Post-Wedding Depression: How to Fight It


In the life of every woman, a wedding is one of the most important events. Since childhood, we admire the happy brides in fabulous dresses and imagine ourselves in their place. But a cheerful wedding will take place, guests will scatter home, and what awaits next to the newly-made spouses? As you know, a wedding puts an end to a free life, and life begins, sometimes so hard and full of a kind of struggle for survival.

But why is this happening? You love each other, so much time, effort and a fortune has been spent on holding the wedding ceremony of your dreams, but only something is not going the way you would like and how you imagined. Depression, anxiety and even aggression appear from somewhere, which is manifested in your attitude to each other and family life in general.

According to psychologists, representatives of the fair sex, as a rule, fall into the so-called “post-wedding depression”, since they do not have the necessary mood for living together, instead of a carefree life, they have to deal with daily life inconsistencies and deal with a sudden internal emptiness.

The whole problem is that many women imagine a wedding as if gifts and fun will never end. Subconsciously, they refuse to objectively look at future reality. Depression appears because the woman was too focused on achieving the goal, and then, when the wedding is already behind, the desire for something disappears. But, fortunately, this state of affairs is usually temporary.

Women should clearly understand that a wedding is not a guarantee that now there will be no disagreements, misunderstandings, insults and quarrels! When the wedding euphoria passes, you have to realize that living together is not always sweet like chocolate.

To get rid of post-wedding apathy, it is necessary to set several important goals before you play a wedding. For example, buy a new apartment, another car, or at least furniture. Perhaps it's time to think about the baby!

Another problem is that many women believe that after the wedding, their lover will still not get anywhere from them, as a result of which they no longer monitor their appearance. For married men, this development of course is not to their taste. In order to have a positive relationship after the marriage, it is important that both partners work on themselves and objectively understand that the wedding is not the end of an interesting and active life, but only its beginning!


Watch the video: I Had Post Wedding Depression. Sophie Helyn (June 2024).