Thrush in men: causes, symptoms, ways of infection. Treatment methods for thrush in men, preventive measures


Thrush or candidiasis is a fungal disease that affects the mucous membranes and skin of a person.

Usually women suffer from candidiasis, but it can also be observed in men. Consider in more detail the symptoms of thrush in men and methods of treating such an ailment.

Thrush in men: causes

Candidiasis in the stronger sex can manifest itself in the form of an infection of the oral cavity, skin lesions or infection in the genitals (the foreskin and the head of the penis are affected).

The causative agent of this infection is considered to be a fungus of the class Candida, which "loves" to settle in a humid environment.

Provoking factors for the appearance of this disease in men can be:

1. Intestinal dysbiosis is one of the most common causes. In this state, the bacteria of the fungal flora receive all the conditions for rapid growth and reproduction. Incorrect and prolonged use of antibiotics can cause dysbiosis (it happens with unauthorized treatment or in the absence of bifidobacteria during therapy).

2. A sharp change in the hormonal background of a person. This can happen with serious pathologies of the endocrine system or a malfunction in the overall functioning of the thyroid gland.

For example, with progressive diabetes in a man, the risk of developing thrush increases sharply, since in this condition a pathogenic flora is formed on the mucous membranes, which is excellent for Candida fungi. Moreover, with diabetes in the patient’s blood, the level of sugar rises, which further contributes to the growth of fungal colonies.

3. Various disorders in the immune system make a person very vulnerable to candidiasis, since the cells of his body partially lose their protective function against the fungus.

Some medications, previous chemotherapy, serious illnesses, surgeries, and also recent infections can contribute to lowering the immune state.

4. Failure to comply with the basic rules of personal intimate hygiene (especially high humidity) can cause the reproduction of these fungi in the genitals of men.

5. Frequent change of sexual partners with unprotected contact can lead to direct infection of a healthy man from an infected woman. In this state, the disease will manifest itself very acutely ("in all its glory").

6. HIV infection, unfortunately, usually occurs along with many other dangerous infectious and fungal diseases. Candide is no exception.

7. The presence of microcracks or ulcers in the mouth threatens to enter microbes, among which there may be a candida fungus.

8. Obesity in humans contributes to the formation of deep folds on the skin, including in the area of ​​intimate organs. This, in turn, creates optimal conditions for the development of a pathogenic fungus. For this reason, overweight people need to carefully observe personal hygiene.

Thrush in men: symptoms and signs

Candidiasis with damage to the genital organs is able to localize in the foreskin and glans penis. In this case, the symptoms of this condition will be:

1. First, a person will have itching, burning and discomfort when urinating.

2. The foreskin and head of the penis may turn red.

3. Next, an unpleasant smell of “sour milk” will appear.

4. The foreskin can be very sore and flaky.

5. The head of the penis may be irritated. This will cause pain during sexual intercourse.

6. The formation of white plaque on the head of the penis is very characteristic for thrush.

7. With an acute course of the disease, a person's body temperature may increase. Nausea, headaches, loss of sexual desire, and fever can also occur.

With the transition of the disease into a chronic form, this symptom subsides a little. All signs become more blurry.

Occasionally, aching pain, burning sensation and white discharge may disturb a person.

Despite this, it is the chronic form of thrush that is considered more dangerous, since it can lead to dangerous complications.

Thrush in men: treatment features

Candidiasis is treated in the same way as other sexually transmitted diseases.

When observing the first signs of thrush, a person is recommended to contact a urologist as soon as possible. It is this specialist who will conduct the initial examination and prescribe the necessary treatment plan.

In order to identify thrush, a person needs to undergo the following diagnostic procedures:

• general blood and urine tests;

• blood test for sugar level;

• a smear from the urethra for microscopic detection of the causative agent of the disease;

• sowing of biological material from the urethra, which involves placing it in a nutrient medium in which it begins to multiply.

These tests will help your doctor find an individual treatment plan. General therapy is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms, but also at suppressing the root cause of the disease.

The course of treatment for thrush largely depends on the neglect of the pathology.

Traditional therapy has such features:

1. The patient is prescribed local ointments and creams containing clutrimazole. They need to lubricate the genitals.

2. The use of fluconazole in tablets is indicated. Flucostat and Difluzole can also replace it.

3. During treatment, the patient is recommended to completely exclude alcohol and sweets from the diet. It is also advisable to take vitamin complexes to enhance immunity.

4. If the yeast infection was caused by diabetes, then the patient is prescribed concurrent treatment for this disease.

In addition, during therapy, it is advisable for the patient to adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Avoid physical exertion.

2. Avoid stress and nervous strain.

3. Temporarily refuse sexual intercourse.

It is also very important that the patient’s sexual partner is checked for candidiasis, because otherwise, the entire course of treatment in a man may be in vain, because a person will again become infected with this fungus.

Doctors advise both sexual partners to take tests for all possible sexually transmitted diseases. This is the only way to protect yourself and your partner.

Thrush in men: treatment, complications, prevention

Candidiasis in men is not accepted to be classified as a serious disease, but if left untreated, the disease will turn into a chronic form, and this already threatens quite serious complications.

Studies show that the advanced form of this disease can lead to the following complications in a man’s condition:

1. A person may have intimate problems. In this case, a man may have pain and discomfort during intercourse.

2. Mucus begins to appear on the genital mucosa.

3. Patients with candidiasis become very susceptible to other genital infections.

4. A person may suffer from diseases such as urethritis, cystitis or nephritis.

5. With an advanced condition, chronic inflammation also passes to the prostate gland of a man. This puts a person at risk of impotence and infertility.

To reduce the risk of thrush, men should always adhere to the following tips:

1. Wear cotton underwear that will not soar.

2. Strengthen the immune system. To do this, it is useful to take vitamins, spend more time in the fresh air, play sports and eat right.

3. Avoid excessive physical exertion.

4. Monitor your weight and prevent obesity. If you already suffer from extra pounds, then you need to contact a nutritionist who will write out an individual weight loss plan.

5. Take a shower twice a day.

6. Have one permanent sexual partner. With a random connection, it is imperative to use a condom, which can protect not only from thrush, but also from a number of no less dangerous diseases.

7. When detecting diabetes, one should charmingly follow a strict diet and take medications prescribed by a doctor. Also in this condition, it is important to regularly take tests to control blood sugar levels.

8. When taking antibiotics, be sure to take bifidobacteria in parallel.

9. Do not self-medicate and take any medication without a doctor’s prescription.

10. In time to treat acute diseases, especially regarding the reproductive system.

11. When the first signs of the disease appear, doctors advise men not to delay and immediately contact a urologist until the thrush has become chronic and caused dangerous complications.


Watch the video: How to Treat Candida in 6 Steps. Dr. Josh Axe (July 2024).