The right snacks for vodka are the key to well-being! Recipes for aromatic, hearty, but simple and affordable snacks for vodka


Vodka is a strong alcoholic drink that requires the right snack. Food should be hearty, aromatic, quickly interrupt a specific taste. Of course, you can simply put a plate of sausage on the table and serve pickles, but it’s better to cook something more interesting!

Snacks for vodka - general principles of preparation

The main criterion for all snacks for vodka is a bright taste. That is why salted, pickled, pickled products are held in high esteem. They are used in a variety of combinations, often supplemented with bread, potatoes and various other vegetables. Before mixing, some ingredients need to be crushed, fried or boiled.

What snacks can be prepared:

• sandwiches and pastes for spreading;

• salads;

• hot snack;

• jellied meat, jellied dishes;

• stuffed eggs, vegetables.

Many dishes require dressing. Mustard is perfect for vodka. It goes well with mushrooms, meat products, fish, vegetables, mixes well with oil, mayonnaise, sour cream. You can also add horseradish to snacks. Which has no less bright taste and aroma. The use of garlic, pepper, vinegar, various spices and herbs is welcome.

Snack for vodka "Under the vodka"

This is an amazing salad, the name of which speaks for itself. It contains only those products that are perfect for vodka.


• 600 g of beef;

• a can of pickled mushrooms;

• Bank of gherkins;

• 2 onion heads;

• 1 tbsp. l vinegar

• 1 tbsp. l mustard;

• 4 tbsp. l oils.


1. Rinse the beef, transfer to a saucepan, pour water so that it barely covers a piece, boil until tender. For flavor, you can add a few peas of pepper, laurel.

2. Remove the meat, cool and put in the freezer for 40 minutes or an hour. It will not have time to freeze, but it will get stronger, it will turn out to be carefully cut.

3. We clean the onion heads, cut into half rings. In a glass of water, add a full spoonful of bite, pour onion and stir, let it pickle for the time being.

4. Open a small jar of gherkins and cut the cucumbers along a long straw. Do not chop this appetizer finely or cut into cubes, only straws.

5. Open the mushrooms. Rinse honey mushrooms to remove mucus, stand for ten minutes in a colander, transfer to mushrooms.

6. The meat is cut into neat straws. We take a good and sharp knife. We shift the beef into a salad. In general, you can use lean pork, chicken, turkey, but with beef you get the most delicious salad.

7. Squeeze the onion from vinegar. We shift it to the total mass.

8. Mix the butter with mustard. Oil can be used any way, as well as mustard. But if you bred it yourself, then the sauce is hot, perhaps one teaspoon will be enough.

9. Season the salad, stir, cover, bring to the cold, let stand for a couple of hours.

The recipe for a simple appetizer for vodka cabbage

To prepare such an appetizer for vodka, you can use sauerkraut or pickled cabbage. Just add a couple of ingredients to it to make it original and add brightness.


• 400 g of cabbage;

• 60 g of carrots;

• 100 g of onion;

• 2 pickles;

• 100-150 g of mushrooms (salted, pickled);

• 40 ml of oil;

• green onions.


1. Chop onion, peel one carrot and grate with straws. Put all this in a frying pan with oil and fry. This is necessary so that the snack has a pleasant aroma, and raw vegetables do not crunch, do not let juices. Leave for half an hour to cool.

2. Cut the cucumbers into strips. Mushrooms cut into plates. If they are small, for example, honey mushrooms, then you can put the whole thing.

3. We combine mushrooms, cucumbers with cabbage, add the fried vegetables with oil and mix thoroughly. Optionally, add a little mustard or minced garlic for spiciness.

4. Put the appetizer in a bowl, sprinkle with green onions and can be put on the table!

Snack for vodka "Mushroom eggs"

A variant of very simple, but satisfying and tasty stuffed eggs. To prepare such a snack for vodka, you can use any salty or pickled mushrooms. Sometimes made with fried mushrooms, then with them you can immediately spasserovat onion.


• 7 eggs;

• 200 g of mushrooms;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• 0.3 tsp black pepper;

• 2 cloves of garlic.


1. Boil the eggs, cool and peel, cut along to get the boats, take out the yolks. They are not needed, can be used for any salads, okroshka.

2. Put pickled or salted mushrooms in a colander, let the brine drain. If the mushrooms are fried, then we take in the same amount.

3. We twist the mushrooms in a meat grinder or chop in a combine, but not in mashed potatoes. Small pieces should come out.

4. Grind the garlic and dill, add to the mushrooms. Stir thoroughly.

5. Fill the prepared egg halves with flavorful filling and you're done! You can decorate the appetizer with fresh herbs, a slice of pickled cucumber.

Hot appetizer for vodka from fat and potatoes

Potatoes are often used as snacks for vodka and not only, lard is also not a rare product. Why not make a hot meal out of them?


• 5 potatoes;

• 70 g of fat (salted, smoked);

• spices.


1. Peel the potatoes. It is advisable to choose oval tubers of the same size.

2. Make cuts on the potato side, but not until the very end. The distance between them is about 4-5 millimeters.

3. Thinly cut the fat, shove it into the cuts.

4. If the lard is salty, then spices can be omitted. If the product does not contain many spices. You can also grate tubers.

5. Put in the form, cover with foil, send for an hour in the oven. You can wrap each tuber in foil. Cook at 180 degrees for about 45-50 minutes.

Herring sandwiches for a vodka snack

Herring in itself is a wonderful snack for vodka, but sandwiches with it are very tasty and beautiful. We take all products in any quantity.


• Borodino bread;

• salted herring;

• butter;

• onion;

• fresh dill;

• pickled cucumber.


1. Cut pieces of Borodino bread into squares of 4-5 centimeters. These sandwiches look impressive in a small size. You can fry the bread, it will be even tastier.

2. Lubricate with a layer of oil at your discretion. Someone likes it thickly, someone just barely covers the bread.

3. Sprinkle the butter with chopped dill.

4. Cut the herring into fillets, cut into pieces that will cover half the sandwich, stack.

5. Cut the cucumber into circles, put it on the free part of the sandwich near the herring and you're done! You can cut the circle in half, put the herring in the middle, and cucumbers on the sides.

Economical appetizer for vodka with cream cheese

The recipe for stunningly beautiful and delicious snacks for vodka. For cooking, you need cheese in foil. You can use any. Immediately put them in the freezer so that they freeze and rub well.


• two curds;

• red bell pepper;

• two cloves of garlic;

• a little sour cream;

• black bread;

• 2-3 branches of parsley or dill.


1. Grate frozen cheese. It can be large or small. If they are very soft and there is no time to freeze, then you can put in a blender, add the remaining ingredients and grind.

2. Add the garlic, chopped herbs and a little sour cream to the grated curds.

3. Stir the mass, which should resemble a paste.

4. Spread the cheese mixture on black or white slices of bread.

5. Peel Bulgarian pepper from seeds. Grate or chop finely.

6. Sprinkle the cheese mass with bright slices of pepper. A fragrant and very beautiful appetizer is ready!

Snack for vodka "Lemon"

Lemon vodka is eaten very often, but few people can serve it beautifully. A very simple but interesting option. The number of products is arbitrary.


• lemon;

• hard cheese;

• instant coffee;

• granulated sugar.


1. Cut the lemon into neat circles. Put on a flat plate in one layer.

2. Sprinkle citrus with a little sugar.

3. Grate the cheese with small chips, sprinkle sugar on top, a lot is not necessary.

4. Lightly sprinkle cheese with instant coffee. The original appetizer for vodka is ready!

Eggplant vodka snack with nuts

A variant of an amazing appetizer, which has a bright taste and aroma. Nuts are used only walnuts.


• 3 eggplants;

• 2-3 eggs;

• spices;

• 4 tbsp. l sour cream;

• 3 tbsp. l nuts

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• oil, spices, parsley.


1. Cut the eggplant along the plates, but not thickly, pour it with salt, leave for half an hour.

2. Rinse the eggplant, squeeze.

3. Beat two large or three small eggs.

4. Wet the eggplant in the egg, shake off the excess, put it in the butter preheated in a frying pan, fry for a minute on each side.

5. Leave the eggplant to cool.

6. Cooking the sauce. Fry nuts, chop with a knife or grind. Grind the garlic and a little parsley, mix it all with sour cream, salt.

7. Lubricate each layer of eggplant with nut sauce, twist with a tube, stab with a toothpick or stick a skewer.

8. Put the appetizer on a plate, add fresh herbs, serve with vodka.

Snacks for vodka - useful tips and tricks

• If you need to peel a lot of garlic, then you can pre-pour it with cold water. To soften the husk. It will be much easier to remove it.

• The larger the vegetables are sliced, the less juice they will produce. The appetizer will not float.

• It is not necessary to use sunflower oil in snacks. Bright taste and aroma will give an olive product. Mustard oil also goes well with pickles and vegetables.


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