Fasting days on a watermelon: how to lose weight for the good of the body. Rules for holding fasting days on a watermelon


Periodic daily "pauses in nutrition" facilitate the digestive system. Fasting days are spent on rice, kefir, apples, cucumbers, cottage cheese. But in August-September there is nothing better than spending fasting days on a watermelon. And tasty, and healthy, and easy to carry.

Useful properties of watermelon

Watermelon is great for unloading the digestive tract. Due to the large amount of water and fiber, it quickly and permanently saturates, and the sweet taste and the abundance of juicy pulp makes unloading on a watermelon a pleasure.

The beauty of fasting days on a watermelon is the low calorie content of watermelon pulp. It is only 27 kcal. Per day, consumption will be only 550-600 calories. Add to this the cleansing properties of gourds, and you will understand why you can lose up to 3-5 kg ​​of weight per day. Of course, it will not be fat, but water. But due to toxins and toxins removed with it, removal of puffiness, the process of losing weight will accelerate.

The benefits of "watermelon starvation" are the benefits that the body of the striped berry can bring to the body. It has the following properties:

• improves bowel function, enhancing peristalsis and healing microflora;

• strengthens the immune system;

• enriches the body with vitamins and minerals;

• reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol, preventing atherosclerosis;

• normalizes metabolism.

The watermelon contains ascorbic and folic acid, vitamins A and group B, magnesium, potassium, and iron. Therefore, a watermelon day is an idea that is really useful and very convenient. In season, a giant berry is inexpensive, does not require preparation - eat, cleanse yourself, lose weight without stress and tension.

Doctors recommend resorting to unloading watermelons every year in August-September. This recommendation is especially valuable for those who are diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity and hypertension. The daily watermelon mono-diet is useful for circulatory disorders, a decrease in hemoglobin, and the initial stage of heart and vascular disease.

Watermelon fasting day rules

The task of any fasting day is, first of all, to cleanse and remove the load from the digestive system, liver, pancreas. Weight correction occurs due to the withdrawal of excess water and slag, but not it is the main purpose of unloading. Nevertheless, you can use a watermelon day before an important event to freely put on a tight dress.

Unloading days on a watermelon have their own rules.

• Buy the right fruit the day before so you won’t be tempted to disrupt unloading with the wrong breakfast. A good morning mood will make the mood throughout the day smooth, cheerful.

• A suitable fruit is a medium-sized watermelon that weighs between 6 and 8 kilograms. The exact weight of the fetus is calculated using a simple formula: for every ten kilograms of weight, there is a kilogram of watermelon (whole, together with the peel).

• Store sliced ​​watermelon only in the refrigerator, closing the film.

• During unloading during the day, drink mineral and ordinary drinking water. Tea is permissible, but without sugar. It is worth to refrain from coffee, so as not to violate the cleanliness of unloading.

Unloading on watermelons is convenient: you do not need to spend time cooking. There are three options for watermelon unloading, which will be described below. But the maximum "weight loss" result gives the use of only watermelon pulp.

A tough option for a fasting day on a watermelon

In order not to stretch the stomach, divide the mass of watermelon into six parts and eat during the day. Fractional nutrition does not overload the stomach (watermelon gives a large volume due to water content) and does not provoke a feeling of hunger.

The portions will be large enough - about 400 grams. Eat slowly, with pleasure, every two hours. Thus, during the day, fluid will circulate throughout the body without stagnation, and nutrients will regularly enter the bloodstream.

The next morning, the balance will show minus a kilogram of the starting weight. If you feel good and are ready to move on, strict watermelon discharge can continue. But you cannot sit on such a mono-diet for longer than three days. Firstly, this is a big burden on the kidneys. Secondly, the disappearance of the most important macronutrients, proteins and fats from the diet is harmful to the body.

To keep the result that you achieved during fasting days on a watermelon, secure it. For a week after unloading on udin, eat only watermelon every day: a pound of pulp for every 30 kilograms of weight.

A soft version of unloading on a watermelon with cottage cheese

This option is not only softer, but also more complete from a nutritional point of view. Cottage cheese contains a lot of protein that our muscles need, there is calcium, which is indispensable for the human body of any age.

Unloading Rules.

• During the day, eat 2.5-3 kilograms of watermelon pulp, dividing it into five to six parts.

• Supplement your daily diet with 600 grams of low-fat cottage cheese (1 to 3 percent fat), also dividing this amount into equal portions.

• Eat regularly. There is no rigid reference to the time of eating, since each person has his own schedule. But do the intervals between meals in two hours.

• Approximate amount of food for one meal: half a kilo of watermelon and two hundred grams of cottage cheese (the first three meals). In the afternoon, eat only watermelon.

During such unloading, the weight will leave as well as with the rigid version. In the morning, the plumb line will be one or two kilograms.

Soft unloading option with bread

The third option involves consuming carbohydrate, not protein, with watermelon. This mode is also transferred very easily, there is no feeling of hunger. Psychologically, the use of bread means the absence of a strict ban on food, so the mood during the day is good.

What you can eat:

• two kilograms of watermelon pulp;

• three slices of bran or rye bread;

• still mineral water;

• green tea without sugar and milk.

During the day you lose about a kilogram of weight. To prevent him from returning, follow the recommendations for exiting the limited power mode given for hard watermelon discharge.

Contraindications for "watermelon discharge"

Not everyone can use the watermelon season to cleanse the body and lose weight. Such a technique is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. The load on their kidneys is already very large, it is dangerous to aggravate it with a large number of diuretic berries.

You can not use the beneficial properties of watermelon in the following cases:

• weakening of the body after a serious illness or operation;

• increased intellectual or physical stress;

• diabetes;

• exacerbation of gallstone disease;

• kidney stones more than 5 mm in diameter;

• stomach ulcer in the acute stage.

Some people are allergic to watermelons, in particular lycopene, which is found in the pulp. In this case, you also have to abandon the watermelon unloading.

Everyone else should definitely take this opportunity to relax during the watermelon season. Even if you don’t need to lose weight, supporting the kidneys, stomach, intestines and liver is very beneficial.


Watch the video: 7 DAY WATER FAST - NO FOOD FOR A WEEK Before & After (July 2024).