Fish steak in a pan, in a grill, microwave and oven. Seasoned fish steaks with soy sauce, herbs and lemon juice


A fish steak is a piece of the front of the fish with ribs cut across the fibers. Such pieces can be obtained from any large or medium sized fish.

For example, salmon, chum, tuna, halibut and even a shark. It is not necessary to cut the fish yourself, today in food stores there is a huge selection of ready-made frozen steaks from various raw materials.

Mistresses can only properly defrost them and fry.

Fish Steak - General Cooking Principles

Steak fish should be with dense pulp and with a minimum number of bones. It is advisable to purchase large fish, since the right steak should be on the palm. On the finished store steak, the flesh should be elastic, not departing from the bones and without dark spots. Be sure to pay attention to the shelf life of the fish.

Fresh fish rinse thoroughly, gut, if necessary, remove scales and fins. Then the front part should be cut into steaks, a width of not more than 3 cm. After, each piece should be dried with paper towels.

Shop Fish Steaks should be removed from the packaging and thawed at room temperature so that the meat remains intact.

Marinate steaks possible in soy sauce, white wine, olive oil or lemon juice. Sometimes they are cooked in batter or breadcrumbs with flour.

Fry fish it is possible in a frying pan, oven, barbecue, in a grill or slow cooker. First you need to fry it on one side with the lid open, then turn it over and cover it with a lid. At the very end, the roof should be removed again and over high heat to fry the steak until rosy.

Side dish for such a dish, you can choose fresh vegetables, boiled cereals or mashed potatoes. Grilled fish steak goes well with freshly chopped greens.

Salmon Fish Steak


• two frozen salmon steaks;

• one lemon;

• olive oil;

• salt;

• a pinch of ground red pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Release the steaks from the store packaging, put them in any bowl of a suitable size and leave at room temperature for 1-2 hours to thaw. This method of defrosting is more practical, since the flesh of the fish does not lose precious juice.

2. Rinse steaks quickly, dry with napkins or a paper towel.

3. Wash the lemon, wipe, cut in half and squeeze the juice.

4. Mix lemon juice with red pepper and salt in a bowl. Put steaks in this bowl for a few minutes. Easy to interfere.

5. Dip steaks in olive oil and put in a pan heated with oil. Fry on one side until a crispy crust forms. Turn the steaks to the other side and close the pan with a lid, while reducing the fire a little. Fry until tender.

6. To make the crust crispy, fry the fish at the very end for several minutes without a lid.

7. Serve with fresh vegetables and sauce.

Swordfish steak with green butter


• two steaks of swordfish;

• salt;

• 20 ml of lemon juice;

• a couple of peas of black pepper;

• olive oil;

• 80 g butter;

• a pair of basil branches;

• 3-4 small mint leaves.

Cooking method:

1. If necessary, thaw steaks, wash, dry.

2. Grind black pepper powder.

3. Sort basil and mint, while choosing fresh and green leaves. Then lower the leaves in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes. Rinse and dry.

4. Grate steaks with pepper and salt. Fry in olive oil in a pan on both sides (about 4 minutes) until a crispy crust is obtained.

5. Soften butter at room temperature.

6. Grind the basil and mint leaves into pulp in a blender. To make the greens better chopped, you need to add a little liquid to it. In this recipe, this is lemon juice.

7. "Green gruel" mixed with butter until a homogeneous consistency. Put the butter in ice molds. Put in the freezer to solidify.

8. On prepared fried steaks, when portioning in separate plates, put a cube of green oil on each piece. When serving such a dish, the oil will melt directly on the fish, exuding the aroma of fresh herbs.

Haddock fish steak in batter


• two haddock steaks;

• vegetable oil;

• salt;

• 80 g of wheat flour;

• one raw chicken egg;

• ground black pepper;

• 60 g of sesame seeds;

• breadcrumbs.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and dry the steaks.

2. Wash the egg, towel, break the shell and pour the egg into a bowl. Beat with a fork until smooth.

3. Sift the flour.

4. Grate steaks with salt and pepper.

5. Dip steaks on both sides in sesame seeds, then in flour, then in eggs and finally in breadcrumbs.

6. Put breaded pieces of fish in a pan with heated oil.

7. Fry steaks on both sides until golden brown.

8. Serve with mashed potatoes or boiled rice.

Grilled salmon fish steak with citrus fruits


• two salmon steaks;

• one lemon;

• half an orange;

• a pinch of dry dill;

• a pinch of dry basil;

• olive oil;

• salt.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse pieces of fish with water, air dry.

2. From lemon and orange make juice and mix in a bowl.

3. Put the fish in a bowl with citrus juice for 5-10 minutes.

4. Sprinkle the marinated steak with salt and dry herbs. Put the grill on the grill and close it with a lid.

5. Turn on the air grill at 200-250 ° C and continue heat treatment for 20 minutes.

6. Serve by decorating steaks with olives and slices of lemon.

Frozen Salmon Fish Steak with Ginger and Spicy Sauce


• one frozen salmon;

• vegetable oil;

• a spoon of hot sauce;

• 8 g of dry ginger;

• salt;

• ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Thaw the fish in air for several hours, then rinse a little with cold water and pat dry with a paper towel.

2. Remove the scales from the fish from the tail to the head, rinse the salmon with water.

3. Put the fish on a cutting board, under it it is convenient to place a paper towel folded in two or three layers, then the board will not slip.

4. Cut off the fish head. Divide the carcass of fish into two parts. In this recipe you only need the front part with the ribs. We then cut it into pieces about 2 cm thick - steaks. Depending on the mass of fish, steaks can be cut from 6 to 8 pieces. The remaining tail can be left to prepare first courses.

5. Mix salt, hot sauce, pepper and ginger. Grate the steak with this mixture. Leave for a few minutes in a cool place.

6. Lubricate the fish with oil on all sides.

7. Fry the steak in a pan, first on one side for about 5-7 minutes, then cover with a lid on the other.

8. Serve with rice and teriyaki sauce.

Tuna steak with rice in green sauce


• a pound of tuna steaks;

• 5 tbsp. l soy sauce;

• a glass of rice;

• 20 ml of vegetable oil;

• a couple of cloves of garlic;

• a pair of sprigs of fresh basil;

• 30 ml of lemon juice;

• 50 g of hard cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fish steaks, dry and grate with soy sauce. Leave the fish in the refrigerator for several hours.

2. Rinse the rice well until clear water and boil in salted water until half cooked.

3. Place the pickled pieces on the separated leaflets of foil, lay four tablespoons of boiled rice side by side in each serving. Pour the remaining soy sauce and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Seal each serving with foil. Put in a preheated oven at 200 ° C for 20 minutes.

4. Grind the cheese.

5. Five minutes before the end of baking the fish, pull it out, open the foil and sprinkle with cheese. Send bake on. In the finished dish, the cheese will melt, and its upper part will acquire a crispy crust.

6. Peel and wash the garlic and basil. Grind in a blender into gruel with the addition of lemon juice. This is a steak sauce.

7. Put fish and rice on a plate and pour over green sauce. If desired, meals can be served in foil.

Microwave White Fish Steak


• 210 g steak of white fish;

• a small slice of lemon;

• pepper;

• lemon seasoning for fish;

• salt.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the steak with cool water and wipe with paper towels.

2. Place the prepared fish steak in a special bowl for the microwave. Put a slice of lemon on top.

3. Cover the fish with cling film and bake for 5-7 minutes at maximum power. Fish meat should be easily layered.

4. Place the steak on a flat dish, salt, pepper and serve with baked potatoes and sauce.

Fish Steak - Tips and Tricks

• To better chop the greens into pulp, add a little water or lemon juice to it.

• To make the steak juicy, choose fish of fatty varieties and cook no more than the allotted time.

• For quick frying, marinate the fish in advance.

• The most savory seasoning for fish is green tea.

• Marinate fish preferably not less than half an hour.

• For a crispy crust, roll the fish in flour or breadcrumbs.

• To make the fish diet, fry it without oil in a grill pan.

• Do not cover the finished fish, otherwise it will become wet.

• It is better to spray red fish with lemon juice at the very end.

• Check the readiness of the fish with a fork. When you pierce the protein should come out.

• If you cook fish in foil, then a few minutes before cooking, so that the steak becomes rosy, open it a little.


Watch the video: How to make Grilled Halibut with Honey and Lemon (July 2024).