Raw food cake - sweetness to good use. Recipes of raw food cakes based on nuts and dried fruits


At first glance it seems that the concept of raw food and cakes are little compatible. In fact, even within the framework of this food system, it is possible to create very tasty and spectacular sweets, and this is not difficult at all.

The basic principles of cooking raw food cake

Since the nutrition of a raw foodist involves the rejection of any heat treatment of products, it is already clear that a raw food cake is prepared without baking. The basis, as a rule, is a mixture of crushed or grated nuts or seeds and dried fruits. It is tamped in a silicone or other form, as a result, a sweet cake is obtained.

Fresh or dried fruits or berries, sometimes with the addition of nuts, are taken as a layer or cream. To make the mass tender and airy, the nuts are soaked in water before grinding.

Natural cakes such as coconut oil and milk, maple or coconut syrup, cocoa butter or raw cocoa powder can also be used in these cakes. Often, instead of cocoa, in recipes for raw food cakes, one can find its substitute carob, obtained from the fruits of the carob tree. It is sweet and does not require additional sweeteners. It also has no caffeine. Therefore, carob is often chosen by fans of healthy eating systems. On and sugar in the recipes of raw food cakes replaces natural honey.

Raw food cake - recipe with dried apricots and bananas

A simple cake with a small selection of ingredients and a gentle cream. If desired, the almonds used for shortcakes can be replaced with other nuts or take seeds instead.


For shortcakes:

Two glasses of almonds;

dates - 6 pieces;

two tablespoons of honey;

two tablespoons of carob;

a pinch of salt (preferably sea).


Two bananas;

dried apricots - 200 grams.

Cooking method

Dried apricots are placed in warm water and left for an hour, it should become softer.

We interrupt the nuts with the blender together with the dates, add honey, carob powder, and a little salt to them. We mix. We get a dense mass. This is our "dough" for shortcakes.

We press half the dough into the selected form. It's time to do the cream. To do this, beat the bananas and dried apricots together. Distribute the cream on the cake. Now you need to remove the form in the freezer, it will take several minutes. Then gently distribute the remains of the "dough" onto the frozen cream. Next, we send the cake to the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then it can already be served with tea.

Raw food cake - recipe with cherries

Cherry is suitable for both fresh and frozen. Moreover, it is used both for shortcakes and for filling the cake.


For cake:

A glass of almond;

ten cherries;

six dates;



One and a half cups of almonds;

a glass of cherries;

ten strawberries;

a third of coconut;

half a vanilla pod.

For sprinkling - coconut.

Cooking method

The almonds that will be used for the filling should be soaked for eight hours before cooking.

All the ingredients necessary for the cake, put in a blender bowl, grind. Spread on the bottom of the form, crush, put for a while in the freezer.

Pre-soaked almonds, grind with a blender, together with strawberries, chopped into coconut slices, half a vanilla pod, beat. Now add the seedless cherry to the resulting filling, leave a little for decoration. We mix.

We get the frozen cake. We place the filling on it. Sprinkle with coconut flakes and decorate with cherries.

Raw food cake - recipe with oranges and raspberries

Make a cream of citruses. And the berries will serve as a delicious layer of cake and give it freshness.


For cake:

A glass of almond;

200 grams of dates;

120 grams of coconut flakes;



Two oranges;

five teaspoons of honey;

250 grams of cashew nuts;

four tablespoons of coconut oil.


200 grams of raspberries;

two teaspoons of honey.

Cooking method

Soak cashew nuts, which are needed for the cream, soak in water for three to four hours. Their humidity determines how airy the mass will turn out.

To make a cake, grind almonds with dates with a blender. We use lemon to get the zest, try to remove it finely. Add to the mass. We take the form. Lining the bottom with parchment paper. We spread the "dough". We form cake from it with a height of about three to four centimeters. Poison in the freezer.

In the meantime, proceed to the cream. We remove the zest from one of the oranges, and from both citruses we obtain juice in any way possible. Beat the zest, juice, cashews and honey with a blender until we get a creamy mass. Add coconut oil to it. Whip again.

It remains to make a layer of berries. To do this, just gently combine raspberries and honey.

Take the frozen cake. We place a third of the cream on it. Then come the berries with honey. Pour all this with the remaining cream. It takes three hours to freeze the cake in the refrigerator. Then it can be decorated with raspberries and nuts.

Raw food cake - recipe with hazelnuts and peanuts

Cake with whole nuts. The recipe also uses edible cocoa butter, it must be natural, unrefined, have a yellowish color and a pleasant smell of chocolate. This oil remains solid at room temperature, before use it is melted in a water bath.


For cake:

200 grams of almond;

10 grams of cocoa butter;

two tablespoons of honey.


400 ml of orange juice;

a teaspoon of cinnamon;

100 grams of dates and cashews;

10 grams of grated cocoa;

100 grams of hazelnuts and peanuts;

50 grams of cocoa butter.

Cooking method

Grind the almonds very carefully and finely with a blender. Mix it with melted cocoa butter and honey. Tamp the resulting mass to the bottom of the mold.

Whisk orange juice with cinnamon, dates and cashews. Add cocoa butter, previously melted, whip the cream again.

We distribute half the whole peanuts and hazelnuts across the cake. Fill with cream. Add the remaining nuts on top. Sent to freeze.

Raw food cake - recipe a la "Napoleon"

Puff pastry in this recipe will be replaced with thinly thinly sliced ​​fruits, and the cream will be natural honey with ground nuts.


An Apple;

half a glass of almonds;

eight tablespoons of honey;



half a glass of walnuts;

a couple of handfuls of raisins;

a teaspoon of cinnamon;

a teaspoon of ginger.

Cooking method

Remove the peel from the apple and pear. We cut each fruit in half, and then - in very thin circles or slices.

Grind walnuts with cinnamon using a blender. We do the same with almonds, only combine it with cinnamon and ginger.

From lemon we get juice and zest. Add them to honey. We mix.

We begin to form our puff mini-cake. Dip the fruit slices first in honey, and then in one of the nut mixes. And lay them on top of each other, thus forming layers. Put in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Then decorate with raisins and nuts.

Raw food cake - recipe with cocoa substitute

Raw Food Chocolate Cake - Why Not? We use useful natural ingredients to create it - carob, coconut milk and butter.


A dozen dates;

carob - three tablespoons;

two bananas;

a glass of coconut, cashews and walnuts;

four tablespoons of coconut milk;

two tablespoons of coconut oil;

100 grams of liquid honey.

Cooking method

Cashews before cooking hold in water for several hours.

Dates are placed in the water for half an hour, then free them from the stones.

We grind the walnuts with a blender, add coconut flakes to them, put the dates and grind everything again. There we put a banana cut into pieces. We mix. The result is a mass that resembles a thick dough. Move it into a silicone mold, crush.

Coconut oil needs to be melted, do it in a water bath. Mix it with cashew nuts, pour coconut milk and four tablespoons of honey. Whisk. It turns out a white cream. Part of it is distributed over the cake. In the remaining cream, put a banana, carob and one tablespoon of honey. Whisk. Chocolate cream is ready. We mix. Distribute over a white cream. Let it freeze in the refrigerator. Then we take it out of shape, decorate it at will.

Raw food cake - recipe with carrots

Carrot cake will delight you with a bright color, honey and dates will make it sweet, and ground ginger will add piquancy to the taste.



Three large carrots;

a tablespoon of raisins;

a dozen dates;

six tablespoons of peeled walnuts;

half a tablespoon of coconut oil;

ground ginger;



100 ml of coconut milk;

two teaspoons of lemon juice;

one and a half tablespoons of coconut oil;

200 grams of cashews;

70 grams of honey.

Cooking method

Soak cashews for 5-6 hours, walnuts last an hour, and raisins and dates - thirty minutes.

We cut pre-peeled carrots into pieces, grind with a blender along with walnuts. Then the dates go there, and everything is whipped together. It remains only to add coconut oil, raisins, ginger, cinnamon. We mix everything.

Whip all the ingredients for the cream together well.

We form round cake from half the dough, put half the cream on it. Cover with a second cake. Coat the rest of our cake with the remaining cream. Top - nuts and raisins. Cool for four hours and serve.

Raw Food Cake - Secrets and Tricks

· These delicate cakes are the easiest to get out of the silicone mold. Or you can lay a cling film on the bottom of any other form, this will simplify the process of extracting the finished treat.

· When the cream for the cake is made on the basis of nuts, they must be soaked in water. The longer - the better, at least three hours, you can leave even for 8-12 hours. It is also advisable to always pre-soak and dried fruits.

· In addition to berries and fruits, some vegetables can also be used to create raw-food cakes, for example, pumpkin, beets, carrots.


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