Female opinion: Black tea is still the most favorite drink in Russia


It’s no secret to anyone that without food a person can live a very long time, and without water will die in a few days. Two-thirds of the human body consists of water and in order to protect against dehydration, our body needs water or some other liquid. Everyone knows the advice that every person should drink two liters of water per day.

But the opinions of nutritionists differ: some believe that you need to listen to your body and drink as much as it requires, others assure that you need to drink at least two liters of water per day, and still others say that excess water consumption causes great harm to the body, as it contributes to the load on the heart. The Russian Women’s portal tried to figure out what kind of drinks the Russians were drinking during the day.

The vast majority of our ladies (50%) prefer classic black tea. Apparently, not only the British, who for several hundred years have preferred black tea, love this truly magical drink. Survey participants who prefer black tea say that it is not only very tasty, but also incredibly healthy. Some, however, emphasize that not every black tea can be considered useful, as, indeed, any drink.

They are followed by 23.1% of respondents who choose green tea for themselves. I must admit that recently this drink is rapidly gaining popularity. Survey participants are sure that nothing can quench thirst as well as a cup of hot green tea. By the way, just green tea in terms of benefits for the body and especially due to its antioxidant properties - leaves all other drinks far behind. However, being a stimulant requires some moderation in use. With extreme caution, you should use it before bedtime so that insomnia does not occur.

25% of women drink coffee. They claim that coffee helps them to be more attentive, focused and active at work. Of course, coffee in moderate doses improves the reaction and increases physical performance, but we must not forget that this drink can be harmful, as it enhances cardiac activity and increases blood pressure.

Cocoa is considered by 1.3% of respondents to be their favorite drink. These women can be safely considered sweets, as their favorite treat is a cup of sweet cocoa with milk. By the way, cocoa, indeed like chocolate, improves mood and stimulates the production of the “hormone of joy”. And only 0.6% of the ladies surveyed prefer a tonic drink on herbs - mate. They use this tea to relieve mental fatigue after a hard day, and in some cases, mate improves their mood and increases appetite.

Analyzing our survey, it is easy to conclude that the inhabitants of Russia, as in the good old days in the Soviet Union, prefer black tea. Much more useful green tea - while on the sidelines, but its popularity is gaining momentum from year to year. Coffee, on the other hand, steadily holds its position at the expense of committed coffee lovers. But as they say here - all drinks are good - choose to taste.

The survey involved 3150 women from 119 cities of Russia aged 20 to 45 years.


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