Appetizing pumpkin dishes for children: a sweet sun in a plate! Simple delicious pumpkin recipes for kids


Does the kid capriciously wrinkle his nose at the sight of vegetables?

Lazily poking around in a plate? Do not know how to feed a playful offspring healthy food? Cook a whimsy sunny pumpkin treat.

The colorful vegetable is perfect for baby food, as it contains substances that are necessary for the full development of the child's body.

What can be cooked from pumpkin? Porridge? But she’s quickly tired. And no! Sweet vegetable is ideal for making tasty, fragrant and healthy puddings, pies, pancakes, casseroles, soups, mashed potatoes, soufflé, stews, cereals! Let's get started?

Useful pumpkin dishes for children: cooking features

1. Take a ripe squash of a deep orange color. So that the vegetable does not turn out to be immature, pay attention to the tail, if the stem is dry, then the pumpkin is suitable for preparing children's dishes. In addition, we buy a medium-sized vegetable, as large fruits do not differ in juiciness, tenderness and sweetness. And also we refuse to purchase a pumpkin, on the peel of which there are any spots, dents, scratches, mold and rot.

2. To prepare healthy pumpkin dishes for children, we wash the vegetable, wipe it with paper towels, and remove the peel using a piller or an ordinary knife. We cut in half, take out the seeds with veins, using a spoon, grind the pulp with a grater, meat grinder, blender.

3. If required, boil the pumpkin in a small amount of water for 35 minutes or bake in the oven for an hour.

4. If it is necessary to turn the pulp into mashed potatoes, use a blender, crush, sieve or meat grinder.

5. We prepare the other ingredients required to create a pumpkin dish for children.

6. We do not use spices, as they negatively affect the children's body.

7. We boldly combine pumpkin with various fruits, vegetables, cereals, meat and dairy products.

8. We cook pumpkin dishes for children according to the recipe.

Pudding - a delicate pumpkin dish for children


• 200 g of pumpkin pulp;

• Art. milk;

• 50 g of sugar;

• egg;

• 4 tbsp. drinking water.


1. Wash the pumpkin and wipe with napkins. Using a piller or a regular knife, remove the peel. Cut a bright vegetable, take out the veins with seeds.

2. Cut the flesh into small cubes and send to a pot of water. Boil the vegetable for 35 minutes, and then cool.

3. Pour milk at room temperature into a container, add boiled pumpkin pulp, sugar and egg. Mix all the ingredients. Then beat, using a blender, until a homogeneous consistency.

4. Filter the pumpkin-milk mixture through a sieve or cheesecloth, folded in three layers to get rid of lumps.

5. Fill the cups with a gentle mass and cover them with foil.

6. Cover the bottom of the pan with a towel and put molds with pumpkin mixture on it. Pour water into the container so that it reaches the edges of the bowls, and put the pan on the tile. Cook for 10 minutes.

7. Remove the molds from the pan and cool. When they cool, put them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

8. We decorate pumpkin dishes for children with banana slices.

Souffle - an airy dish of pumpkins for children


• 250 g of pumpkin pulp;

• 250 g of cottage cheese;

• 60 g of granulated sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• 100 g of raisins;

• Art. a spoonful of butter;

• 3 tbsp. drinking water.


1. Wash and dry the pumpkin. Remove the peel, cut in half and take out the seeds with fibers. Grind the vegetable and send it to the pan. Cook for 35 minutes. Cool, interrupt with a blender and put in a deep bowl.

2. Cottage cheese is mixed with 30 g of sugar and sent to a pumpkin.

3. We take the eggs and carefully separate the proteins from the yolks. Add 30 g of sugar to the proteins and beat until a fluffy cap of foam is formed, and the yolks to a creamy consistency. Enter into the pumpkin-curd mass first yolks, then squirrels. Gently mix with a spatula from top to bottom.

4. Pour raisins with boiling water, and after 10-15 minutes we take out and cool. Send it to the cottage cheese, pumpkin and eggs. Then carefully, but very carefully mix the ingredients.

5. Lubricate the molds with butter, spread a tender mass and put in the oven for 10 minutes. To make it more interesting for children, you can buy forms in the form of animals, stars, hearts, etc.

6. Decorate pumpkin dishes for children with raspberries or cherries.

Pie - a lush pumpkin dish for children


• 400 g of pumpkin pulp;

• 4 apples;

• 2 bananas;

• egg;

• 150 g of sugar;

• 70 ml of milk;

• 3 tbsp. flour;

• teaspoon of baking powder;

• Art. a spoonful of butter.


1. Wash the pumpkin and wipe with napkins. Cut in half and extract the seeds with fibers. Remove the peel using a knife or a piller. We cut the pulp into cubes and interrupt it with a blender.

2. Wash and dry the apples. Remove the peel and remove the tail with the core. Cut the fruit into slices.

3. Peel the bananas and grind them: cut one into rings, and turn the second into mashed potatoes and send it into a container with pumpkin.

4. Pour milk into a bowl, add sugar and egg. Whip the components. Enter the egg-milk mixture in the pumpkin-banana mass.

5. Sift the flour and mix with baking powder.

6. A mixture of flour and baking powder is added in small portions to a bowl of pumpkin and knead the dough.

7. Lubricate the mold with oil, pour the pumpkin dough, squeeze the apple slices and banana rings.

8. Turn on the oven, select a temperature range of 180-200 ° C and send the cake to bake. After an hour, check the readiness of the pumpkin dessert.

9. We decorate pumpkin dishes for children with chocolate, fruit or powdered sugar.

Mashed potatoes - a healthy dish of pumpkin for children


• 70 g pumpkin;

• 50 g squash;

• 40 g of potatoes;

• 40 g carrots;

• 50 g of tomatoes;

• 30 g of cauliflower;

• teaspoon of butter;

• some salt;

• Art. drinking water.


1. My pumpkin and drain. Remove the peel, cut, remove the seeds and veins. Cut the flesh into small cubes.

2. Zucchini, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, wash, drain. Remove the peel and cut into small cubes.

3. My cauliflower, dry and disassemble into inflorescences.

4. Put the ingredients in a pan, fill with water, put on the stove and cook for 35 minutes.

5. Drain the water and cool the vegetables. When cooled, put in a blender bowl and beat until creamy.

6. Add mashed salt, oil and mix well.

7. Grind the vegetable mass through a sieve.

8. Decorate pumpkin dishes for children with peas or corn.

Soup - a hearty pumpkin dish for children


• 350 g of pumpkin pulp;

• 350 g chicken fillet;

• 3 potatoes;

• carrot;

• onion head;

• Art. a spoon of vegetable oil;

• some salt;

• 3.5 liters of drinking water.


1. Wash and dry the pumpkin. Cut in half, remove the seeds with fibers and remove the peel. Cut the flesh into cubes.

2. Wash the fillet, dry and cut into cubes.

3. Potatoes, carrots, onions, peel, wash, wipe. And then we cut the potatoes into cubes, grind the carrots, and chop the onions.

4. Pour the oil into the pan, put the carrots and onions. We pass the vegetables for 3 minutes.

5. In the pan we put the chicken fillet, pour water, put the container on the stove. We are waiting for boiling and remove the foam. Add the pumpkin and cook for 20-25 minutes. Then pour the potatoes. We cover the pan with a lid and cook the vegetable and meat broth for another 10 minutes.

6. When the pumpkin and potatoes become soft, add the carrot-onion mixture, fried in oil.

7. Season the soup with salt and remove the pan from the stove.

8. We decorate pumpkin dishes for children with curly dill and add crackers.

Dumplings - original pumpkin dish for children


• 250 g of pumpkin pulp;

• 150 g of cheese;

• half a glass of flour;

• egg;

• half a glass of cream;

• litere of water.


1. Wash and wipe the pumpkin. Cut in half, remove seeds with fibers and peel. We cut the pulp into cubes, put it in a container and fill it with water. We put the pan on the stove and cook the vegetable for 35 minutes. And then we cool and puree using a blender or crush.

2. Grind the cheese.

3. Add the egg to the pumpkin puree and beat the mass thoroughly.

4. In small portions, we introduce flour and 75 g of cheese into the pumpkin-egg mixture. Knead the dough.

5. We collect the dough with a teaspoon, carefully lower it into boiling water. When the dumplings come up, boil them for 2-3 minutes and put on a plate. Sprinkle pumpkin and cheese dumplings with cheese.

6. Decorate pumpkin dishes for children with dill and pour cream.

Pumpkin dishes for children: important points

1. To prepare a pumpkin dish for children, we use fresh or frozen pumpkin without flaws.

2. We buy pumpkins of honey grades. They are ideal for the children's body, in addition, they are very sweet and juicy.

3. We send the colorful vegetable to the oven for several minutes, which will allow you to peel it very quickly and easily.

4. If we want the delicacy for the baby to be more tender, cook or bake pumpkin before cooking this or that dish.

5. If there is a piece of pumpkin left, wrap it in foil and put it in the refrigerator. However, within 3 days, the vegetable must be used. If we do not plan to cook pumpkin dishes for children in the coming days, then we put the vegetable in a container and put it in the freezer.

6. Serve sweet goodies in a duet with fruit juices, smoothies, milkshakes, and salty - paired with fresh vegetables. Pumpkin dishes for children will bring much more benefit in combination with drinks.

7. Children are much more willing to enjoy the delicious pumpkin goodies if we show imagination and decorate the dish brightly and unusually!

To create interest in pumpkin, you can make a basket of pumpkins with your own hands with your child.


Watch the video: 4 Desserts To Make With Ripe Bananas (July 2024).