Moisturizing Cucumber Face Mask Recipes


According to research, cucumber is 95% water, which is a vital source of human life. By the way, a person is also a percentage of more fluid. This is probably why cucumber is used in all countries and in different interpretations: in cooking, in cosmetology, in traditional medicine, etc.

Today we offer to consider cucumber as a component of a face mask in various variations. From the proposed article you will learn: what is the purpose of such a procedure, useful properties and how to prepare it (recipes and reviews).

Mask of cucumbers for the face at home

Based on this vegetable available to everyone (especially in summer), at home you can create unique compositions for achieving various goals: moisturizing, nourishing, refreshing, rejuvenating, whitening, eliminating wrinkles and acne, etc.

The secret of such popularity is connected not only with the water base of this unique vegetable, but it also contains many natural components that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face: vitamins, minerals and organic acids. That is why cucumbers are so in demand in cosmetology. It can be used at home either in pure form (in the form of a slurry or in whole slices), or with the addition of auxiliary components.

Anti-wrinkle facial cucumber mask

Anti-aging facial mask at home from wrinkles of cucumbers:

• cucumber - 2 tbsp. (use mush);
• milk - 1 tbsp. (it is better to use home or purchased, but fat);
• cottage cheese - 1 tbsp.
• parsley - 1 tbsp. (grind);
• oil - 2 tsp. (it is better to use olive and necessarily warm).

You can use the recipe at home with the addition of kaolin (white cosmetic clay), it also helps to get rid of wrinkles and in a short time, works on the principle of lifting effect (suitable for dry skin type, it will nourish and moisturize well).

For the sensitive area around the eyes from wrinkles and puffiness (bags under the eyes) at home, it is better to use the option with raw potatoes (mix both ground products in equal parts). The secret of cooking is to choose new potatoes.

Acne Recipes

A face mask of cucumber acne at home conditions depends on the degree of lesions and the type of acne:

• to get rid of black spots (deep acne), it is enough to use just a cucumber in its pure form (mush);
• for inflammation, you need to mix cucumber juice (fresh) with an equal amount of cottage cheese;
• acne (youthful acne, for example) removes honey, cucumber and parsley infusion (in equal quantities).

Whitening mask with sour cream on a cucumber

To get rid of various spots and reddenings (pigment spot, freckle, small mole, etc.) at home, the whitening procedure will help:

• sour cream - 2 tablespoons l .;
• cucumber - 1 tablespoon;
• lemon - 1 tsp.

In this recipe, the last two components are used in the form of fresh juice. For dry / sensitive skin, it is better to exclude lemon juice from the recipe; after the procedure, the skin should be moisturized. Additionally, you can supplement the composition of oatmeal (flakes), it will add the effect of scrub (this peeling procedure is suitable for oily, problem skin and acne).

How to make a mask for dry skin

Cucumber face mask for dry skin has several variations:

• sour cream mixed in equal parts with the main component;
• honey, egg white (whipped into a light foam);
• glycerin in equal proportions with the base.

It is important to follow the rules of the procedure: before the procedure, the skin must be well cleaned with lotion, the mask is used in a slightly warmed form, after the procedure it is necessary to apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream. The procedure time is 10-20 minutes. Do not do facials more often 2-3 times a week.

Cucumber face mask reviews

Summing up the reviews of users on various resources and forums about the mask of cucumber, the conclusion suggests itself that cucumber procedures are one of the most favorite cosmetic products of modern beauties. They really help to get rid of wrinkles and acne, restrain the natural aging processes, etc., which is confirmed by positive reviews.

The only drawback is the short duration of the action (if we talk about the lifting effect), which is also the feedback from users. It is also noted that it is possible to maintain youth only on the condition of regular use of various compositions (moisturize, rejuvenate, etc.).

Purifying mask face film cucumber and Avon tea tree reviews

Avon products are quite popular and popular because of their availability, however, the users themselves leave not so enthusiastic reviews about the means for the face of cucumber and tea tree oil. In most cases, reviews indicate a low efficacy of this skin care product; other users, on the contrary, consider it very good and effective, indicating that the main secret is to rub it on the face well. Some resources have relevant videos and photos on the subject of using this tool.


Watch the video: DIY Rosewater + Cucumber Face Mask. 10 Second Living with How You Glow (June 2024).