For three months, Uma Thurman hid the name of her newborn daughter and for good reason ...


As previously reported, on July 15 of this year, actress Uma Thurman gave birth to a girl. The father was her boyfriend - French financier Arpad Busson, with whom the actress has been together since 2007. But young parents hid from the public the name of the newborn baby. Up to this point ...

According to his father, he is sure that it was worth the wait.

“I would like to announce the name of my daughter for the first time and officially: Rosalind Arusha Arcadina Altaloon Florence Thurman-Busson, better known to family and friends as the Moon, ”said the representative of the actress.

The couple keeps the origin of such an extra-long name of the Moon a secret. It was only said that: "Each name has a special meaning for her mother and father."

Luna is the first child of 42-year-old Uma Thurman with 49-year-old Busson, but the third child is for Uma. She already has two children from marriage with actor Ethan Hawke: daughter Maya (13 years old) and son Levon (10 years old). Busson also has two sons with an ex-bride - top model El MacPherson.

The actress does not intend to sit on maternity leave for a long time. And now she has already joined the stellar cast of the upcoming erotic drama "Nymphomaniac".


Watch the video: 10 Celebs Say Bye To Wives, Hello To Nanny Scandal (June 2024).