Do not want to grow old quickly - take care of the health of your lungs


If you maintain lung health, that is, eat well, play sports, and most importantly do not smoke, you can solve the problem of aging to a certain extent, say American researchers.

Lead author Charles Emery of Ohio State Research University and colleagues analyzed data from a Swedish study that tracked participants' health for nearly two decades.

Their analysis, which was recently published in the journal Psychological Science, found that a decrease in pulmonary function can lead to a decrease in two "mobile" cognitive functions of the brain, which are associated with problem solving and the speed of processing information by the brain as an individual ages.

"The logical conclusion from these discoveries is the following: everything that you will do to maintain lung function should also be useful for moving cognitive functions," Emery said. - "Refusing such addiction as smoking and adhering to a training regimen are two of the main methods to combat brain aging. Nutritional factors and minimizing the effects of environmental pollutants also play a big role."

Emery said that their conclusion will help to better understand the human aging process. According to one of the theories of aging, all functions slow down at the same rate, but this study by American scientists shows that a decrease in some functions leads to a change in the rate of decrease in other functions.

However, the question of exactly which processes cause aging remains an open question.


Watch the video: 6 Things You Should Never Do After Eating (July 2024).