Toxicosis during pregnancy


During pregnancy, women often face the need to change their lifestyle. In the first months of pregnancy, this need is due not only to the realization that a new life is warming in you, but also to such a negative factor as toxicosis.

What is toxicosis?

Toxicosis is nothing but intoxication, which leads the body into a painful state. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the effect of exogenous toxins and harmful substances on the organs and tissues of the expectant mother.

Toxicosis manifests itself in various forms - a representative of the fair sex may feel sick, vomiting and drowsiness are likely, there are constant mood swings and unjustified irritability. In rare cases, toxicosis can manifest itself in the form of bronchial asthma, dermatoses, or serious liver disorders.

Depending on the state of health of a pregnant woman, the frequency of emetic reactions with toxicosis can vary from several times in the morning (from the first to the fourth month this is normal) to 20 times a day, which indicates serious problems. With severe toxicosis, when there is a risk to the health of the expectant mother (a total decrease in blood pressure, constant fainting, a decrease in the pulse rate, etc.), doctors can raise the issue of abortion artificially.

Doctors distinguish three degrees of toxicosis during pregnancy:

Mild toxicosis - morning nausea, vomiting no more than five times a day, the condition of a pregnant woman allows her to do business, including homework.

Medium Toxicosis - Nausea haunts not only in the morning, but also in the afternoon, vomit comes out about 8-10 times a day, the woman's weight decreases. With this problem, doctors prescribe antiemetic drugs, which make it easier for a future mother to endure a pregnancy.

Severe toxicosis - a dangerous condition requiring qualified medical care. Vomiting is repeated hourly or every 1.5-2 hours, there is a strong dehydration of the body.

Statistics show that it is the fair sex, who had health problems before the conception of the baby, especially in the liver, gall bladder and gastrointestinal tract, suffer from toxicosis, and, in such cases, the serious condition is delayed.

At the same time, doctors say that the intensity of toxicosis does not affect the state of health of the baby, and it makes no sense to say that a complex painful condition occurs with a certain field of the child.

The timing of the appearance of toxicosis during pregnancy

The terms of toxicosis are a very conventional concept, as a rule, the appearance or disappearance of signs is strictly individual and depends on the health status of the fair sex, who is going to become a mother. However, with great desire, it is still possible to distinguish common, characteristic for most pregnant women, signs.

The first toxicosis begins five weeks after conception, and by about the seventeenth week it passes. In twenty percent of expectant mothers, unpleasant symptoms appear until the beginning of the third trimester. In rare cases (approximately five percent of pregnant women), toxicosis does not stop until birth.

Toxicosis in early pregnancy

Early toxicosis occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, and, in most cases, at the end of the first or at the beginning of the second month after conception of the baby.

Many women associate toxicosis exclusively with vomiting, but this is not true. Of course, the main signs of toxicosis are nausea and vomiting, but do not forget about weakness, an unusual reaction to smells (food, perfumes, etc.), dizziness, decreased blood pressure, heart rate, etc.

The doctors do not undertake to name the exact cause of toxicosis, as a rule, we are talking about a symbiosis of factors such as rejection of foreign cells (male) by the female body, problems with the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, hormone activity, and psychological factor.

Late toxicosis

As a rule, toxicosis disappears by the seventeenth week of pregnancy, but there are times when it continues at a later date. If there are such manifestations, doctors talk about pregnancy complications and call it gestosis.

The diagnosis of preeclampsia is made if the expectant mother continues to feel nauseous in the late stages, moreover, not with the smell of rare products, but almost constantly, in the presence of edema, high blood pressure and excessive weight gain (more than four hundred grams per week).

The cause of the pathology most often occurs due to an incorrect lifestyle, in particular, in the absence of a future mother's desire to refuse salty, fatty and spicy foods. Excess fats accumulated in the body of a pregnant woman lead to intense blood flow, as a result of which vasospasm often occurs, in addition, useful minerals and vitamins are eliminated from the body along with urine.

Experts say that if a gestosis was diagnosed during the first pregnancy, it is not at all necessary that it will be repeated when the second and subsequent children are born.

How to deal with toxicosis during pregnancy?

Toxicosis is a phenomenon that must be combated, especially if it causes serious trouble to a pregnant woman. There are many ways to combat nausea and vomiting, lower blood pressure and normalize the pulse.

Medication - pharmacists are ready to offer about two dozen medications that can help in the fight against toxicosis, but only a few of them do not have side effects that can harm an unborn baby. In particular, we are talking about no-shpe, this drug is harmless and quite effective in relieving the symptoms of toxicosis. Trace elements and vitamins (especially vitamin B6) are also often used.

Immunocytotherapy is a fairly new way when lymphocytes of the father of the unborn child are injected into the forearm of a pregnant woman. The body of the fair sex accepts the received material and after a day ceases to react sharply to the presence of pregnancy.

Homeopathy is a safe way to relieve the symptoms of toxicosis, it has a general strengthening effect on the health of women and children.

Aromatherapy - essential oils can "calm" toxicosis, especially when it comes to mint and ginger. It is recommended to use these funds, rubbing in the palms of your hands and inhaling in the morning. When nausea is especially severe, inhalations can be taken or oil mixtures can be rubbed into the supra umbilical region. Aromatherapy products should be purchased only in the pharmacy network, after making sure that you have a certificate.

Also relevant are methods of combating toxicosis, such as herbal medicine, physiotherapy, acupuncture, hypnosis, and electrosleep.

The fight against toxicosis at home

In the evening, put a handful of nuts and cookies near the bed, after you wake up in the morning without getting out of bed, chew a little and lie down for 5-10 minutes. As an alternative, you can drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. Frequent chewing removes nausea, it doesn’t matter what it will be - dried fruits, grains, mint sweets or tangerines, the main thing is that they are always at hand. Eating should be frequent (every 2 hours) and fractional, of course, only fresh products that do not contain substances harmful to the body should be included in the diet.

The emphasis should be on food rich in vitamins B6 - chicken, beans, lentils, fish, peas, eggs, avocados. Breakfast lunch and dinner should be warm or chilled, temperature differences are undesirable. Do not forget about the liquid, a lot during the day, but the reception is in small portions: tea brewed on chamomile or mint petals, cranberry juice, green tea with lemon and natural honey, rosehip tincture, and apple juice (freshly squeezed), warm mineral water without gas.

Useful for a pregnant woman suffering from toxicosis, daily walks in the fresh air and small physical exertion, such as walking.

If the intoxication is too strong, you should not endure the torment and let them plague your body, the child will definitely not benefit from this. Ask your doctor for help, he will prescribe mild drugs that can suppress the symptoms of toxicosis.


Olga 03/26/2016
The daughter is only two weeks pregnant, and the toxicosis is already terrible. Especially in the morning, after lunch it seems to pass. I remember my pregnancies ... And I can’t remember anything about toxicosis ... I probably didn’t. After all, such passions talk about him, I would remember ...

Violetta 03/26/2016
My sister and I became pregnant almost simultaneously. Now we have 8 weeks. My sister walks as if nothing had happened, generally complains about nothing, and I ... I have no toxicosis, but some kind of horror! In general, I can’t even be in the house, the mother-in-law is cooking something, but he immediately vomits me. Why such an injustice ?!))

Larisa 03/26/2016
Honestly, girls! I don’t even know what toxicosis is. I’ve heard about it a hundred times, I’m complaining about moms, I’m reading about this ... I guess I’m specially going to such pages to enjoy my happiness ...))) And I have three children, by the way)))

Maria 03/26/2016
Yes, toxicosis is such a thing ... I was also very tormented, I couldn’t look at food at all, but the smells ... Everything smelled ... It’s nothing to climb ... If you suddenly want to eat something, then it takes all this food back. True, all this did not last long, since it stopped somehow somehow ...

Baby 03/26/2016
I just had terrible toxicosis! It began literally from 5 weeks and tormented for a very long time. I didn’t know what to do. By the way, only inhaling mint helped me. So I breathed it every hour. The pills that I was advised did not take. Only peppermint.


Watch the video: Two genes likely play key role in extreme nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. UCLA Health News (July 2024).