The best books about love: TOP-10. What books about love, fidelity and passion should be reread at any age?


Love is not just a feeling, it is a natural need of a person. Books about love are not subject to time and age.

What, if not about this wonderful feeling, to write about. Such novels deserve special attention.

"Singing in a Blackthorn" by Colin McCullough

One of those stories that for several decades remains the best book about love. The novel tells about three generations of a family living in Australia, about their struggle and the search for their happiness, about love for their native land and about the strong, deep feelings of the heroes. Readers will experience the joy, passion and pain of the love story of Maggie, a simple, modest girl, and Ralph, the priest, torn between her and God. This is a book into which you plunge headlong and to which you rush home in the evening.

"Girl Online", Zoe Sagg

This book is not only about first love, it is about betrayal, envy, overcoming fears and gaining self-confidence. The main character Penny has a blog under the name Girl Online, in which she shares all her fears, stories about school and her personal life, about boys and self-doubt. At the first opportunity, she escapes from her problems to New York, where she meets Noah, a kind and sincere young man. But she could not even think that he also had a secret that would completely change her life. A simple storyline without literary delights will make you feel like a teenager who has long grown up, but sometimes manifests itself in our actions and thoughts.

The Diary of Remembrance, Nicholas Sparks

This is a story about true love that knows no boundaries. Old Man Noah every evening reads to his beloved wife, who is ill, her diary and for several minutes returns her memory. This book should be read and re-read so as not to get bogged down in everyday problems, distract from gray everyday life and plunge into the romantic world. Not everyone is given a happy life with one person. We must value every minute next to my beloved so that at the end of my life I do not regret the lost moments.

The Stigmalion, Christina Stark

Dolores suffers from a rare autoimmune disease. She is allergic to sweat, fat, and other body fluids from humans. Any contact causes burns. A simple hug harbors a mortal danger to her. But like any girl she wants to cuddle with her friends, kiss with guys and lead a normal lifestyle. She called her untouchable world Stigmalion. The girl does not despair, because when something is very much wanted, the universe goes to meet you. So in the life of Dolores will appear William. The plot is dynamic and the reader will find very sharp turns in the fate of the heroine.

Stardust by Neil Gaiman

This is a fairy tale for adults, which has become deservedly a bestseller. The reader will not leave the feeling of bright hope for the future and faith in kindness throughout the novel. With the main character Tristan, he will plunge into the whirlpool of adventures in a world full of extraordinary creatures. The young man is ready for anything for the sake of his beloved girl, even to get a star for her. It remains only to believe in a miracle.

"Summer without you is not summer," Jenny Khan

Every summer, Belle looks forward to it, because all the best and interesting things happen to her at this time. But not this year. Life will go awry. The reader will be fascinated by the story of a girl trying to figure out herself and her feelings. The book is full of romance and youthful experiences. The heroine teaches readers optimism and believes that, in spite of everything, there will be a holiday on her street. You only need to believe and hope for it.

"Love lives three years," Frederick Begbeder

This novel by a French writer should be included in the list of the best books about love. According to Marc Marronier, love lives for three years. He is sure that this is the essence of the law of nature. The reason for his divorce from his wife is a new lover. But whether his feelings will stand this test. With fear, he awaits the approach of this fateful date. The story is written truthfully and vitally. The plot is simple, but the climax will be unexpected. Emotionally, the book is very bright.

The Codex of the Pimp, Rachel Van Dyken

Youth romance for a romantic mood. This manual is for those who would like to know how the guy of his dreams will like it. The merits of the book are humor and love affair, over which the reader will fight to the last page. No wonder the novel is considered a psychological masterpiece.

"A Holiday That Is Always With You," Ernest Hemingway

The writer’s nostalgic autobiography will not only tell about the young Hemingway’s feelings for his first wife, but will also immerse the reader in the brilliant life of stunning Paris, a city in which you want to sing and wander the streets until morning. Paris - here it is that holiday, which is always with you and the time when the author was poor, but happy with his wife. Amazing book by an amazing author.

One Plus One by Jojo Moyes

This is a novel that immediately became the subject of general attention. The story resembles the tale of Cinderella. The poor girl and wealthy businessman will definitely meet and, despite all the zigzags of fate, they will understand that they are designed for each other. A book with which to relax and which will give a lot of pleasure.

Beautiful love stories have always attracted the attention of readers. Reading such novels, the understanding comes that humanity, in essence, has changed little over the past two thousand years. Passion, hope, jealousy - all these emotions the reader will find in the best books about love.


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