How to treat fungus on the hands at home? What means to prefer for the treatment of fungus on the hands


Fragility and thickening of the nail plates, the appearance of white unnatural plaque, a change in the shade of the tissues of the skin and nails - all this indicates the development of a fungal disease. The first signs of the disease should cause immediate medical attention, because delay in exposure to the ailment can lead to difficult consequences and even complete loss of the nail. Timely treatment at home of the fungus on the hands will help prevent the danger, but it is better to do this only after coordinating each step with the doctor. How to properly deal with a difficult disease?

Treatment of fungus on the hands at home with pharmacy medicines

The easiest way to treat at home the fungus on the hands is the use of pharmacy products. Most formulations have a wide range of effects and are able to rid even of the faded forms of the disease. Of course, one does not need to rely on a miracle - if the tissue of the nail plate is already destroyed by the disease, it will not be possible to save it, even the most expensive drugs do not have the ability to regenerate the affected cells.

Most often, for the treatment at home of a fungus on the hands, solutions or spray are used, which have many advantages:

Ease of use;

· A small number of contraindications;

Effective destruction of fungal cells;

· Preventing the spread of the disease to healthy tissues;

· Getting rid of unpleasant symptoms - burning, itching, pain.

Despite the effectiveness of pharmacy formulations and a small number of contraindications, the main of which is individual intolerance, it is better not to use medication without a doctor’s prescription. What drugs are most effective? Among the victims of fungal diseases, drugs Nizoral, Mikozal, Mikostop and Exoderil are especially popular. An important condition before using the funds is a careful study of the instructions and strict adherence to the rules. Most drugs do not have special requirements, it is enough to apply to cleaned and dried nail plates several times a day.

Preliminary preparation before treating the fungus on the hands at home

A prerequisite for the successful disposal of a fungal disease is the preliminary preparation of the hands. It consists of several stages:

1. Removal of affected tissues of the nail plates, which are no longer subject to regeneration.

2. The use of soda baths (for 2 liters of water 50 gr. Soda).

3. Removing moisture with a clean towel, thoroughly drying the hands.

4. Repeated removal of keratinized tissues with disinfected instruments.

It is important to remember that the preparation is of no small importance and much depends on it, therefore it is imperative to carry it out daily, before each use of the product. It does not matter, home-made formulations are used to influence fungal disease or pharmacy preparations - the preliminary steps must be carried out strictly.

Garlic in the treatment of fungus on the hands at home

Against fungal diseases, you can use a sharp vegetable containing aggressive substances that can not only stop the damage to healthy tissues, but also destroy the structure of the fungus. The ease of use of the drug also attracts patients, because you do not need to prepare multicomponent formulations - the product is usually used without additional ingredients.

Preparation of home medicine and the procedure:

1. Peel a few garlic cloves, use a press or a sharp knife to turn them into gruel.

2. On the cleaned tissues affected by the disease, apply the prepared mass, fix it with gauze or bandage.

3. Leave the compress overnight.

4. In the morning, remove the bandage, if necessary, remove dead skin tissue.

5. Take a day break, repeat manipulations in the evening.

You can use the integrated approach to treat fungus on your hands at home - make garlic compresses at night, and use pharmacy products or herbal formulations throughout the day. Such treatment will allow to achieve positive results much faster, but on condition that the doctor has given permission for such measures to influence the disease.

Treatment of fungus on the hands at home with lemon

The use of citruses is another wonderful way to get rid of the fungus on the hands, treatment at home takes on average about two weeks, but provided that the procedures are carried out at least five times a day. There are no special rules or requirements for using an acidic fruit, there is only one contraindication - the unpredictable reaction of the body to citrus fruits.

The sequence of the procedure:

1. Prepare the nail plates (steam in the bath, remove keratinized parts, dry).

2. Cut citrus into thin slices.

3. Put pieces of lemon on the affected area.

4. Fix, use a bandage or gauze for this.

The duration of the procedure is about a quarter of an hour. After this time, remove the lemon, rinse your hands, remove keratinized tissue. It is important to use fresh citrus for every manipulation - discard used plastics.

Apricot resin against fungal disease

An excellent proven remedy against fungus is apricot resin, which contains aggressive substances that can not only stop the disease, but also completely clean the nail plates. You can collect plant materials yourself - the resin accumulates in the cracks of the bark on old trees. It is stored for a long time, without losing its wonderful properties, so if possible it is better to stock up for the future.

Cooking Tools:

1. Put a small piece of resin (about 20 gr.) In a container of dark glass.

2. Pour the raw materials with alcohol or good vodka (for this purpose homemade pervat is excellent).

3. Tightly close the container, send to insist in a dark, cool place.

4. During the infusion several times vigorously shake the bottle with the product.

5. After a week, filter, the resin can not be thrown away, and re-fill with alcohol.

With the resulting infusion, lubricate the affected areas of the nail plates and skin several times a day. You can briefly apply lotions from cotton pads soaked in home remedies. A prerequisite is the steaming and removal of tissue that cannot be restored before the procedure.

Herbal preparations against fungus

At the first stages of the development of the disease, vegetable decoctions or infusions, which are highly effective, can be used in treatment. With the rapid spread of the disease to healthy tissues, it is better to use home formulations as an adjuvant in combination with pharmacy drugs.

Often, celandine is used to get rid of a fungal disease. Most often, plant materials serve as a compress that must be applied at least once a day. To do this, chop the juicy stems and leaves with a sharp knife into a homogeneous gruel and attach to the areas affected by the disease. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then remove the composition and wash your hands thoroughly. In using celandine, special care must be taken, since the juice of the plant has a rather aggressive effect and can cause irritation or burns to the skin.

Another plant famous for its effective effect on fungal disease is calendula. On its basis, you can prepare an infusion used for lotions - chop into a slurry 30 g. leaves and pour boiling water (100 ml). Insist the liquid for about half an hour, be sure to close the lid tightly and wrap it with a warm towel.

After insisting, filter the liquid, use several times a day for lotions. The procedure is simple - soak a cotton disk with herbal remedy and apply to the affected areas. The duration of the manipulations is only 10 minutes. You can use the extract of calendula in combination with other home remedies - lotions to do during the day, and at night - compresses of garlic.

If the fungus in the hands is bothering, at home, treatment should be started after the first signs of the disease are detected - this will prevent its development and get rid of the disease in the early stages. You should not be careless about a rather dangerous ailment, therefore it is better to go to the doctor first and consult about what measures to take - improper treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences.


Watch the video: Fungal Disease Awareness: Think Fungus! (July 2024).