Test "Determine the biological age." How to slow down aging.


The female body can be compared with a sensitive and well-established tool that will accurately signal that the body is gradually moving into the stage of its aging. The aging process is inevitable, but in some cases it starts ahead of time.

There are many reasons for early aging: heredity, exhaustion of the body, diseases, adverse conditions, frequent stressful situations. However, when you “hear” your body in time and provide it with the necessary protection, you can look much younger than your chronological age.

Eastern experts have developed a special test, giving answers to which, you can independently detect signs of early aging and accurately determine your biological age.

Please answer the following questions:

1. Does fatigue occur quickly?

2. Do you feel stiff, low back pain after a night's rest?

3. Do you feel sharp pain in your knees?

4. Get up more than two times a night in the toilet?

5. Do you suffer from insomnia?

6. Do your hands and feet often freeze?

7. Has a decrease in sexual function been observed?

8. Do you have a menstrual cycle schedule?

9. Have frequent dizziness and headache?

10. Do you have excessive sweating?

11. Have you noticed any increased eye fatigue or lacrimation?

12. Are you prone to frequent colds?

13. Do you feel tinnitus?

14. Do you have dry hair, heavy hair loss, or gray hair?

15. Do you feel bitterness in your mouth and do you see redness of your tongue?

16. Do you feel pain in the place of the solar plexus?

17. Do you have stable blood pressure?

18. Do you often have causeless fear and anxiety?

19. Would you notice forgetfulness or distraction?

20. Do you lose weight if you do not follow a diet?

To summarize the test:

  • The answer "YES" is plus one point, confirming the premature aging of the body.
  • If you answered “YES” to the first half of the questions, this indicates primarily kidney disease.
  • If you answered “YES” to 18-20 questions, this indicates that your biological age is 75-80 years.

If you find yourself showing signs of premature aging, do not despair. Believe me, there are many ways to give new life energy to your body.

So, here is the main list of rules, compliance with which will help to prolong your youth:

  • Drink green tea. This tonic drink contains antioxidants that neutralize the effects of free radicals and inhibit the aging process.
  • Eat bitter chocolate. Daily use of dark chocolate containing up to 70% cocoa is a great way to stop the process of wrinkles. The secret is that cocoa beans contain flavonoids, substances that improve memory and relieve chronic fatigue.
  • Make masks from fresh fruits. Beauticians are confident that masks from apples, strawberries and grapefruits containing natural vitamins are much more useful and give a better effect than store creams from wrinkles.
  • Be active, move more. Experts have proven that the skin slows down its aging with regular physical exertion. To maintain muscle tone, just a half-hour morning exercise is enough.
  • Laughter therapy. Sincere laughter lowers the level of the stress hormone (cortisol) in the blood, excess of which leads to the appearance of wrinkles at an early age.
  • Give yourself pleasure: lead a regular sex life. During sex, the level of the hormone of happiness (serotonin) rises in the blood, which prevents the process of premature aging.
  • Use caution with medications. Do not self-medicate.
  • Form your inner mood for eternal youth. Try to change your outlook on life, look around, paint the world around you with bright colors, optimism and positive.


Watch the video: Testing if Sharks Can Smell a Drop of Blood (July 2024).