Early ripe tomato "Alsou": a full description of the variety. How to grow a cultivar "Alsu": planting, care, pest and disease control


Large-fruited salad tomatoes are no less popular among summer residents, but not everyone can boast a large harvest. Unpretentious varieties are presented on the market today, one of which is the Alsou tomato. Growing it is simple, even a novice gardener will cope with this task.

History of selection of tomato "Alsu" and description of the variety

Hardy and unpretentious tomato "Alsu" is suitable for cultivation in Siberia and the Urals. The variety is relatively new, was bred by Siberian breeders Dederko V.N. and Postnikova T.N. in 2007. Today it is cultivated throughout Russia, summer residents achieved good results not only when grown in greenhouses, but also in open ground.

The tomato is early ripe, resistant to cold snap and sharp fluctuations in temperature. Fruiting of the bush begins after three months of cultivation. The variety is fruitful, up to 9 kg of tomato is collected from the square of the garden.

Bushes of a determinant type, their growth is limited. In greenhouses, plants grow up to one and a half meters, on an open bed their height does not exceed 80 cm. Bushes are slightly leafy, they grow a plant in 2-3 stems. In greenhouses, garter to vertical supports is mandatory.

Important! The stepsoning of tomatoes is carried out regularly so as not to overload the plant.

Fruits are heart-shaped, large, in the stage of full ripeness of pink-red color. The pulp of tomatoes is sugary, sweet, juicy. The average tomato mass is not less than 300 grams; some summer residents managed to grow tomatoes up to 500-800 grams.

The variety tolerates drought well, is not picky about soils, is not prone to cracking, is well transported, and is stored for a long time without losing its presentation. Use Alsou tomatoes in salads and for making juices, mashed potatoes, pasta. Bushes are hardy, rarely sick and affected by pests.

Advantages and disadvantages of Alsou tomatoes that you need to know when breeding varieties

The variety showed good results when grown in any corner of Russia. His strongest qualities were revealed:

• high productivity;

• endurance and unpretentiousness of a plant;

• good taste of fruits and their early ripening;

• friendly return of the crop.

However, there were some flaws. Summer residents should be prepared for the fact that the Alsou tomato is not suitable for whole-canning because of the large size of the fruit. In addition, the plant is fragile, the central shoot is weak, requires rationing of the crop.

If you decide to grow tomato "Alsou", then adhere to all recommendations for breeding varieties.

Features of growing tomatoes "Alsu": the technology of planting varieties, care of seedlings and soil preparation

As already mentioned, Alsou tomatoes can be grown in greenhouses and in open beds. The timing of sowing seeds for seedlings depends on this. If there is no greenhouse, then you do not need to sow tomatoes before March. Remember that the age of seedlings before planting is 60 days. Do not plant overgrown or young seedlings. Plants will develop poorly, get sick, the productivity of such bushes will be lower.

Seeds are disinfected before sowing, treated with growth stimulants. Planted in loose and nutritious soil for vegetable crops, which can be purchased at any store. However, some summer residents advise to grow tomato seedlings in ordinary garden soil. This option is possible if you properly prepare, disinfect and loosen it. Otherwise, the risk of losing all seedlings is very high. For soil treatment, drugs are used: Fitosporin, Trichocin, Gliocladin.

Take care of the seedlings in the usual way, no special manipulations are necessary, just follow the instructions:

• water twice a week;

• regularly feed after the appearance of the second leaf;

• Rig in separate containers.

Tomato seedlings are watered carefully, only after the top layer of the soil has dried. If you pour in seedlings, then defeat the "black leg" can not be avoided. This insidious disease can completely destroy all plants. For watering, it is better to use warm water.

In the stage of the second leaf, seedlings dive into separate containers, where they will develop before planting in the ground. The containers are selected spacious, with a volume of at least 500 ml.

Seedlings are fed a week after the pick. Use complex mineral fertilizers for seedlings or vegetables, but the concentration of the product is lower.

Before transplanting to the garden, tomatoes are abundantly watered. Wells are prepared in advance. Under digging the soil, superphosphate or potassium sulfate is added. During planting, mature compost and ash can be added to the wells. Tomatoes are planted according to the scheme 40 x 50, the Alsu variety makes a seal, up to 5-6 plants are placed on one square. During planting, it is recommended to deepen the stem with the base, so that additional roots develop, then the plant will be more stable.

Important! If tomatoes were planted in open ground, then at night the seedlings must be covered, until the plants are fully adapted.

How to care for Alsu tomato: variety problems, proper nutrition

Caring for Alsou tomatoes is a pleasure. The bushes are unpretentious, it is enough to water them, feed them, carry out pinching and loosening of the soil on time.

In open ground, watering tomatoes depends on the weather. In drought watered at least twice a week. It is important to remember that you need to wet the soil to the full depth of the roots. In greenhouses watered 2-3 times a week.

Feeding is done at its discretion, but not less than three:

• the first time 10-14 days after transplanting seedlings to a permanent place;

• a second time fed before flowering;

• the third time fertilizer is applied at the time of laying the ovaries.

For the first time they feed with an infusion of fermented grass, a solution of mullein or chicken droppings. The next time they use complex mineral fertilizers with nitrogen. The third top dressing is also done with mineral fertilizers, but potassium and phosphorus should prevail in them, which is important at this stage of development of the bushes.

When growing Alsou tomatoes in a greenhouse, summer residents are faced with a problem such as the nettle. This situation occurs with improper care. Maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the greenhouse. If the indicators are more than acceptable, then the pollen will become sterile. The norm for tomatoes is considered to be humidity within 60%, while the temperature is maintained at 30 ° C.

Advice! If the tomato cannot be tied, shake the flowers, with a brush, transfer the pollen from one flower to another.

Growing Alsu Tomatoes Healthy: Treating Varieties from Pests and Diseases

In general, a tomato of this variety is distinguished by good immunity, but occasionally bushes can be affected by brown spotting. It is not difficult to get rid of it; it is enough to carry out several treatments with preparations containing copper. Heavily affected areas are best removed.

Pests on these tomatoes are rare, but for the purpose of prevention, they are treated once a month with complex insecticides. It is especially advisable to spray if the weather is rainy.


Watch the video: How to Ripen Green Tomatoes (July 2024).