Conspiracies and rituals on the waning moon


The phases of the moon have a big impact on a person’s life. Depending on it, various rituals are recommended. The old moon hides in itself a special energy, which is why the conspiracies and rites on the waning moon carry purification, liberation and promise good luck in deeds and love. This period allows you to cleanse yourself of illnesses, mental pains, to gain the necessary spiritual energy in the future.

How to read conspiracies on a decreasing moon?

The waning moon is considered the best period for healing, protection and getting rid of everything superfluous and negative in life. It is in this phase that the following conspiracies have the greatest result:

  1. Plot from failures.
  2. On love and return loved one.
  3. To protect against enemies.
  4. To get rid of loneliness.
  5. For good luck and monetary well-being.
  6. On health.

However, each of these rituals has a set of certain rules, without which it will not have the desired effect. There are general guidelines that include strict adherence to instructions, faith in a positive result, complete secrecy of intentions from other people and, of course, a suitable phase - the waning moon.

New love and return of the beloved

Love affairs are one of the main rituals performed on the old moon. It was during this period that the forces of nature have a beneficial effect on privacy, awaken hidden feelings and ignite the flame of love and passion.

Conspiracies on the waning moon on the love of a man are best read on the photo of the one you want to bewitch. For the ritual, in addition to the photograph, you will need 3 red church candles and a needle. It is necessary to perform the ritual in the dark exactly at midnight all alone, observing all stages of the ritual:

1. To stand at the window so that the moon could be seen.

2. Place the candles on the windowsill and light them.

3. Take a photo of your loved one and, looking alternately at the moon and in the photo, read the plot three times:

  • "As the moon loves night and comes only with its rising, so you, the servant of God (the name of the chosen one), only me alone, (your name), love, with me alone, never think of anyone else"

4. Candles to extinguish, and melted wax should stick around the face of the chosen one on the image.

5. Draw a lock with a needle on a wax and say:

  • "I lock your heart on the lock, I take the key from it"

6. Photos to hide in a safe place and not show anyone before the wedding with her lover.

Return the husband to the family or a loved one is easier than bewitching someone else, because there is already love in his heart and it only needs to be revived. Conspiracies to return a loved one, which can be read on a waning moon, are not only capable of returning past feelings, but also forever discourage the lover from other women.

For the ritual, you need one church candle and two photos: your own and your husband or boyfriend. Since the ceremony is performed on fire, you need to buy three church candles. As in the first version of the plot, you should wait until midnight and light the candle in complete silence and solitude. Then, looking at the face of a loved one, repeat three times:

  • "As soon as this candle burns out, the moon will (names) revive the love"

Allow the candle to burn out almost to the base and extinguish the wick with your right hand, and hide the rest in a secluded place. This plot is considered one of the most powerful in love magic.

Protection from enemies

Protecting yourself and your family from enemies or eliminating enemies at work is also possible with the help of a special conspiracy. But you should consider whether you just want to defend yourself from the influence of a person or keep him away from yourself. To protect you, get three church candles: one big and two smaller. The one that is higher, place in the center of the table, and small at the sides. Without taking your eyes off the flame, proceed to the prayer:

  • "God protect my home and people dear to my heart. Protect my work and work from unkind enemies, from everyone I know, and from those I do not know. Save and hide from villains and their wiles. In the name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit. Aminь "

It is considered more radical rite of the worst enemies using candles and nails. He is able to discourage ill-wishers and, if they want to harm you, he can "prick" them in response. For this ritual, you need to acquire exactly 7 candles and 7 nails. Spread the candles on the table in a semicircle, and in front of them put nails in a row, take in both hands a sheet with a plot and read the spell out loud:

  • "As the moon wanes in the sky, so all my enemies will not sleep. For every prickly word and resentment, let them wash over with tears and a grave part be punished. Whoever called me or attacked my family, let him be doubly offended and humiliated. I send the enemy action in return. To find no forgiveness or repentance to the enemies. So be it. Amen. "

A conspiracy from enemies, read to a diminishing moon, can ward off misfortunes and misfortunes from your home, eliminate ill-wishers, save from unfavorable deals and financial frauds.

Money and luck

To attract good luck, both in life and in the monetary sphere, it is important to get rid of obstacles and bad luck. You can read a conspiracy for money on a decreasing moon at home using just a small mirror. Wait for the moon to rise, turn your back to the window and lift the mirror so that it reflects in it. Catching the moon reflection, repeat the plot three times:

  • "Mother moon, you are full of gold and silver, save me from lack of money and poverty, give me a good share"

It is better to read a plot from lack of money on a decreasing moon on a trifle, holding 13 coins in a palm. You will spell coins. Therefore, do not forget to throw them over the left shoulder after the ceremony and leave without looking around. Words to say during the ritual:

  • "My poor thing, mayah, come down from me and go to the trifle. Who will pick this pretty penny, he will take all the poor man away. Amen."

This conspiracy from poverty is best read on a waning moon somewhere on the road. So you can safely leave the place of the rite.

From loneliness

Finding happiness and faith, ending your sadness and helping you free yourself * reading a conspiracy from loneliness towards yourself on a waning moon. Moreover, the effect of this ritual is almost instantaneous. It is better to conduct the ritual at night on Wednesday before bedtime. Prepare a glass of water, preferably holy, as it is a conductor for light energy. Then read the words:

  • "Voditsa is a little sister, you have seen a lot, washing the land where the lovely little foot has stepped, walked past my path. Turn our destinies, connect smiles, let your current open my doorstep to your sweetheart. Wash, renew my blood, sadness - loneliness drive out. flowing golden stream. Let dear forever be near me! "

Drink water and go to bed. Sleep can also carry an important meaning associated with the rite, so you should pay attention to it.

From diseases

There are many conspiracies from the disease on the waning moon, which can be read almost always and everywhere. For example, at noon, lie on your right side and say: "Half a day has passed, half the disease left", and at sunset in the same position: "The day has passed, the illness is gone."

From diseases, the most universal is considered to be a conspiracy carried out on the street near a young tree. You need to touch the trunk and say: "Ailment is painful, ailment lingering for the trunk stretches, it passes to the tree, it does not torment (the name) your slave, but weaves it down I give my sickness, I take health. Amen!"

From pain of a different nature will help the plot. At the same time it is necessary to drive a finger around the diseased part of the body and repeat:

  • "I appeal to you (specify the organ that hurts or a part of the body): do not hurt, do not be ill, do not torture the servant of God (name).As the Month declines in the sky, so my sickness recedes. Amen!"

Read the words three times and, if the pain does not recede within a few days, repeat the rite.


Watch the video: The Moon Live Stream: 010417 PART 2. IT CLEARED! (July 2024).