Hand sprain treatment at home. How to effectively organize the treatment of arm sprains at home


Sprain of the ligaments of the hand is a problem that everyone has at least once encountered. This causes discomfort and brings many inconveniences, since the motor function of the damaged limb is turned off.

When stretching the arm, treatment at home is carried out with minor injuries that do not require immediate medical attention. There are many recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of such a pathology.

Emergency home

Stretching the arm occurs when the ligament fibers are torn. In addition to impaired function, there is constant pain, swelling, redness, restriction of movement. With such an injury, it is necessary:

1. Ensure complete immobility of the brush. For this purpose, a bandage is applied using an elastic bandage. This must be done so that the skin of the hand remains warm and normal in color - it does not turn blue under a tight bandage.

2. Place your hand on a raised platform - this will make it possible to avoid the formation of severe edema.

3. Remove the already appeared edema - for this it is necessary to apply cold. It is convenient to fill the heating pad with cold water or to prepare an ice pack: 15 minutes the cold is held in your hand, then a break is made for the same time and the ice is used again. In the next 3 days, apply cold for 15 minutes with an interval of 4 hours. On the 4th day after the injury, you can change the cold compresses to warm ones. With intense pain, it is recommended to take an anesthetic.

4. If, when applying the fixing bandage, a greater mobility of the joint is felt, to exclude a strong tear of the ligaments or a fracture, you need to contact the emergency room so that the specialist examines the arm and, if necessary, take an x-ray.

The use of ointments

With mild sprains of the arm, treatment at home can be successfully completed using drugs prescribed by your doctor. It is necessary to adhere to recommendations for their use and, in case of unclear questions, consult a doctor. Often various ointments are prescribed, which are divided according to their pharmacological properties, principle and mechanism of action into several groups:

• NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) - gels and ointments with this composition relieve pain, inflammation and swelling. It is not recommended to use them for more than 5-7 days. These include: Diclofenac, Dip - Rilif - Gel, Voltaren, Indomethacin, Fastum Gel, Naklofen.

• GCS (glucocorticosteroid drugs) potently inhibit inflammation, pain, and prevent the further development of edema: hydrocortisone, prednisolone ointment.

• Absorbable ointments prepared on the basis of natural components (bee or snake venom, camphor, essential oils, vitamins, heparin). They improve microcirculation, which accelerates the resorption of inflammatory infiltrate and the restoration of damaged tissues (Apizatron, Viprosal). They are used at the stage when the edema is no longer - about 3 days after stretching.

Nonsteroidal drugs and corticosteroids are prescribed by a doctor because they have contraindications (digestive diseases) and side effects.

Traditional medicine recipes for home treatment

Hand stretching treatment at home is based on simple but effective folk recipes. In the acute stage, they are used simultaneously with the prescribed drug therapy. Many of the methods are also suitable for the rehabilitation period, which leads to a quick restoration of the functions of the hand.


A good effect has a dough cake attached to a sore hand. A flour is rolled out from flour and water, and salt is added. Superimposed on a damaged place, wrapped with a towel on top. Such a cake is held until the test is hardened, then changed to fresh. The timing of pain relief and recovery depends on the correctness of the procedure. With a mild injury and a mild stage, all symptoms disappear on the third day.


Well-established recipe using onion gruel. Grate the onion or grind it in a blender, add sugar to it. The resulting mass is laid out on gauze or a clean cloth and placed on an injured place. A similar recipe with baked onions: bake one onion in the oven, chop the second, mix both until gruel, add sugar in a ratio of 1:10. The resulting mass is applied to the sore spot for 5 hours, then the dressing changes.


Widely used for the treatment of sprained garlic at home. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Chopped garlic (10 cloves) pour apple cider vinegar (0.5 l) and vodka (100 ml). Insist 15 days, shaking the container daily. After straining, add eucalyptus oil (20 drops) and make compresses. Replacing the dressing is done when the hand begins to feel warm.

Add the juice of one lemon to the crushed mashed garlic. Strain the mixture and moisten the gauze or bandage in the resulting juice. Use as a compress, change when heat appears in the hand. The procedure is performed once a day.

Blue clay

Clay masks or compresses are widely used in folk medicine in connection with the healing properties of clay, based on its high content of macro- and microelements. Some simple clay recipes for home use:

On a dense linen cloth folded in four layers, apply a layer of blue clay with a thickness of 3 cm (you can buy it at a pharmacy). Fix with a bandage on a sore hand for 3 hours. Dilute the powder with water before use.

100 g of clay powder is diluted with 4 glasses of water, mixed thoroughly, add half a glass of apple cider vinegar. In this suspension, moisten the cloth and, having slightly squeezed, apply in the form of a compress, fixing it with a bandage and wrapping it with a woolen cloth. Keep the clay dry. Then the compress should be removed, wash your hand and apply a fresh bandage. Repeat 3-4 times during the day. In some cases, the pain disappears after three clay procedures.

Soap compresses

An effective recipe is a compress made from raw eggs and soap. Laundry soap is rubbed on a fine grater, mixed with egg yolk, diluted with a small amount of water. This mixture is used as a dressing.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to apply a vodka compress to the place of damage. You can’t leave him at night.

At night, a compress from children's soap is recommended: the fabric is thickly soaped with soap, superimposed in several layers in the form of a compress, and insulated from above. In the morning, the compress is removed, the pain in the hand usually goes away.


Aloe has a good healing effect. The lower leaves of a three-year-old plant must be peeled. Mash their inner part and attach to the damaged place. Tie with gauze on top, wrap with a towel to create additional heat and accelerate healing.


The simplest recipe for alleviating the condition at home: apply grated raw potato gruel as an application to a damaged hand. To enhance the effect, you can add chopped cabbage, grated onions and sugar. Clay powder will improve the healing properties. After thorough mixing, the resulting slurry is applied all night to the hand, washed off in the morning.

Medicinal herbs

In addition to the listed local procedures, in the treatment of hand sprains at home, medicinal herbs are widely used, which are taken orally in the form of teas and infusions, as well as in the form of compresses and lotions locally.

It removes pain, relieves tissue edema in a short time and prevents the development of inflammation of tea using:

• birch leaves;

• elderberry flowers;

• willow bark.

This composition can be supplemented with nettle or parsley root.

To stimulate the adrenal glands (they produce hormones that have anti-inflammatory and healing effects), it is recommended to use tea from rose hips and lingonberries, adding currant leaves. All components are taken in equal proportions. You need to drink 500 ml of tea per day. It is taken half an hour before meals.

It is advisable to be treated with folk remedies under the supervision of a doctor, combining home recipes with the official prescription of a specialist. Such complex therapy will allow the joints to recover quickly and reduce the rehabilitation time. With the right approach, you can cure at home any stretching of the arm without consequences.


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