A selection of low varieties of tomatoes for open ground: photo, description. Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for unheated greenhouses


Low-growing tomatoes are popular among summer residents, as they do not require special care and give a good harvest. Compact bushes can be grown even in a small area. A special advantage is the variety of varieties of undersized tomatoes for risky farming regions. Modern hybrids are grown not only in the south of the country, but also in the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. Get to know these varieties better.

Popular varieties of undersized cherry tomatoes for indoor cultivation

Small cherry tomatoes have a rich taste and color, suitable for whole-canning and salads. The advantage of the varieties is their compactness, you can grow a bush in a balcony box in any corner of the country.

Fans of unusual yellow tomatoes will like the Aztec variety. The plant forms a compact bush with a height of only 40 cm, which is completely covered with small sweet fruits. Care of the culture is very simple, it is not necessary to pinch it. Fruiting occurs at the beginning of summer and continues until frost. Harvest ripens together, new fruits are tied well. The variety is suitable for harvesting, preservation and salads.

The variety of undersized balcony tomatoes "Bonsai" is no less popular. A compact bush with a height of not more than 25 cm is capable of producing up to 3.5 kg of fruit. Harvest ripening begins 100-120 days after planting. Red tomatoes with a dense skin and sweet flesh, not watery. The average weight of one fruit is about 30 grams. The crop is formed in clusters, from which the bush looks elegant. Tomatoes of this variety rarely get sick, do not require processing and pinching. Suitable for fresh consumption.

Have you heard about tomatoes in hanging flowerpots? Meet the Garden Pearl variety. This plant with drooping shoots grows up to 35 cm, differs in the early ripening of fruits and high productivity. The first tomatoes can be harvested 85 days after planting. Fruits are aligned, rounded, pink. Their average weight reaches 25 g. During the season, the bush is able to produce more than 300 pieces of tomatoes, which are suitable for salads and various preparations.

The best undersized varieties of yellow tomatoes for open ground

In regions with a warm climate, tomatoes are grown in open ground, which allows you to enjoy the unique taste of fruits. Introducing varieties popular among summer residents:

· "Golden Stream";

· "Eldorado".

These crops will please an early and plentiful harvest.

The Golden Stream variety begins to bear fruit after 80 days from planting in the ground. A lot of fruits are tied, in one brush up to 9 pcs. The average weight of tomatoes is from 60 to 100 gr. Their unusual shape and color attract lovers. The fruits are elongated, pleasant honey color, sugary on the palate. Suitable for harvesting and fresh consumption. The bushes are compact, the beds do not grow more than 80 cm, resistant to various diseases. Productivity of about 5 kg per 1 square. m. beds.

Variety "Eldorado" is considered mid-season. It comes into bearing after 100-150 days from planting. The bushes are low up to 90 cm, resistant to fusarium. The fruits are egg-shaped and yellow in color. Their average weight is about 120 g, up to 3 pcs are laid in the brush. Tomatoes taste sweet, sugary, suitable for canning. Average productivity up to 7 kg per 1 sq. Km. m. area.

Fleshy varieties of undersized tomatoes for open ground

Varieties of tomatoes with plenty of pulp are suitable for harvesting. They tolerate transportation well, are characterized by keeping quality and presentation. In banks, such fruits look attractive, their dense skin does not crack. Among gardeners, the following varieties gained popularity:

· "Red Fang";

· "Super model";

· "The riddle."

These are early and medium varieties of red tomatoes with a pleasant taste and sugar content.

Variety "Riddle" allows you to receive ripe products after 85-90 days from planting. The bushes are powerful, well leafy, with a height of not more than 60 cm. Garter is not required, since the plant can withstand the weight of ripe fruits on its own. The care is not complicated, the culture does not need to be herded, resistant to diseases and tolerates shading, which does not affect productivity. Fruits are rounded, saturated color, weighing up to 100 gr.

Another very early and high-yielding variety is Red Fang. Seedlings of this variety are resistant to many diseases, adapt well in the soil. Fruiting occurs after 2.5 months from planting. Fruits are ideal for canning. They are distinguished by their elongated shape and sweet flesh. The average weight of tomatoes is up to 40 gr. In one brush, up to 10 fruits are laid.

Variety "Super Model" refers to mid-season, the fruits arrive on the table after 3.5 months from planting. The bushes are compact, grow no more than 80 cm, are resistant to brown spotting. Fruits of an interesting plum form, elongated, weighing up to 120 g. The pulp is dense, sugary. A distinctive feature of the variety is the resistance of the fruit to cracking and overripening.

Greenhouse varieties of undersized salad tomatoes for the Urals, Siberia and the Far East

Varieties of salad purposes allow you to get products already in early summer. They are suitable for growing in film shelters and any unheated greenhouses.

The most popular is the "Doll Masha" variety. This is a large-fruited tomato, the weight of one copy is about 200 grams. Tomatoes are rounded, saturated pink-red color with thick pulp. Average productivity up to 10 kg per 1 sq. Km. m. beds. Bushes are compact, resistant to temperature extremes.

A variety with good taste characteristics - "Fatty". The bushes are low, with light green leaves. During fruiting, they give up to 3 kg of the crop each. Tomatoes are large, average weight up to 250 grams, regular round shape, saturated red color. The pulp contains few grains.

Harvest greenhouse varieties of undersized tomatoes that are suitable for whole-canning and processing

Common among summer residents and farmers is the variety "Olya", which is intended for cultivation in low light and cold summers. This productive variety allows you to collect up to 27 kg of fruits per 1 square. square meters, which is the indisputable advantage of culture. Bushes are compact, branching weakly, do not require support and pinching. Flower brushes are laid in the internodes of three pieces, each carrying 7 tomatoes. Fruits of the correct rounded shape, four-chamber, bright red color. Average weight up to 150 gr. Full maturity of tomatoes occurs 90 days after transplanting.

Early ripening grade "Alaska" gives a good crop of tomatoes in harsh agriculture. Full fruit ripening occurs after 80 days from planting. Bushes do not exceed half a meter, but require pinching to increase productivity. Tomatoes are tied in any weather conditions, ripen together. The average weight of the fruit is about 100 gr. The taste is saturated, sweet, the skin is dense, the color is red.

Another high-yielding variety for film greenhouses is Lelya. This is a hybrid of medium ripening period, the fruits are removed after 3.5 months from the appearance of seedlings. The bushes are characterized by weak shoot formation, do not require complex care, tolerate temperature extremes well. Fruits are rounded, red, collected in a brush of 10 pcs. The average weight of tomatoes is up to 150 gr. Productivity reaches 18 kg with 1 square. m. beds.


Watch the video: The Basics of Greenhouse Gardening (July 2024).