Ureaplasma in men - causes, symptoms and treatment. Features of the course of ureaplasmosis in men, its prevention


Ureaplasmosis is a sexually transmitted disease, one of the most common infections affecting the genitourinary tract.

It is less common in men than in women, and proceeds in an erased, latent form, more often it is asymptomatic.

Therefore, a man may not suspect the presence of ureaplasmosis, while being a source of infection.

In women, especially in pregnancy, ureaplasmosis proceeds mainly acutely, with a vivid clinical picture, more than half of women, according to statistics, are carriers of the pathogen.

Ureaplasmas are microorganisms that combine the properties of viruses and bacteria, but are bacteria.

Previously, ureaplasma was part of a group of microorganisms that are sexually transmitted. But not so long ago, ureaplasma was attributed to conditionally pathogenic microflora, which in uncritical amounts is not harmful to humans.

Its habitat is the mucous membranes of the human urogenital system, in which ureaplasma can comfortably exist for a long time.

In a healthy person, ureaplasmas do not manifest themselves in any way. But under certain conditions, they cause inflammation, which takes a long time to heal.

There are three types of pathogens from the genus ureaplasma. Pathogenic to humans are two of them: Ureaplasma urealyticum and Ureaplasma parvum. According to the clinical manifestations that they cause, are no different. Similarities with viruses are in microscopic dimensions, the absence of a full-fledged cell membrane, a scanty amount of genetic material, the ability to penetrate into the epithelial cell and the ability to intracellular reproduction.

Common manifestations with bacteria are the presence of a nucleus and certain cellular structures, the ability to respond, albeit sometimes weakly, to the effects of antibiotics.

Ureaplasma in men - causes

Ureaplasma in men is the cause of inflammatory diseases, which in most cases proceed secretly. In order for the disease to occur, it is necessary certain conditions.


- reduced immunity;

- a large titer of ureaplasma;

- weakening of the protective functions of the mucous epithelium.

Infection with ureaplasma occurs in several ways:

- sexual - with all types of sexual contacts;

- vertical: from mother to fetus during childbirth;

- contact - household: there is currently no solid evidence in favor of this transmission route, so the possibility of infection in the pool, through the toilet lid or personal items is unlikely.

The causes of ureaplasma in men are diverse, the main ones are:

- numerous sexual intercourse,

- unprotected sex,

- uncontrolled intake of antibiotics,

- hormone therapy, concomitant diseases, including sexually transmitted infections.

Also, the causes of ureaplasma in men can be constant stress, a deterioration in the quality of life, radiation exposure, i.e., any factors that reduce immunity.

Ureaplasma in men - symptoms

The latent incubation period is from 2 weeks to several months. Therefore, in the presence of ureaplasma, men may not have symptoms for a very long time, despite the fact that the man is a potential source of infection during this period.

Often, even after the incubation period, the clinical symptoms of ureaplasma in men are so scanty that the patient himself may not suspect that he is sick.

The main symptoms of the disease resemble any other inflammatory disease of the genitourinary tract in men and is manifested:

- transparent and meager discharge;

- discomfort and pain during urination;

- itching and burning with mictos and urination;

- dysuric phenomena (urges to urinate more often)

- early ejaculation

Sometimes a mild form of ureaplasma in men is asymptomatic and is "cured" of itself. This does not mean that the disease is gone forever: with a decrease in immunity, ureaplasmosis returns.

Unbeknownst to the patient, chronic inflammation develops in the urethra, bladder, testes, testicles and prostate.

The danger is that ureaplasma in men can damage the germ cells and disrupt their development - thus becoming one of the causes of infertility.

The lack of timely treatment of ureaplasma in men leads to the development of severe complications. These include:

- urethritis - manifested by pains and burning during urination;

- epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymis: densification and enlargement of the appendage occurs, discomfort occurs, there is no pain;

- prostatitis - is accompanied by difficulty urinating, frequent urination, pain in the perineum, decreased erectile function;

- deterioration in sperm quality;

- infertility;

- narrowing of the urethra

- urolithiasis disease

- pyelonephritis, cystitis;

- pneumonia;

- infectious arthritis;

- meningitis.

Ureaplasma in men - treatment

In connection with the development of the severe consequences of ureaplasma in men, if treatment is not started on time, you need to contact a urologist as soon as possible. Treatment of ureaplasma in men is carried out according to certain rules:

drugs are prescribed without fail at the same time to all sexual partners after a quality detailed diagnosis;

  • at the time of treatment, it is necessary to stop intimate life even with barrier means of protection;
  • in case of detection of concomitant infections, individual treatment is prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of the identified microflora;
  • treatment is carried out strictly according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor, its interruption ahead of schedule is possible only after repeated consultation with a specialist;
  • after the course of treatment, conduct a laboratory examination to diagnose the cure of ureaplasmosis.

Currently, treatment of ureaplasma in men is carried out in cases where it is planned to have a baby, if the ureaplasma range is increased and if there is inflammation.

Treatment of ureaplasma in men begins with antibiotic therapy.

The groups of antibiotics to which these microorganisms are most sensitive are used:

  • fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, avelox, moxifloxacin)
  • last generation macrolides (clarithromycin, azithromycin)
  • tetracyclines (doxycycline, unidox).

For successful treatment, it is necessary to determine the sensitivity of ureaplasma to antibiotics. Treatment should be comprehensive, therefore, together with an antibiotic, immunomodulators, adaptogens, multivitamins with a high content of ascorbic acid are prescribed (Vitrum, Complivit, Alphabet, etc.). Normalization of lifestyle and nutrition is recommended. For the duration of treatment, a diet is prescribed with the exception of very spicy, salty spicy food. Good rest and sleep are shown in order to maintain the body's defenses.

On average, treatment takes about two weeks. In complex cases, in the presence of concomitant diseases, the treatment time is extended.

It should be borne in mind that in the process of antibiotic treatment, dysbiosis, candidiasis, allergies can develop. In these cases, appropriate medications are individually prescribed. In the process of treatment, physiotherapeutic research methods are used.

Ureaplasma in men - prevention

The best prevention of urealazmosis, as well as other infections with sexual transmission, is abstinence.

It is recommended to maintain an intimate relationship with a regular sexual partner. In all cases, using a condom is by far the most reliable way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

Locally, you can use chlorhexidine, mirpamistin and other antiseptics that are suitable for mucous membranes.

You can not abuse them, because they can cause burns to the mucous membrane, allergies. At the slightest suspicion of a disease, you need to see a doctor for examination and prescribe a full treatment.

Do not self-medicate in order to avoid chronization of the process and possible complications.

Since the infection is asymptomatic for a long time, it is necessary to visit a urologist once a year with mandatory laboratory diagnostics for the timely appointment of treatment in case of a positive

Take all measures to increase immunity. A healthy active lifestyle without alcohol and nicotine, moderate physical activity, proper nutrition, lack of stress - this is the guarantee of health and a real chance not to get infected with serious diseases.


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