Treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis: medicine, exercise therapy or surgery? How is cerebral arteriosclerosis treated: doctor's advice


Atherosclerosis is a blockage or stenosis of the great vessels, which results in insufficient supply of cerebral structures with blood.

There are many methods of treatment: medication, physiotherapy, surgical correction. Each of the methods has its pros and cons. Specific treatment methods are selected by the physician based on the clinical case.

Medication for cerebral arteriosclerosis

All the drugs described below have a lot of dangerous side effects, so they should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication is extremely dangerous.

Statin drugs. The effect of such pharmaceuticals is based on lowering blood cholesterol. The result is the dissolution of cholesterol plaques. At least the size of lipid structures is stabilized, and they do not grow in size. Take drugs 1 time per day. Opinions of experts at the expense of statins vary. So, European and American experts recommend taking them only if there are serious problems with the cardiovascular system.

A nicotinic acid. This drug has a pronounced anti-atherogenic effect: it lowers the concentration of lipids in the blood, increases the concentration of high density lipoproteins.

Fibrates. They have the ability to quickly and effectively destroy lipid structures, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Vitamin complexes. Vitamins of groups A, B, C have a strengthening effect, contribute to the normalization of metabolic (metabolic) processes in the body.

Antiplatelet agents. Necessary to prevent blood clots in the vessels. These drugs play a particularly important role if vascular stenosis of cerebral structures is observed.

Medicines to lower blood pressure (antihypertensive drugs) Accepted every day. Necessary to lower blood pressure. This is extremely important, since atherosclerosis is a direct path to stroke and death.

Sequestrants of bile acids. They interfere with the absorption of lipid structures in the large intestine, preventing the increase in blood cholesterol concentration.

Ezetemib. It has a similar effect. It has a high price, but the effect pays off with interest.

Often these groups of drugs are prescribed in combination. So the effect is maximum.

Surgical treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis

Surgical treatment is resorted to in exceptional cases. There are two methods of treatment:

Open operation. It consists in direct access to a vessel covered by a plaque. Through an incision in the skin, the doctor gains access to the affected vein or artery, the vessel wall is dissected, the lipid formation must be removed. After this, suturing of blood vessels and other tissues occurs.

Endoscopic surgery. An endoscope is inserted through a small incision. Using a flexible probe, an atherosclerotic plaque is removed or a stenosed vessel is dilated.

Treatment of atherosclerosis of cerebral structures is carried out by other, less radical methods: through exercise therapy, herbal medicine, diet.

Exercise therapy in the treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis

Complex number 1.

It makes it possible to stabilize the metabolism, eliminating atherosclerosis in natural ways. There is an effective set of exercises for practicing at home.

Exercise 1. Walking back and forth around the room. Can be replaced by light walking. The pace should be unhurried so that blood pressure does not rise.

Exercise 2. Get up straight. Legs at shoulder level. Now you should slowly exhale and tilt your head back, maximally bending the spine at neck level. Hold in this position for a couple of seconds. Then you need to return to the starting position. Repeat the same, leaning forward.

Exercise 3. Get up. Take a comfortable pose. Stretch your back as straight as possible. Hands to fix on the chest. According to the account, “one” limb to raise above the head, as if wishing to reach the ceiling, according to the account “two” to return the hands to their original position. Repeat 12 times.

Exercise 4. Take a position from exercise number 2. Inhale, while breathing in, try to bring your shoulders behind your back, using maximum effort, fix in this position. Then exhale, put your hands on your belt. Repeat 10-12 times.

Exercise 5. Take a standing pose. Start to tilt the body to the right and left so that the tilt falls on the exhale, and return to the original position by inhalation.

Exercise 6. Sit on a chair with a back. The back is straight, the body is relaxed. According to the account "one" to take the left leg to the side, then return the leg to its original position. Repeat the same with the other leg. Perform the exercise in two sets for each limb 7-10 times.

Exercise 7. Perform exercise number 5. The difference is in the nature of the movements. The body needs to be twisted, as if wanting to see what's on its back.

Exercise 8. Walk around the room again to relax the cardiovascular system after class.

Complex number 2.

Exercise 1. Start walking. The progress of the exercise should be accompanied by high lifting of the knees and raising arms above the head (each step). At the expense of “one”, knee up as high as possible, hands above your head, at the expense of “two”, knee up again, lower your hands down. So at a leisurely pace to move for 1-3 minutes.

Exercise 2. Lie on your back. Place your hands on your stomach. Breathe in the stomach, as if trying to push your hands out.

Exercise 3. Raise your hands to shoulder level and lower them (on inhalation and exhalation, respectively).

Exercise 4. Make swinging movements with your legs in a standing position.

Exercise 5. Put one hand on the chest, the other on the stomach. Make unhurried breathing movements for 4-6 minutes.

Exercise 6. From a standing position, make rotational movements with the waist. Hands are located on the sides.

Exercise 7. Repeat exercise number 1.

Herbal medicine for the treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis

There are several effective recipes for alternative treatment:

1) Decoction of birch buds. To make the product, take a teaspoon of raw materials and add 1 glass of water to it. Boil the product for ¼ hour, then strain and leave to brew (for 1-2 hours). Take half a glass 3-5 times a day 60 minutes after each meal.

2) A decoction of hawthorn flowers. Hawthorn is a well-known assistant in the treatment of problems with the heart and blood vessels. To prepare, take a teaspoon of raw materials, pour a glass of water and boil for a quarter of an hour. Then strain the product, cool it and add water to a level of 200 ml. Drink half a glass 3 times a day half an hour before a meal.

3) Pure water. It is recommended to drink at least one and a half liters of pure still water per day. This method reliably removes toxins from the body, including the removal of cholesterol.

4) Onion juice with honey. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions (take the same amount of honey for a whole spoonful of onion juice). Mix the ingredients and slightly dilute with water to give a liquid consistency. Take a teaspoon three times a day.

5) Sugar onion. Take a medium-sized onion, grind it with sugar (the amount of sand - 1 cup). The remedy is insisted for two to three days, after which take a whole tablespoon every three hours.

Diet in the treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis

A huge role in the prevention and treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis is played by proper nutrition. What can you eat and what can’t?

You can use:

• Foods rich in iodine (seaweed).

• Peas and legumes (they should replace animal fats).

• Diuretic foods (watermelon, melon, apples).

• Eggplant, zucchini.

• Citrus fruits.

• Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts.

• Strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, other berries.

• Vegetables, fruits in any quantity without restrictions.

• Quince.

• Nuts (especially walnuts).

• Butter (contains lecithin).

• Chicken eggs (rich in so-called “useful” cholesterol).

• Low-fat meats (chicken, turkey).

It is necessary to refuse:

• Fatty meats. They contain a large amount of bad cholesterol.

• Offal, they contain a huge amount of fat.

• Chocolate.

• Cocoa.

• Tea.

• Canned foods.

It is important to balance nutrition.

All of these treatments are good only in tandem. So, you can’t get by with just one pill, just as you can’t get by with one herbal medicine. The complex nature of the treatment of cerebral arteriosclerosis is required. The only way to defeat atherosclerosis.
