Trout steak in the oven - for a royal feast! Oven recipes for trout steaks with cream, vegetables, shrimp, oranges


Trout is one of the most popular red fish. It is tasty, fragrant, juicy, incredibly healthy.

From this product you can cook a lot of different dishes, snacks, sandwiches, but the easiest way to bake in the oven. Typically, steaks are used for this purpose.

Trout steak in the oven - general cooking principles

Trout carcasses are usually sold gutted. It is only necessary to scrape the skin, rinse the fish, cut across into pieces up to 2.5-3 cm. You can also find ready-made steaks on sale. Size depends on the type of trout. But usually this fish is not very large. Pieces are washed, wiped, seasoned with spices, oil, watered with marinades. Then trout is combined with other products.

What can be added:

• cream;

• cheese;

• citruses;

• vegetables;

• seafood.

All this fits into the form immediately or in parts. Baked fish in the oven relatively quickly. Steaks of medium size are enough for 20-30 minutes. If vegetables are used, then time may increase.

Oven trout steaks with vegetables

A recipe for a simple but tasty and juicy dish of trout steaks in the oven. The amount of vegetables can be changed at your discretion.


• 4 steaks;

• 2 onions;

• 1 carrot;

• 1 pepper;

• 2 tbsp. l olive oil;

• 1 small zucchini;

• spices;

• 1 lemon.


1. Squeeze the juice out of a whole lemon. Steaks must first be grated with salt and pepper, then pour with lemon juice. Set aside.

2. Cut the onions and carrots into strips, add salt, remember, add strips of bell pepper. You can pepper the vegetables to taste. Fill with a spoonful of oil, mix and spread in a uniform layer.

3. Put the mold in the oven for 10 minutes, temperature 200.

4. Steaks are sprayed with a second spoon of oil, spread on top of vegetables.

5. Put the dish again in the oven. We bake trout for about 20 minutes, look at the color of the fish. It is important not to dry the tender fish.

Trout steak in the oven (in cream with vegetables)

A variant of the most tender fish. For trout steaks in the oven, it is better to use cream with a fat content of at least 15%.


• 2 onions;

• 4-5 small steaks;

• 2 carrots;

• 1 tbsp. cream;

• 1 incomplete glass of fish stock;

• 1 tbsp. l flour;

• 3 tbsp. l grated cheese;

• garlic, various seasonings, oil.


1. Shred the carrots into strips, roughly chop the peeled onions. All at once we spread in a pan with three tablespoons of oil, fry for three minutes. Vegetables can not be brought to full readiness.

2. We rub fish steaks with any spices at our discretion. You can season trout only with salt and pepper. You can immediately put it on the bottom of a greased form.

3. Spread on top of the fish and between the pieces, sautéed vegetables.

4. Pour a spoonful of oil into the pan, put it on a fire, fry the flour.

5. Add the cream to the flour, quickly stir and introduce the fish broth. But you can use water.

6. The sauce needs to be warmed up so that it thickens. Season with spices, throw crushed garlic.

7. Pour fish and vegetables with cream sauce.

8. Top with lightly sprinkled with grated cheese. Three tablespoons is enough.

9. We send trout to bake in the oven. At 200 degrees, it takes 25 minutes.

Roasted trout steak in the oven

A variant of very beautiful trout steaks. They are roasted in the oven until golden brown, obtained very juicy and tender. It is best to marinate the fish in advance, let it stand an hour.


• 4 steaks;

• 100 ml of soy sauce;

• 1 tsp honey;

• 0.5 lemon;

• 1 tsp dry seasonings for fish;

• 1 clove of garlic.


1. Grind the peeled clove of garlic, grind with dry spices, then add honey, which will give the meat a beautiful color. Grind.

2. We dilute all this with soy sauce, then we survive lemon juice.

3. Rinse the trout, dry and water the cooked marinade.

4. Leave for a while. Periodically, you need to turn the fish over so that it is saturated evenly.

5. Tear off a piece of foil from the roll. We put it in shape, make small sides so that the juices do not leak.

6. Put the trout steaks into shape. The remaining marinade is poured on top of the fish.

7. Preheat the oven to 220-230 degrees, send the fish to it for 20-25 minutes, it will cook quickly.

8. As soon as the fried caramel crust appears, immediately remove the dish from the oven.

Oven trout steak (with cheese and cream)

Another option for cooking delicious trout steaks in the oven. The cream fat does not matter here.


• 3-4 steaks;

• 200 ml cream;

• 90 g of cheese;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 0.5 tsp oregano;

• pepper, salt.


1. Combine salt with pepper, grate washed, dried trout. You can immediately shift to a greased form or leave for a few minutes for marinating.

2. Put in the oven, bake at 230 degrees for 5-7 minutes.

3. During this time, you need to prepare the sauce. Mix the cream and garlic, add 30 g of cheese, grated with fine chips. Slightly add, mix well.

4. We get the trout, which is silently baked. Pour cream sauce on top.

5. Sprinkle it all with dried oregano spice, it blends perfectly with red fish. And fall asleep with dry cheese chips.

6. Return the dish to the oven, bake until golden brown on top for about a quarter of an hour, you can increase the time to 20 minutes.

Oven trout steak with oranges

An original, unusual recipe for making very tender trout. For the fish you will need orange juice, as well as a whole citrus. It is better to squeeze the juice on your own, as it is difficult to find a real drink in the bags.


• 4 trout steaks;

• 200 ml of orange juice;

• 1 tsp with a hill of mustard;

• 1 tsp honey;

• salt;

• 1 whole orange.


1. Combine orange juice with mustard, dilute honey and salt in it. Stir well. You can add soy sauce instead of salt, it goes well with oranges, there is also such a marinade.

2. Rinse trout pieces, wipe, put in a container or just pour in a bowl with marinade, leave for an hour.

3. Lubricate the form, you can cover it with foil, make the sides so as not to dirty the dishes.

4. Wash the orange thoroughly, the skin can be brushed. Cut the citrus in half, then into slices, thickness up to 0.5 cm. You do not need to remove the skin, but it is better to take out the bones.

5. Put the trout on the foil, scatter orange slices around.

6. Pour the marinade in which the fish lay.

7. Send the form to the oven, bake for about 25 minutes, large steaks may take half an hour at 200 degrees.

Oven trout steak with potatoes

Option of steaks with potatoes. It is very important to cut the tubers into thin slices so that they can cook. Instead of sour cream, you can use mayonnaise or cream.


• 5 steaks;

• 700 g of potatoes;

• 150 g sour cream;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 1 tsp mustard;

• spices;

• 3 tbsp. l lemon juice.


1. Rub the red fish steaks with lemon juice, mustard, pepper and salt to taste, set aside. Let them marinate.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut them into thin slices, drop them into a bowl. Squeeze the garlic to it. We put salt and sour cream or mayonnaise, cream. You can add chopped onions. Mix thoroughly, send to the form.

3. Level the potato layer, pull a piece of foil on top.

4. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Potatoes should be half ready.

5. We take out the potatoes, remove the foil from it, can be gently mixed to raise all the juices and sour cream from the bottom of the form.

6. Now put the trout steaks on top.

7. Re-send the dish to the oven, the temperature does not need to be changed.

8. Cook for another 20-25 minutes, focus on the color and aroma of the trout.

Oven trout steak with shrimp and black olives

A terrific recipe for a festive trout steak dish. Shrimps can be used large or small, the amount of purified product is indicated here.


• 3 small steaks;

• 200 g of shrimp;

• 70 g of cheese;

• 90 ml cream;

• 50 g of olives;

• oil, lemon;

• spices;

• 1 tsp chopped almonds;

• fresh dill.


1. Prepare steaks and shrimps. We put them in one bowl, add salt, pour a little black pepper.

2. We take a lemon, cut in half, squeeze out all the juice from citrus. You can immediately do all this in a bowl. Mix. Leave for about fifteen minutes.

3. While you can grate the cheese, cut into slices of pitted black olives.

4. We spread the foil in the form. Lubricate the bottom so that the dish does not stick.

5. Shake the marinade, put the trout on the foil.

6. Between the steaks spread the shrimp.

7. Separate 2/3 of the chopped olives and also sprinkle between the remaining ingredients of the dish.

8. Now sprinkle the dish with chopped almonds.

9. Take a spoon, pick up a little cream and gently pour the dish with a thin stream. You can draw a mesh.

10. From above, we fill everything with grated cheese.

11. You can cover with foil on top, bake under it. Or cook right away. In the second version, the crust will be more fried. In the first version, the dish is more tender, juicy.

12. Baking time 25 minutes. The temperature for trout in the oven is approximately 180-190. We decorate the finished dish with fresh greens of dill.

Trout steak in the oven - tips and tricks

• Trout loves lemon juice, like any other fish. If there is nothing at home, for pickling, you can limit yourself to citrus and salt.

• Fish may stick to the foil. Before laying out, be sure to grease the sheet.

• Is the trout dried in the oven? Immediately fill the fish with fat cream, mayonnaise or sour cream, cover with foil and warm for 10 minutes. Then leave for another half hour to soak.


Watch the video: Mary Berry's Chicken with Lemon & Asparagus (July 2024).