Sponge cake with strawberries, ice cream, sorbet and summer mood. Biscuit dessert with strawberries - when it's hot outside!


In summer, I don’t want to stand by the stove, turn on the oven and eat too greasy and high-calorie foods. But few people refuse strawberries, as well as ice cream. How to get out of a situation where everyone wants a tasty and sweet, and only one type of oven or stove is associated with the vent of a shuddering volcano? We solve the problem quickly and efficiently: this is the very case when you can use the services of the food industry and a retail network to "kill two birds with one stone", enjoy a cool strawberry dessert, and not soar near the stove.

Strawberry sponge cake - basic technological principles

Sponge cake is a universal semi-finished product for creating desserts, and goes well with many additions to it. Any berries and fruits, chocolate, cottage cheese, cream cheese, protein creams, ice cream, nuts, jelly or marmalade are suitable here.

If you still want to make a biscuit yourself, then in the summer it is better to use the cold method of its preparation. Just be sure to check the freshness of the eggs. The splendor of the biscuit cake mix depends on this. The cake is prepared easily: 25 g of sugar and the same amount of flour are required for one average egg. If you prefer chocolate biscuit, then combine the flour with cocoa, in equal parts, but preserving the overall proportion. For a creamy biscuit, add butter to the dough, 10 g for each egg. When cold cooking, proteins and yolks are separated and whipped separately: the proteins are pre-cooled, and the yolks are ground with sugar and then combined with flour and protein mass. To prepare a creamy biscuit, add whipped butter to the yolks.

The dough should be immediately put in the oven, be sure to preheat it first. A biscuit is baked for about 20-25 minutes. Before increasing the semi-finished product by 3 times and the appearance of a characteristic crust on the surface, the oven cannot be opened, and it is advisable not to place any heavy pots sharply on the stove when baking a biscuit to protect the delicate dessert from mechanical influences.

There are other ways to cook a biscuit cake mix, but they take more time. Perhaps, in the summertime, for a dessert made of biscuit with strawberries, you should be guided by only one main principle: go to the supermarket, choose the foods you want to eat. Of course, meat and fish with a biscuit should not be combined, but everything else will look very appetizing in the composition on the theme "Summer and Sponge Cake with Strawberries".

Let's check it out.

1. Strawberry Sponge Cake - Summer Ice Cream Cake

A set of ingredients:

Confectionery cream, chilled 33% 0.45 L

Condensed milk 8.5% 200 g

Strawberry, large 0.5 kg

Juice, natural strawberry 300 ml

Gelatin 60 g

2 sponge cake

Chocolate syrup (for decoration) 50 g


Cooking jelly. Dissolve gelatin in juice, for this we heat one glass (200 ml) of juice and dissolve. Mix with the rest of the juice. We spread 500 g of fresh strawberries in the form, and fill it with juice. Leave in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

An hour before the strawberry jelly with berries is supposed to harden, we begin to whip the chilled cream. Since the recipe states that a lot of cream is needed, and they are whipped qualitatively only in a small volume, up to 300 ml, then whisk them in parts, dividing the total weight in half. Then, combining the whipped cream, gradually introduce the condensed milk into them, continuing to whisk for another fifteen minutes. Finished strawberry jelly with berries, cut into cubes. Gently mix the jelly slices with half the whipped cream. The second part of whipped cream with condensed milk is left to cover the surface of the cake. We spread the first biscuit cake in the form, spread the creamy-jelly mass, spread the second biscuit cake on top, which we grease on top with part of the whipped cream with condensed milk. Now send to the freezer for at least 6 hours.

Cut the remaining strawberries in half and decorate the surface of the frozen cake. Pour a thin stream of chocolate syrup. Put in another 20-30 minutes in the freezer.

2. Sponge cake with strawberries and semolina casserole

Who refuses porridge in the morning? Children. But they will never give up a beautiful and tasty semolina, which is almost invisible in a dish.


Semi-finished biscuit 1 pc.

Milk 1.0 L

Oil 50 g

Semolina 120 g

Salt and sugar to taste

Sour cream, natural

Is strawberry bigger?


Cook thick semolina. When cool, add strawberries (whole berries). Gently mix the porridge and transfer to a detachable form, the same as the size of the biscuit cake mix. Let the porridge stand in the refrigerator so that it stiffens and takes a round shape. Bake it in the oven until golden brown. Cool, remove from the mold and transfer to a biscuit. Garnish with fresh berries and whipped sour cream.

3. Sponge cake with strawberries - cake "Sorba"

This dessert is very easy to prepare, but having prepared it for a romantic dinner or a friendly party, you can safely count on the title of “maestro of gourmet cuisine”. Secret: no one has such a recipe yet!


Chocolate biscuit cakes 2 pcs.

Strawberry 600 g

Champagne 400 ml

Chocolate Drops 300 g

Whipped cream in a bottle

Seedless grapes (berries)

Egg white 50 g (2 pcs.)

Sugar 100 g

Tea rose petals for decor


Sort strawberries, wash and mash. Add sugar if necessary. Pour in champagne, mix the mass. Pour into the cake mold, preferably if the mold is detachable. Put the sorbet in the freezer until it is completely frozen. After quickly cut in half using a fishing line.

Divide the chocolate biscuit into two layers. Place strawberry sorbet with champagne on them, then combine the cakes. Put the assembled cake in the freezer until you prepare the decoration for it. It is advisable that frozen fruit with champagne freeze well, because you have to pour warm chocolate icing on the surface of the cake. Melt the chocolate "coins" in a water bath. For a beautiful shine, 40-50 ml of rum can be added to melted chocolate. Beat the mass to a shine with a whisk. Remove the cake from the mold, transfer it to the stand, which is placed on the pallet. Pour the icing into the center of the cake, letting it flow.

Around the cake, make an openwork rim, squeezing the cream. Wash the rose petals and grapes slightly dry and cover with whipped protein. Spread the petals and berries on the work surface so that they do not touch each other. Dry it. If you hurry, you can "blow" them with a hairdryer. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times. For the last time, sprinkle the wet surface of the jewelry with large crystals of sugar. Transfer grapes and petals to the cake. Before serving, keep the cake in the freezer.

4. Sponge cake with strawberries and lemon Kurd


Lemons 3 pcs.

5 eggs

Sugar 500 g

Creamy biscuit (semi-finished product)

Chocolate 50 g

Almond flakes for decoration

Sugar Syrup 200 g

Cognac 100 ml

Agar 20 g

Strawberry 400 g

Oil 75 g

Corn Starch 50 g


Divide the biscuit into 3 cakes. Combine the sugar syrup with cognac and soak the cakes. Soak the agar in cold water. Separate the whites from the yolks, and beat them with half the sugar to steady peaks. Add agar to the protein cream, sliced ​​strawberry slices (you can put whole berries). Pick a split mold for the cake so that its diameter is slightly larger than the diameter of the cakes. Start collecting the cake: put the first cake on the bottom, cover it with a protein-strawberry souffle. Put the second cake on top and pour the second part of the cream. Cover the cake with the third cake and pour the remaining cream. Level the surface. Make sure that the cream evenly fills the side space between the cake and the side of the form. Put the cake in the refrigerator.

Collect the yolks, zest of lemons, butter, sugar (250 g) in a saucepan. Whisk with a whisk and cook slowly until thick. Dissolve the starch in a small amount of water, mix well and pour it in a thin stream into boiling Kurd. Boil a little more cream until thickened, remove from the stove and strain through a sieve. Remove the cake from the mold, transfer to the stand. Pour another warm Kurd on the cake. Keep the cake in the refrigerator for half an hour. Garnish with melted chocolate, drawing a grid with a thin chocolate string, using a pastry syringe. Lay a few strawberries on top.

5. Chiffon sponge cake with strawberries and butter cream

Ingredients for the dough:

Kefir 180 ml

Sugar 230 g

Flour 360 g

Sesame oil (or any oil with a neutral taste) 125 ml

Baking powder 20 g

Soda 15 g

4 eggs

Salt 10 g

Cream 300 g

Powder 150 g

Butter 100 g

Chocolate 100 g

Strawberry Jam 400 g


You still have to turn on the oven for cooking this cake, but it is cooked very quickly and easily, and the cakes are always very magnificent. Simply warm the cabinet to 180 ° C and in a large bowl combine all the components for the dough. Stir well to dissolve sugar, and there are no lumps of flour. Pour the dough into a mold and bake until cooked. Cut the cooled semi-finished product with a harsh thread into 3-4 cakes. Generously grease each with strawberry jam. Whip the cooled cream with powder. Melt the chocolate and butter, whisk until smooth. Combine the cream with chocolate while continuing to whip the cream for another 2-3 minutes at medium speed.

Combine the cakes by smearing them with cream. Let the cake brew for a couple of hours in the cold.

6. Sponge cake with strawberries and curd cream


Creamy biscuit (26 cm) 1 pc.

Country cottage cheese 400 g

Milk 100 ml

Oil 120 g

Vanillin 6 g

Icing sugar 250 g

Strawberry 500 g

Jelly orange 1 pack

Dessert wine 250 ml


Semi-finished product cut in half. Soak cakes with dessert wine. Whisk powder, milk, softened butter, cottage cheese and vanillin until creamy.

Collect the cake in a detachable form: grease the lower cake with cream, put the second cake, also covering it with the remaining cream. Spread fresh berries on the surface. Dilute jelly with water or juice, according to the instructions on the pack. Ready jelly fill the surface of the cake and put the dessert in the refrigerator. When it hardens, remove from the mold and transfer to a dish.

Strawberry Biscuit - Useful Tips

For the preparation of egg souffle, albumin is good - dry egg white. Egg souffle in this case is very magnificent.

So that the protein always whips very quickly and easily, watch for dishes: it must be dry, non-greasy. It is advisable to use a metal container, having previously cooled it in the freezer.

Sponge cake can be prepared from melange, as is the case with the mass production of convenience foods. It will only take longer to beat the egg mixture, compared with the method when the protein and yolk are whipped separately.
