Prune tincture: no secrets! Prune mood in recipes for tinctures of prune on vodka


The healing properties of herbs, roots and fruits of plants have been known for thousands of years, and people have used them as the only available source in the fight against various diseases, preparing decoctions on the water. With the advent of alcohol, not only increased the efficiency of the use of medicinal raw materials for treatment, but also a new industry appeared, occupying one of the leading positions in modern industry.

Each tincture has a unique composition. First of all, we must not forget that any tincture recipe contains alcohol and plant components: alcohol can be of different quality, and herbs, roots, leaves and fruits are a source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements; Together and separately, the components of any tincture affect the body in different ways.

Prune tincture on vodka or on moonshine is no exception, and, depending on the purpose, it can be a tasty, warming and invigorating drink, and can also serve as a healing balm, given the properties of the fruit.

Infusion of prunes on vodka or moonshine - the main technological points

Starting to prepare any homemade tincture, you must first determine for yourself the goal: what is the prune tincture for? Do you want to get just an alcoholic drink with an original taste, or to prepare a medicine? For a liquor-type drink, a minimal amount of dried dried fruit is enough to give a light characteristic taste of smoked plums. For therapeutic prune tincture, it is necessary, at a minimum, to study the mineral and vitamin composition of the fruits, to find out, at least in general terms, how it affects various functions of the body. After all, it is enough to look into any medical guide to understand that the beneficial properties of prunes, indications and contraindications for its use are recognized by official medicine as an effective tool in the treatment of many diseases. Therefore, use prunes for the preparation of therapeutic tinctures should be strictly metered and carefully.

Here is a short list of some of the healing and prophylactic properties of the berry:

It has diuretic, choleretic and laxative properties, promotes detoxification;

It has antibacterial and antimicrobial effects on the intestinal microflora;

Prunes normalize metabolism, berries quickly saturate the body without increasing sugar levels, and therefore it is useful for weight loss, with diabetes, it is a complete dietary product;

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of prunes increases immunity, stimulates performance, strengthens bone tissue. Berries are useful as an antioxidant.

Alcohol is not only an ideal solvent for herbal tincture ingredients; it contributes to the rapid absorption into the blood of all substances that have passed into it during the infusion of raw materials, as well as in the process of obtaining the alcohol-containing ingredient itself. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the quality of vodka, moonshine or other alcoholic components of any tincture. Of course, getting alcohol and cleaning it is a separate issue, but to prepare prune tinctures on vodka, at least you need to pay attention to the label, labeling, and so on. The higher the degree of purification of the alcoholic product, the better prune tincture.

The composition of tinctures on prunes can include various components: other fruits, herbs, spices and spices. It is important to choose the most successful combination of ingredients. Keep in mind that some components may have a more pronounced aroma than others. Therefore, you need to think in advance what taste and aroma in the tincture will become the "main violin", and what additives will only have to emphasize it. In the matter of composition selection, unless, of course, a medicine is being prepared, there are no strict restrictions. Improvise boldly if you want to create your own recipe.

Tinctures are the easiest way to make alcoholic drinks, so the technology for their manufacture is available to everyone.

1. Tincture on prunes with raspberry jam, semisweet


Ginger (fresh) 30 g

Lemons (grated zest) 40 g

Jam, raspberry 1 kg

Prunes 150 g

Vodka (40%) 2.5 L

Juniper (dried berries) 20 g

Cooking method:

All ingredients for tincture are crushed into gruel, combined and placed in a glass bottle. Add vodka to the container, shake, tightly close the lid and place in a dark place. Store at a temperature not lower than 20 ° C. Shake the tincture regularly. You can filter it after two weeks.

2. Prunes on moonshine with viburnum - sweet tincture


Sugar 500 g

Viburnum berries 300 g (net)

Birch buds 100 g

Moonshine (70%) 1.2 L

Prunes (seedless berries) 150 g


Kalina is better to collect after frost. Wash the berries, sort and grind in an enameled bowl with sugar. Grind the prunes. Prepare the prepared raw materials along with birch buds in a bottle. Pour cleaned strong moonshine (one of the cleaning methods, see below, in useful tips). After 10-14 days, filter the drink.

To bring tincture to the required strength, use an alcohol meter and purified water.

3. Prune on vodka with honey


Clove 5 g

Vanillin 8 g

Prunes 100 g

Ginger 20 g

Honey, flower 250 g

Linden blossom 200 g (dried linden - 80 g)

Vodka 1.0 L


Pour vodka into a glass jar (1.5 l), add all the ingredients to it, after grinding them with a blender. Stir until the honey dissolves, cover. Soak the tincture for a month. Shake the tincture regularly for the first two weeks, and then let it stand until completely transparent, and gently strain, trying not to hurt the thick. It must be squeezed through a dense filter and pour the liquid into a separate bowl. After settling, remove the tincture from the sediment and add to the bulk.

4. Tincture on prunes with black currant

Raw Material:

Prunes 300 g

Fresh currant leaves 100 g

Berries 800 g

Syrup, invert 1.0 kg

Alcohol, wine 500 ml

Purified Water 350 ml

Cooking method:

Fold the washed and crushed vegetable raw materials in a glass dish and fill with alcohol. Put the jar in a dark place, and even forget about it for 2-3 months. After mixing the syrup with water, bring to a boil, removing the foam. Cool to 36-40 ° C. Filter alcohol tincture. Repeat filtering if necessary to make sure the drink is clean and transparent. Combine the prepared syrup with tincture, mix. Leave for 24 hours, and then pour into a bottle or carafe. Chill before serving.

5. Prunes on moonshine - "Russian liquor" with citrus fruits


Moonshine, refined (50%) 3.0 L

Prunes 400 g

Oranges, red 2.5 kg

Bergamot (peel) 50 g

Cornflowers (dried flowers) 70 g

Vanilla 4 Pods

Sugar 1.25 kg

Operating procedure:

Wash the oranges, remove the zest, cut them in half and squeeze the juice. Zest, seedless prune berries, cornflower flowers, dried peels of bergamot and vanilla are put in a bottle and filled with prepared moonshine, put in a cupboard for a couple of weeks. After strain.

Cook thick syrup from the juice of oranges and sugar. Pour the prepared orange syrup into the filtered tincture, soak for a day and pour the liquor into the bottles. Cork tightly. Chill the drink before serving.

6. Dried fruits with prunes on vodka - strong tincture


Fig, dried 300 g

Dried apricots 450 g

Prunes 100 g (seedless)

Vodka (40%) 1.4 L

Nutmeg, ground 15 g


Grind dried fruits with a blender, put the pulp in a jar and pour vodka. Filter the finished tincture after three months. If desired, sugar can be added to it.

7. Rowan tincture on prunes


Rowan, frozen 1.5 kg

Prunes 120 g

Alcohol (70%) 1.0 L

Sugar Syrup:

Sugar 700 g

Water 600 ml


Cook the syrup until “thick string”. Cool it slightly and, combining with alcohol, pour into a jar with mountain ash and prune berries. Soak the tincture for 15-20 days, strain and pour into prepared bottles.

8. Sweet strawberry tincture on prunes

The composition of the raw materials:

Fresh strawberries 500 g

Prunes 100 g

Sugar 0.5 kg

Vodka 1.4 L

Cooking method:

Combine the prepared berries with sugar and mash. Put them in a bottle, add vodka. Stir 1-2 times a day for ten days. After that, wait for the sediment to settle completely, remove the finished tincture from the sediment.

Prune tincture on vodka - useful tips

The temperature at which the tincture is maintained affects the extraction process. The higher it is, the faster and more qualitatively substances from plant components pass into an alcohol-containing liquid.

You can speed up the process of preparing tinctures not only by heating, but also by mechanical action: it is for this purpose that it is recommended to shake the container with tincture regularly and as often as possible.

The purer the moonshine, the higher the quality of the tincture. If you are not sure of the degree of purification of moonshine, then before preparing the drink, pour the moonshine into a plastic flask (use a container larger than the volume of moonshine) intended for preparing the tincture, tightly close the lid and put the flask in the freezer. Water with all harmful impurities will freeze, and it remains only to separate pure alcohol, pouring it into another container, and then use it for its intended purpose. You can bring the drink to the desired volume and strength using distilled water or natural fruit juice.


Watch the video: Elderberries For Tincture: This Agrarian Life Episode #120 (July 2024).