Treatment of lice in children at home in one day. What is the effective treatment for lice in children at home?


Lice are blood-sucking pests that cause a disease such as lice. Human health with such a pathology worsens, as parasite bites provoke itching.

An infection can enter the combed wounds, which becomes the cause of other diseases. In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to begin treatment of the disease in a timely manner.

Lice in children: causes of the disease

The number of cases of infection of children with lice in the age category up to 14 is one third. Infants become extremely rare. Usually children begin to get sick from the age of four. This is exactly the age when children begin to attend kindergartens.

This third accounts for an age of 10 years. This makes kindergarten kids the most common group of pediculosis carriers. One of the main causes of pediculosis in children is infection through close contact with a sick child. You can get these parasites absolutely everywhere:

• in kindergarten;

• at school;

• when using only hygiene products;

• during the game.

Long hair is most susceptible to this ailment. Lice enter the hair of another child and begin to lay their eggs. The life span of one louse is about a month. During this period, the female can lay about 400 eggs. In 2 weeks, these eggs become reproductive. Infected with pediculosis babies sleep very poorly, become irritable and nervous. A strong overbred promotes powerful combing and the formation of bleeding wounds.

A pathology can also be caused by a weakened immune system. It can play a significant role in the development of parasitic pests. An equally important reason is unsanitary conditions. It is possible to pick up this infection in hairdressing salons, public transport and other places.

The treatment of lice in children at home: methods for the destruction of parasites

Treatment for lice at home can be carried out in several ways:

1. Shaving infected parts. This method is as simple and effective as possible. The implementation will take as much time as it is necessary for shaving. This method is cost-effective, easy to implement and safe for the health of the child.

2. Excretion of parasites with special pediculicidal agents - sprays, shampoos, lotions and creams. A huge advantage of this method is the preservation of hair and a quick result. With proper implementation, two procedures will be needed to completely eliminate parasites. The duration of one procedure is about 2-3 hours. Repeat the second a week later. Some types of drugs do not affect nits, so it will take time until the larvae hatch. The disadvantages of this method are:

• the possibility of allergic reactions;

• the risk of insecticide poisoning.

3. Combing pests with the help of special scallops. This is a very laborious process that takes a lot of time and energy. But this method guarantees absolute security. There is no need for the use of toxic agents.

4. You can get rid of lice and nits with the help of traditional medicine recipes. Such methods require increased attention and compliance with all safety rules. The thoughtless use of any means can lead to undesirable consequences.

To get rid of parasites in the warm period of time, the easiest way to shave your head. If there is no desire to cut long hair, then it is worth resorting to scallops.

Treatment of lice in children at home: how to remove nits in 1 day?

You can get rid of parasites as quickly as possible with the help of such recipes:

1. Vinegar. This tool is in almost every home. It can also be used to soften hair. Hair should be rinsed with a solution. Vinegar on nits and lice is detrimental. This is an acid that blocks breathing and corrodes the skin of insects. To prepare a therapeutic solution, you need 9% vinegar and water. Dilute the ingredients in a ratio of 1 to 2. Before the session, the hair must be dried and combed well. To treat hairline with a solution. Wrap polyethylene on top or wear a special hat for dyeing hair. Tie a towel over it and wait 20 minutes. After the procedure, wash your hair with shampoo. A plastic bag is necessary in order to block parasites from access to oxygen. Ambassadors to wash their hair need to carefully comb out their hair. To remove lice at a time, you need to comb out each lock of hair. This removes already dead lice, half-dead and nits. After a week, it is recommended that this procedure be repeated for prevention. After combing out, several nits may go unnoticed.

2. Hydrogen peroxide. This is another highly effective anti-lice treatment in children. To obtain the desired mixture, it is necessary to dilute the peroxide with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. This tool is actively used in medicine for disinfection of wounds and disinfection. Use peroxide is necessary only in diluted form. Otherwise, it may cause a burn. The effectiveness of the tool is one hundred percent. Peroxide destroys the sticky substance of nits. At the time of combing, the eggs literally crumble. Treat hair in the same way as in the first case.

3. Dustova soap. Lice are afraid of this soap, like fire. This method is more in demand than all the others. The healing procedure is very simple and does not require effort. You just need to moisten the hair, treat it with soap and foam. Put a plastic bag on top and tie a towel. If the hair is long, then the product will act within 45 minutes. At this moment, the room should be well ventilated. This soap can provoke dizziness, nausea and headache in the baby. At the time of hair treatment, the parent must use rubber gloves. After time, rinse off the hair. After application, the hair will not give in to combing and will be too dry. To make combing easier, moisten the scallop with olive oil.

These three methods are as safe as possible for the health of the child. At the same time, you can get rid of the disease very quickly.

Lice in children: treatment at home with folk remedies

To eliminate lice in children, you can use various fruits and plants. Treatment of lice in children at home with these recipes should be after consulting a doctor. A child may experience various allergic reactions.

The most effective recipes against lice are:

1. Grind caraway seeds. Pour apple cider vinegar into 1 cup of powder. Filter the resulting mixture and rub into the epidermis and hair roots. After sitting in direct sunlight for half an hour. Wash off such a tool only after 5 hours. Squeeze juice out of cranberries, mix it with a spoon of honey and treat the hair after the procedure.

2. Put a glass of pomegranate juice on a small fire for 5 minutes and boil. Then add 2 teaspoons of dry mint to the juice. The resulting product to process hair.

3. 4 tablespoons of tansy need to pour a liter of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. The effectiveness of this method depends on how carefully the hair is combed.

4. Tea tree oil. Its smell repels parasites. It is possible to dissolve it in shampoo. This method is suitable for both treatment and prevention.

5. Onions and garlic. They must be passed through the press, and the resulting slurry should be applied to the scalp for one hour. Wash off after a quarter of an hour. Otherwise, you can burn the skin.

It is worth remembering that folk remedies have a number of contraindications, so do not self-medicate.

Treatment of lice in children at home: rules for treating scalp

When treating, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

1. The procedure for treating the epidermis should be carried out only in good light.

2. All anti-lice products have an unpleasant odor, so the room must be well ventilated.

3. It is necessary to begin treatment with shoulders covered with a towel. In this case, an unwanted burn can be avoided.

4. The drug is rubbed into slightly damp hair. There should be no damage to the dermis.

5. The drug must be kept on the epidermis for at least half an hour. It is important that the product does not get into the child’s eyes.

6. After the session, rinse your head with water.

If all the rules are followed, you can get rid of parasites quickly and without harm to health.


Watch the video: 8 Tips to Prevent and Treat Head Lice (June 2024).