Start life from scratch and win


Do you believe that you can change your own life and become a famous and successful woman? You may already be successful. Those who are still in doubt and can’t even imagine how to start from scratch should first of all trust themselves and their feelings. Everyone has their own path to success. After all, if someone achieved professional recognition earlier than you, then you did something else and perhaps even solved more global tasks. Therefore, boldly look at yourself from the side. Thinking where to start? Then start with the most important thing: decide what you want, write on paper the first chapter of your amazing story.

You don’t know what the first sentence should be or you cannot come up with a bright headline? Then write how much you love your family. We are glad that you have such a wonderful mother, cheerful sister, strong and wise father. Do you have children and husband? Then you probably already wrote a lot of kind words. Many will ask why write about love when you want to change your profession or start your own business? However, the answer is very simple. The most ambitious projects begin with love.

The story of one talented and family-loving artist

Do you dream to give happiness to your close and dear people? The supplier of happiness No. 1 lives in each of us and, of course, in the famous artist Evgenia Gapchinskaya, after all, this is what this talented woman is called. Her paintings are not like other works, she is beautiful, and her work inspires both children and adults.

Evgenia Gapchinskaya, an artist by profession, as evidenced by her education. However, she went her own way to the dream and became an example for many women who want to start a business.

The artist has changed enough jobs. Having moved with her husband to the capital of Ukraine, the girl tested various types of activities, for example, worked as a manager in an advertising agency. I passed from one work to another in search of myself. And having found for herself an interesting position as an art gallery owner, she got a good start in this place for developing her own business. Having placed in the galleries her paintings, which she painted at night, Evgenia Gapchinskaya was noted by connoisseurs of her talent. Today, her work is popular and in high demand.

This woman can be a true example for many. Being a mom and wife, you can succeed and do what you love. For the artist, her husband became a reliable rear, because the support of a loved one is an invaluable gift.

Therefore, if you have a hobby, perhaps in the future, you can change your profession and make your favorite business a source of good income and your happiness.

How a simple teacher can become a famous writer

Do you think Joan Kathleen Rowling always wrote books? However, the world saw a series of books about Harry Potter only after a long and hard work of the famous English writer. But even before the release of her first book, Joan taught French.

In 1991, the writer went to work in Portugal, at that time she taught English. There she married and gave birth to a child. After the birth of her daughter, Joan divorced and moved to Scotland. She wrote all this time. And after a long and hard work, refusals of publication, her book was still noticed, appreciated today by Joan Rowling, a famous writer.

Take the first step

If a girl wants to change her profession or become a successful business woman, she needs to make a decision for herself: is she ready to adequately overcome all obstacles and prove to herself and others that her decision is really right. Indeed, each of us has doubts, and only a few are ready to go to their dream, despite the difficulties. Self-confidence and a desire to make a better life will open all doors to a beautiful lady. And love will surely inspire you to the best and original projects that you can definitely bring to life.


Watch the video: STARTING FROM SCRATCH - Motivational Video For 2017 (July 2024).