How is brine used in dietetics, cooking, and traditional medicine? Harm brine: contraindications


Typically, brine is used to preserve vegetables. However, it also has a lot of useful properties that will help improve health. It can be used in everyday life and cooking. But before starting treatment, you should get acquainted with contraindications so as not to harm the body.

Health benefits of brine

The benefits of brine lurk in its composition. The brine is saturated with salt and acid, so the body is replenished with electrolytes and minerals. The brine is taken orally:

1. From a hangover. It is in this case that the brine is used most often. After drinking plenty of alcohol, the brine restores health. The brine helps make up for the lack of sodium and returns all the lost fluid.

2. After strong physical exertion. After training, professional athletes consume cucumber pickle and coconut water. Such a drink very quickly stops cramps. Also, with increased sweating after training, minerals and electrolytes are washed out of the body. The recovery drink is brine.

3. With PMS and with menstruation. It is the brine that helps to cope with pain during critical days. With menstruation, the female body needs a large amount of minerals, which can be obtained precisely with the use of brine.

4. From heartburn. Brine helps fight spasms when eating too spicy and fried foods. To eliminate such unpleasant symptoms, drink brine with food.

5. From hiccups. A small glass of brine helps deal with hiccups.

6. For detox. When using detox diets at the beginning of the day, you should drink drinks with a sour taste. The brine is characterized by an acidic environment, so it should be drunk for detox. Thanks to this, you can speed up the metabolism and increase the amount of energy.

7. Strengthens the immune system. The brine contains a lot of ascorbic acid, vitamin E and antioxidants. These substances strengthen the immune system and protect the body from various diseases.

These are far from all the beneficial properties that a brine has.

Cooking brine use: product benefits

Very often the product is used in cooking. It can be applied in several directions. More often:

1. To improve the taste. Brine gives an unusual taste to a side dish, such as potatoes. If you plan to add brine to potatoes, then you need to cook it without adding salt. It can also be added as a salad dressing. It is recommended to combine with olive oil.

2. Pickles vegetables. It is possible to use the brine more than once, but repeatedly. Place any vegetables in the jar with the composition and move the container to the refrigerator for a couple of days.

3. For a cocktail. Brine is added to whiskey. This recipe has several useful features. It helps to extinguish a burn of the mucous membrane, soothes the taste buds. For 50 ml of whiskey add 35 ml of marinade. Pre-cool the drink.

4. As a vinegar. Instead of vinegar, this product can be added to any dish. Brine is also vinegar, but only enriched with various useful trace elements and vitamins.

5. For baking bread. If you add brine when baking bread, you get a very tasty dough. A dill aroma will appear. To make one loaf, take a glass of warm brine, pour a large spoonful of olive oil, a large spoonful of chopped dill root, a large spoonful of sugar, a quarter teaspoon of salt, 3 cups flour and 3 small tablespoons of yeast. But add so much flour so that the dough is plenty elastic. Bake bread at a temperature of 95 degrees.

6. Like a marinade for meat. Before cooking any kind of meat, pre-marinate it in brine. The dish will turn out very juicy and tender. But especially delicious is chicken, pork and beef.

7. For cooking fish. Before cooking seafood, sprinkle it with lemon juice and brine. If you plan to cook fish, then add brine to the water.

8. Cooking mustard. There are a lot of recipes.

9. As a vinegar, marinade is used as an additive okroshka, pickle or borsch.

With the help of marinade, you can change the taste of absolutely any dish for the better.

The use of brine in medicine and cosmetology

If we talk about the benefits of brine, then this is the real storeroom of vitamins and minerals. Due to its properties and useful composition, the product is also actively used in cosmetology and traditional medicine. In the composition there is a huge amount of iodine compounds that have a good effect on the endocrine system and thyroid gland.

Also, very often brines are used for intoxications and various poisonings. The composition will help tone the entire body, as well as provoke appetite. Therefore, brine is not recommended for weight loss. Doctors advise you to drink with severe spasms and cramps in your legs or arms. The drink quickly and effectively copes with the problem.

Compress with the addition of brine helps with bruises of soft tissues or joints. It is enough to apply a compress to the affected area. After application, the island-inflammatory process and pain are eliminated.

Marinade is actively used by cosmetologists. The main recipes are:

1. The brine is frozen in ice tins. The resulting product to massage the dermis of the face before bedtime. This tool helps to whiten the skin, tone it and cleanse from acne.

2. In order for the dermis on the arms and legs to always be in good shape so that wrinkles do not appear too early, it is recommended to do brine baths. Such sessions actively relieve corns and corns. Beauticians advise such procedures to all their patients.

3. Marinade is the best remedy for burns. Once a person has been burned, treat the affected area with brine.

But during treatment it is very important to consider all contraindications. Otherwise, brine may be harmful. It can be used not only for adults, but also for children. And also it is not forbidden to use the product for pregnant women and people of advanced age. But the amount of consumed composition is regulated and prescribed only by a doctor.

Harm brine: when not to use

Absolutely any product can do good and harm. Brine is also no exception. If used correctly, it will bring only beneficial effects. But it is important to consider contraindications. It should not be used for:

• diseases of blood vessels and heart;

• hypertension;

• atherosclerosis;

• hepatitis;

• urolithiasis;

• cholecystitis.

It is not recommended to use brine for those people who are prone to pain in the joints due to the deposition of salts. Ulcer and gastritis also serve as a reason to abandon the use of brine. It can be consumed only in a minimal amount. Subject to all recommendations from the use of brine will be only good.


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