops at a time;

• Now you need to reduce the dose once a week in the reverse order, until once again you receive only three drops once a day.

The full course of such treatment will be one year. Moreover, the above scheme is proposed for a 30-year-old person and people older than this age. If we are talking about younger people, then for them the maximum dose of the medicine is calculated by age (how many years, so many drops of the maximum allowable intake).

Adam's apple can relieve many health problems. However, you must always remember the potential dangers of self-medication and resort to it only by weighing the pros and cons.
