Useful properties of meadowsweet, and to whom is it contraindicated? In which cases are the beneficial properties of the meadowsweet, and how to apply it


Meadowsweet is widely used in folk medicine.

It has long been called a forty-bore, as it was believed that a flower can heal forty diseases.

In medicine, all its parts are used: root, inflorescences, bark of stems, young shoots.

Meadowsweet: general information and useful properties

Meadowsweet is a perennial plant from the Pink family, another name is meadowsweet. Its habitat is located in the temperate zone, it grows in Europe, partly in Central Asia. It prefers a humid climate, because it can be found more often in marshy places, near rivers and lakes.

This is a flower blooming with white inflorescences exuding a pronounced pleasant aroma, thanks to which it is added to beer, compotes. Root, leaves, inflorescences can be eaten, in soups and salads, brew fragrant tea, and make jam from them. Due to the high content of starch, food from meadowsweet is hearty enough. Because of this, it is used as a good feed base for animals.

In industry, the plant is used for leather dressing, as well as for obtaining paints, mainly black and yellow colors.

The healing and beneficial properties of meadowsweet have long been known, they use both dry and fresh plants. The composition contains vitamins A and C, vanillin, starch, carotene, salicylic and ascorbic acids, tannins. But you need to use it carefully, because there are certain contraindications to the use of meadowsweet.

Useful properties of meadowsweet in medical practice

The plant is widely used as an antiseptic, has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. Therefore, it can be used as a healing agent for wounds, pustules, with herpes, with gangrene and trophic ulcers on the lower extremities. In the fight against viruses, it will become a good helper for influenza and other infectious and viral diseases.

The use of meadowsweet to solve problems with the heart and blood vessels is widely known, it has a thinning effect, reduces blood coagulation with thrombophlebitis, after strokes and with coronary heart disease. It removes pain during rheumatism, gout, joint diseases, relieves headaches, and with regular use reduces their frequency.

Another useful property of the meadowsweet is the diuretic and choleretic effect, due to which it is possible to treat ulcers, gastritis, dysbiosis, chronic kidney and bladder diseases.

As an additional tool, the plant is used to stop gynecological bleeding, in the fight against internal injuries and swelling. They also treat hemorrhoids with its help.

In complex therapy, meadowsweet is used to reduce the negative manifestations of diabetes.

Used in cosmetology as an effective tool to combat skin problems and to enhance hair growth.

Useful properties of meadowsweet in recipes for various diseases

• Decoction of meadowsweet. On one glass of boiling water you need to pour 1 tablespoon. chopped inflorescences, boil for 5-7 minutes, let it brew for 50 minutes. And then strain and consume 3-4 times a day for 1-2 tbsp. spoons. Such therapy will help with exacerbated diseases of the genitourinary system. Reduces joint pain and discomfort in gout and rheumatism.

• Infusion of meadowsweet. On a glass of boiling water, approximately 200-250 ml., It is necessary to fill in a teaspoon of inflorescences, allow to brew in a sealed container for 1-2 hours. After filtering, the infusion will be ready for use. It needs to be drunk during the day, in small portions for 5-6 times. This recipe is useful for those who want to heal wounds and trophic ulcers, cure a stomach ulcer, hormonal malfunctions of the female reproductive system and thyroid gland. It also has a good sedative effect. The same infusion can be treated with flu and colds, only the dosage of inflorescences needs to be increased to 2 tbsp. l and take strictly before meals.

• Ointment from the meadowsweet. The meadowsweet root also has beneficial properties. An ointment can be made from it, which will help with bites of various animals and insects, acute rheumatism, eczema, seborrhea. For this, the crushed root is mixed with petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1: 2.

• You can cook and tincture from the root, bay 50 gr. crushed root 400 ml of boiling water and after it is swept in a water bath for half an hour, let it brew for about 5-6 hours and consume a quarter cup twice a day. Store the infusion in a cold place to avoid the fermentation process.

• Alcohol infusion from meadowsweet. Grind 50 grams of dried leaves of the plant in a mortar and pour 500 ml. alcohol or vodka, mix thoroughly and put in a dark place for 10 days, then strain several times and take during periods of exacerbation of rheumatism. You need to store it in the cellar or refrigerator.

• Flower powder used to treat burns, diaper rash, pressure sores.

• Compote from the meadowsweet to cook it we need 25 gr. flowers, 150 gr. sugar, 300 grams of apples and the juice of half a lemon

• Among other things, in combination with other useful plants, it can well correct a depleted organism. For a useful collection, yarrow leaves, yellow melilot flowers, meadowsweet, nettle roots, hypericum, licorice are needed. All this is mixed in equal parts and brewed as tea, you can add a little honey or lemon.

In cosmetology recommend treating oily skin with infusion of meadowsweet with the addition of alcohol, by rubbing the face. Mask made from inflorescences mixed with honey and lemon, or oatmeal, helps to make the skin velvet and get rid of problem rashes. A daily cup of flower tea will improve skin condition and stimulate hair growth. To improve hair growth and their general condition, you can rinse your hair with infusion of flowers.

To keep the beneficial properties of the meadowsweet for a long time, you need to properly collect and dry the plant.

Meadowsweet begins to bloom in July-August, at the same time, and you need to collect flowers, knit in small bunches and dry on the street in the shade. Dig the root in the fall, when the part of the stem adjacent to the ground begins to turn yellow. After digging the root, it is left to dry completely and then crushed. Such raw materials can be stored for up to two or three years, but the greatest effect can be obtained during the first year.

Meadowsweet and contraindications

Despite its useful properties, meadowsweet has contraindications, so it is important not to harm your health. People with hypertension should be careful about the plant, before use it is necessary to visit a doctor, determine the risks and duration of treatment. High blood pressure is the first contraindication of meadowsweet and its products to use.

A plant can cause stomach and digestive problems, such as colic, constipation, and nausea. Therefore, you should monitor your well-being and the course of such symptoms.

The plant contains salicylates, which can accumulate in the body, so control of the blood composition is necessary. Especially if therapy is taking long courses.

Separately, individual intolerance can be distinguished, but in this case, you can also find a method of treatment. Since the meadowsweet contains useful essential oils, they can be used for allergy sufferers in the form of aromatherapy.

A contraindication to taking meadowsweet is a child's age up to 3 years.

In case of any contraindications, it is necessary to obtain the permission of the doctor for using the above recipes.


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