Why does a woman dream of a bear? Basic interpretations of different dream books - why a woman dreams of a bear


In a dream, you can meet a variety of animals and different people. You can get to the most unusual places and spend a wonderful time there. Why does a woman dream about a bear, how to interpret such a dream?

What a woman dreams of a bear - basic interpretation

The bear that a woman dreams of is a symbol of future unpleasant and even tragic events. It is very important to pay attention to all the little things and details of sleep:

· Where did the bear come from in your dream;

· Did you fight him;

· What emotions and fears did you experience;

· Did you communicate with the bear;

· Who else participated in your dream.

If in a dream the bear seemed very friendly to you, and you just saw it from the window of your house - such a dream does not promise you any danger and trouble, on the contrary, such a dream can talk about the mass of new emotions and impressions that may soon begin in your life. Try not to worry if a polar bear looks out of your window.

Such a dream may mean that you will be interested in a rather interesting person who you will like in all respects. But you should not step away from him. Instead, try to make contact with him faster. A dream in which a brown bear looks at your window has a slightly different meaning.

Such a dream may mean that your enemies will collect information about you and your personal life. You also should not be afraid of them, they will only bring some troubles into your life that you courageously survive. Try to repulse any machinations of enemies, let them try to annoy you, but you remain calm.

If in a dream a brown bear tries to break the door of your house - this is a very bad sign. Someone will try to get to the bottom of your most secret secrets, your fears. Someone will actively try to break into your life and change it.

You can even find out in a dream your foe, see in a bear a man who once brought you trouble. If so, the unpleasant incident will recur soon. Try not to worry too much about this. You should have enough wisdom and ingenuity to confront the enemy in everything.

The dream in which you are trying to walk through the woods, but a big brown bear blocks you, means that soon you will encounter an unknown problem. You will be taken by surprise and will not know how to react to everything that happens. The dream book advises you not to rush to conclusions and try not to disturb your dreams temporarily. Any of your active actions can be regarded as negative. Try to take a waiting position and not to show yourself so actively.

If in a dream you are stroking a polar bear - in reality you will have a strong defender. He will help and indulge you in everything. You should not worry if earlier you could not solve any questions. In fact, now you have every opportunity to resolve all pressing problems.

If in a dream you are stroking a brown bear - such a dream means a truce with the person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time, or with whom your relationship has become very bad. If in a dream you are stroking a black bear - expect unforeseen troubles. Most likely, you should take care of your safety.

Some information that you told a loved one will turn against you. Do not panic in advance. It’s better to think about the fact that sometimes it’s worthwhile to think carefully before you do something or promise someone. In the future, do not rush to make friends with strangers. Better take care of your personal life and leave strangers alone.

The dream in which you feed the bear from your hand indicates that you have to get a pretty profitable contact. You can make a friend who will be very useful and necessary for you. Try not to think about whether you choose friends correctly, just follow your intuition.

The dream in which you brought the bear food, but he refuses, promises you problems with loved ones. They will also give up on you, stop believing in you, stop helping you. There will be a good reason for this, you may have offended them earlier, or did not live up to their expectations. Now you have to prove your love and your devotion.

The dream in which you walk through the woods and accidentally meet a bear can say a lot. He can say that you will suddenly meet a huge obstacle in your path. If the bear in your dream was black. This obstacle can concern any of the areas of life and any problem that you might have organized.

If you see in a dream that the bear is friendly to you and accompanies you the whole walk - such a dream means that you will have a faithful and devoted friend, patron, who will give you a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions.

The dream in which you walk as a circus bear indicates that a certain illegal and very difficult game will begin to take place in your life. Try not to interfere in any other affairs. Stay true to yourself.

Why does a woman dream about a woman according to Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said why a woman dreams of a bear. Such a dream suggests that she needs protection and care. She lacks male attention and male affection. Even if she has a regular partner, such a dream means that the woman does not feel loved enough.

Especially if she dreams that the bear hugs her. This means that she really lacks real hugs and kisses. She wants to be loved and loving and give her partner the same emotions. Perhaps the partner is too rude to the girl and this leads to the fact that the relationship is gradually being destroyed. To ensure that they are not completely destroyed - it is worth paying more attention to your needs.

Seeing a polar bear in a dream is to joy, and happiness, to pure, genuine emotions. Seeing a brown bear is upset and sad, while your partner will sadden you. A black bear can promise mental illness and frustration. They can be avoided if you are not fundamentally related to the partner. And you can forgive some of the imperfections of his character.

A dead bear in a dream promises trouble in his personal life and the end of a relationship. Do not deny the fact that until recently you yourself could think about how to complete these relationships. Most likely, you got what you were so afraid of.

The dream in which you see a black bear killed means that gossipers and ill-wishers will leave you alone and will not intervene more in your life. A dream in which a pregnant woman sees a huge and terrible bear can mean major troubles in her life. If she sees a small fluffy teddy bear - such a dream means that soon she will be very lucky.

Why does a woman dream about a woman in the Esoteric dream book

The dream book says that a woman dreams of a bear as a symbol of a lack of internal strength and integrity. She can play with the bear in a dream, and after him in reality get a lot of pleasant surprises.

If a woman bathes a bear in a dream, she will want to wash herself from household squabbles and domestic quarrels, she will be able to enjoy every moment of her life and get the most out of her good deeds. If she hears a bear howl in a dream, gossip and gossip will fill her life. The dream book advises to decide what exactly is important and vital for her.

Why does a woman dream of a woman in other dream books

In the dream book Grishina said that a dream about a bear is to foresee life's troubles for a woman. She may fall under the influence of a certain boyfriend who will ruin her not only reputation, but also life as a whole.

If a woman dreams of a bear in a rage, she will soon quarrel with her loved one and for a long time will not be able to find a common language with him, will not be able to contact him. She has to solve this problem in another way. Stop conflict and act wisely.

Why does a woman dream about Aesop’s dream book? Such a dream means that she lacks the natural instinct of self-preservation. She cannot stand up for the problems of everyday life and needs the support and help of a more experienced and wise partner.

Such a dream can also mean that the girl will try to find connections on the side. She could be disappointed in her partner and is now actively looking for someone to spend time with. But this will not solve her problems.


Watch the video: Dream Interpretation According to the Bible (June 2024).