How to take vitamin E, in what dosage? Features of taking synthetic analogues of vitamin E (tocopherol), contraindications


Vitamin E or tocopherol belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins. The spectrum of its action is wide: it affects almost every biochemical process.

It is thanks to him that the body functions like a clock. But most importantly, tocopherol has antioxidant properties. He fights the aging process by destroying free radicals. In addition, it is able to compensate for the absence or deficiency of other vitamins. What else is the use of vitamin and how to take it correctly?

Useful properties of a magic vitamin

With a lack of vitamins, changes in vital processes occur. And lack of vitamin E is no exception. This is one of the key chains that allows the body to function normally. With its deficiency, weakness and rapid fatigue arise, sudden changes in mood, skin integuments become unhealthy, exacerbations of chronic diseases are observed, sexual desire becomes weak.

Doctors consider vitamin E an elixir of youth. With its proper intake, the harmful effects of environmental factors no longer have a strong effect on the body. The condition of the skin, nails and hair improves significantly, wounds and cuts are easily healed and the body as a whole does not wear out so quickly.

Vitamin E should be ingested constantly, but it is especially recommended:

• in case of hormonal imbalance, especially with a lack of sex hormones, as it normalizes reproductive function;

• during serious physical exertion due to the effect on the metabolism;

• to support the work of the cardiovascular system: it prevents the formation of blood clots;

• during the treatment of cancer, as it is a powerful antioxidant;

• when recovering from operations, injuries, when the body is weakened and requires additional nourishment;

• in cosmetology to maintain a good condition of the skin: participates in the synthesis of elastic fibers and collagen;

• in complex therapy in the treatment of the nervous system,

• during treatment of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas.

It is important to know: The benefits of using tocopherol are enormous, but the wrong dosage can cause significant harm. With excess, allergic reactions and poisoning, diarrhea, high blood pressure are possible. Therefore, carefully read the instructions and listen to the advice of doctors.

The right intake of vitamin E is the key to health

In order for the body to work without failures, a person must regularly take vitamin E with food or replace it with a synthetic analogue. The general rule for any vitamin: you need to use it in the morning after breakfast. But it is not recommended to take vitamins on an empty stomach. In order for Vitamin E to be absorbed, a small amount of fat should be contained in the stomach. Therefore, the breakfast menu should include vegetable fats. After 30min. after breakfast, take a tocopherol capsule.

Attention! We wash the vitamin down only with drinking water, but not with juices, cocoa or milk. In this case, the vitamin is absorbed worse. It is incompatible with vitamin D, antibiotics, and a number of other drugs. Therefore, if you are taking any other medications, consult your doctor.

If the instructions say that the vitamin is in capsules, not chewable tablets, then it must be swallowed. Otherwise, it loses its properties already in the oral cavity, without getting into the stomach. You need to drink vitamin E courses, each of which is 30-40 days. It should be used regularly so that the necessary dose of the drug enters the body daily. After this, you should take a break so that there is no excess of vitamin in the body.

There are tocopherols of natural and synthetic origin.

Natural vitamin E is found in foods, and synthetic ones are produced in different dosage forms:

• oil solutions for intramuscular administration,

• chewable tablets intended for children,

• capsules.

How much vitamin E you need to take depends on age, weight, individual characteristics, the presence of certain diseases.

It is important to know: synthetic vitamin E is easily digested. In the stomach, the capsule quickly dissolves, the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed and spreads with a flow of lymph throughout the body, without collapsing. It is well absorbed with vitamins C and A; therefore, they release capsules of the fat-soluble preparation Aevit.

Dosage compliance: how much to take vitamin E?

To determine the level of tocopherol in the blood, you need to pass its analysis. Then, if necessary, the doctor will determine how and how much to take vitamin E. The daily rate is prescribed in international units of IU. It corresponds to 0.67 mg of vitamin in natural products and 1 mg in synthetic analogues.

Daily intake rate

• for children - 5-7ME,

• adults -8-10ME,

• for pregnant women - up to 15 IU.

A baby receives vitamin E with mother's milk. 15ME is the allowable daily allowance for the drug. The norm is indicated in the instructions, which must be studied before taking vitamin E. Instructions may vary, for example, the dosage may be different for imported drugs.

If a person is sick, then he needs more vitamin. For example, with hypovitaminosis take up to 20-30 mg per day. Since when taken orally in such quantities, it is poorly absorbed, it is administered as an injection.

It is important to know: while taking vitamin K and iron supplements, be careful. The combination with vitamin E leads to the fact that blood coagulates poorly. Tocopherol is also able to enhance the effect when taking hormonal and antiviral drugs.

Intake of Vitamin E in Food

It is not necessary to take a synthetic drug, you can add products containing it to your diet. It is found in large quantities in:

1. beef

2. milk and dairy products,

3. herring and halibut,

4. butter, corn, sunflower, cottonseed, soybean oil.

A lot of it in various vegetables and greens: in cereals and legumes, carrots and radishes, cucumbers and potatoes, onions and various green leafy vegetables. It is also found in herbs: alfalfa, raspberry, dandelion, nettle.

Rose hips and flax seed are also rich in this vitamin. If the diet is built correctly and some part of these products is included, then there will be no problems with the lack of tocopherol, especially in summer and autumn, when there are a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Attention! Vitamin practically does not decompose during heat treatment and boiling, but is destroyed by sunlight. He does not save salads, which are stored for a long time in sliced ​​form.

The modern life rhythm, a snack on the go, the predominance of refined products lead to a lack of vitamin that needs to be replenished. We take various medications, complain of malaise and weakness, flabby and gray skin, nervous breakdowns without suspecting that the reason for this is the lack of vitamin E, which is necessary for our health.


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