Salty Easter is an unusual version of the dish. Different salted Easter recipes with cheese, walnuts, fish, garlic, pistachios


Curd Easter is usually sweet, but few people know that in the salty version, the dish is no worse.

It even fits better into the festive table, can replace a traditional cheese plate and surprise guests. It remains to cook it!

Salty Easter - general principles of cooking

Curd for Easter is better to take fatty from 9% and above, from a nonfat product, the dish is not very tasty. It is very important that the ingredient is fresh, as it will take some time to cook. Cottage cheese must be ground before use. It is best wiped through a sieve. The work is painstaking, long, but the result is worth it. Easter will turn out tender, tasty.

If there is no desire to grind the main ingredient manually, then you can use a blender or twist twice through a meat grinder. Then other ingredients are added to it.

What is put in salty Easter:

• spices;

• butter;

• sour cream;

• eggs.

The mass is mixed and cleaned in a pasochnitsa, covered with wet gauze from the inside. Or the cottage cheese is heated to a hot state (custard method), then it is cooled and also placed in a special form. Often in the prepared mass add various products that give the dish a certain taste. It can be different nuts, some vegetables, fish, cheese. It all depends on personal taste, the recipe used and imagination.

Salty Easter (a simple recipe)

To taste, this Easter will resemble cheese and similar pickled cheeses. In addition to the classic ingredients, nothing is added to it. As expected, you need to make a dish in a day.


• 1 kg of cottage cheese;

• 150 g of oil;

• 400 g sour cream;

• salt.


1. Pass the cottage cheese through a sieve or chop in any other way. This can be seen above.

2. Add softened butter to the curd mass and immediately put sour cream. Of course, you can throw a few yolks, but since Easter is not scalded and will not be subjected to heat treatment, it is better not to do this.

3. Thoroughly grind everything with a spoon so that the mass becomes homogeneous. Or shave a blender and just whisk. Salt to taste. We take into account that after draining the whey the product will become a little salt.

4. Wet gauze, wring. Add the piece in 2 or 4 layers. The smaller the cell from the threads, the fewer layers you need. We cover the inside of the pasochnitsa.

5. Spread the cooked mass. Flatten the top with a spoon.

6. The hanging ends of the gauze cover the mass of cottage cheese from above.

7. We put oppression on top. Under the form of a bowl, so that serum is collected in it. We remove the design for a day in the refrigerator.

8. We get it. Expand the ends of the gauze, remove to the sides. We cover the dish with a serving dish, turn over.

9. Carefully remove the cheesecloth so as not to damage the top layer of Easter curd.

Easter salted custard with yolks

Custard technology for making salty Easter. According to the recipe, the yolks go to the dish. Proteins can be used for greasing cakes, making meringues.


• 1 kg of cottage cheese;

• 100 g of oil;

• 10 yolks;

• 200 g sour cream;

• salt, you can other spices.


1. As expected, prepare the cottage cheese. Beat or wipe. You can immediately shift to a pot with a thick bottom or in a cauldron, a cast-iron stewpan.

2. Add very soft butter, raw egg yolks and spread sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly, salt, pepper to taste.

3. Now put the pan on the stove, make a small fire, start heating. It is very important to constantly stir so that nothing burns. The mass should become hot, but you can’t boil it.

4. As soon as the first bubble appears on the surface, immediately remove from heat.

5. At this point, you need to prepare a basin of ice water. It is best to dial a little into the bath, it will be more convenient.

6. Lower the pan into cold water, start to cool, stir. The mass will become thicker.

7. Now, we do everything according to the scheme above: cover the form with wet gauze, put the mixture for the dish, put oppression, send it to stand in the refrigerator.

Easter salted with hard cheese

A cheese salty Easter recipe that also adds garlic. It is better to take a dry spice so that it is distributed evenly. Or grind the cloves very well. Hard cheese, suitable "Russian".


• 800 g of cottage cheese;

• 200 g of cheese;

• 1 tsp salt (no slide);

• 200 g of oil;

• 400 g sour cream;

• 1 tsp dry garlic;

• 1 tsp dry dill or other herbs.


1. Grind cottage cheese, pour into a cup.

2. Add dry garlic, dill and salt, a sufficiently incomplete small spoon. If the cheese is salty, then you can still reduce it, try it and make it to your taste. Put sour cream, grind everything together.

3. If the oil is not soft enough, you can hold it in the microwave in the defrost mode, then transfer it to the total mass.

4. Now we take cheese and a fine grater, we rub.

5. Pour grated cheese to the curd, knead again. We evaluate the consistency. If the curd bull is dry, then you can add a few more spoons of sour cream. Cool mass should not be.

6. We shift it to the laid mold, remove it under oppression for at least 14 hours.

7. Turn over, decorate with fresh herbs.

Easter salted with pistachios

Another salted Easter recipe. It is made using custard technology with pistachios. They are usually sold unpeeled, you need to remove the shells and weigh a clean product.


• 800 g of cottage cheese;

• 7 yolks;

• 120 g of oil;

• 200 ml sour cream;

• salt;

• 80 g of pistachios;

• 1 clove of garlic.


1. Add garlic is optional, but it will give the dish a light aroma, there will be almost no taste from one clove. It is important to grind it well.

2. Combine garlic and salt with grated cottage cheese, add butter and sour cream and knead thoroughly. Introduce the egg yolks. The mass will turn out liquid, but do not let it scare. We send to the stove.

3. Heat to 70-80 degrees over a small fire, do not let it boil, remove from the stove.

4. Cool the cottage cheese by placing the bowl in cold water.

5. Pour the peeled pistachios into a dry frying pan and dry well over low heat. You can cut, but they look more interesting in their entirety.

6. Add the pistachios to the total mass, stir.

7. We shift it into a mold, send it to the refrigerator for a day, do not forget about oppression.

8. Turn the salty Easter over to a beautiful dish, decorate with pistachios.

Easter salted with red fish

The recipe for a chic Easter, which is prepared with salted red fish. Optionally, you can take chum salmon, salmon or the most budget pink salmon. But cottage cheese and sour cream must certainly be fat.


• 700 g of cottage cheese;

• 300 g sour cream;

• 120 g of red fish;

• salt;

• a little green dill;

• 5 yolks;

• 100 g of oil.


1. Put cottage cheese in a saucepan, be sure to wipe it. We put sour cream, soft butter, salt and immediately enter all the yolks.

2. Turn on the mixer and beat the mass well for a couple of minutes.

3. The resulting cream is sent to the stove, warm well to neutralize microbes, remove from heat, do not let the mass boil.

4. Leave the pot in cold water to cool.

5. Cut the red fish into small cubes or thin strips, as you like.

6. Line the wet gauze in the mold. We spread a layer of cottage cheese, a little fish on it, sprinkle with dill.

7. Next, again make a layer of cottage cheese. It is important not to lay fish at the very edges. In this case, Easter will turn out to be all white outside. Also, do not lay the fish tightly to each other so that the serum passes quietly between the pieces.

8. We complete the formation with cottage cheese, at the end we make a layer of at least 2 cm.

9. We put oppression, send it to the refrigerator for a day. For decoration we use dill, pieces of fish.

Easter salted with walnuts and garlic

Another variation of salty Easter, which is prepared with walnuts. The garlic is used dry according to the recipe, but you can take 2-3 cloves. Such Easter in a spicy version is very tasty, for this you need to add a little red ground pepper to the cottage cheese.


• 1 kg of cottage cheese;

• 10 yolks;

• 350 g sour cream;

• 120 g of oil;

• 120 g of nuts;

• 1 tsp garlic

• to taste salt and pepper.


1. Mix the mashed cottage cheese with eggs, sour cream, soft butter, salt and send to the stove. Boil until hot, cool quickly in water.

2. While the mass is cooling, you need to fry the walnuts and chop. You don’t need to grind, let the pieces be noticeable. Prepare the garlic too.

3. Add the garlic and nuts, mix. For a hot option, sprinkle a little pepper. You can color the mass by adding paprika or turmeric, it will be beautiful and elegant.

4. Put the mass in the prepared form, cover with the tips of gauze. We put oppression.

5. After a day of exposure of the dish in the refrigerator, remove it from the mold on a flat plate. We use walnuts for decoration. You can simply sprinkle or lay out the traditional letters "XB".

Salty Easter - useful tips and tricks

• Very often in recipes it takes 2 days to soak Easter. In fact, it is dangerous to do this, since cottage cheese refers to perishable products. If you take into account the fact that in any case he has a day or more, plus 2 days to cook and another day of the holiday, it turns out 4 days, of which the product is part of the time warm, which accelerates the development of bacteria and spoilage of the product. Therefore, it is better to cook Easter the day before the holiday, under a good load it will have time to get stronger.

• What to use for cargo? Banks and other filled containers are not very convenient, they are difficult to keep in the refrigerator. As an option - this is a brick that can be wrapped in a bag or use 1-2 packs of salt.

• No special pasochnitsa? An alternative is the new plastic flower pot. It must be thoroughly washed, also covered with gauze. It’s good if the dish already has legs. But if they are absent, then you will have to put something under it so that the serum drains quietly.


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