The child spits food - what to do? In what cases does the child spit food, what to do and how to react to such behavior?


Parents always unconsciously compare the behavior of their children with how others behave. Why do some children spit food, while others do not. Where are the deep psychological problems hidden, and where are the problems of upbringing? Or maybe the whole thing is tasteless food? Let's try to deal with these issues.

The most pedagogical approach is to consider any problems in the behavior of the child according to his age norms. After all, there is a difference between how a six-month-old baby and a five-year-old child can behave at a table. Therefore, the questions of why the child spits food and what to do with such behavior should be considered according to age periods.

What if the child spits food for up to a year?

The first six months, infants, as you know, eat only mother's milk or an adapted mixture. Some parents administer complementary foods a little earlier, according to medical indications. But not always the introduction of complementary foods, even at six months, is calm and smooth.

Most often, at first, the child can react negatively to one or another product. Some babies may cry from an upset that they did not like the taste. And someone may spit out the food received. Is it worth it to worry about this? Of course not. After all, complementary foods are, first of all, the baby’s first experience in mastering new adult food. And any of his negative reactions, as well as the reaction of his body, is just part of the period of adaptation that every baby inevitably goes through, switching to a new diet.

If your kid did not like the zucchini from the can, try cooking the zucchini yourself. If you didn’t like the vegetable and in your performance, you should postpone the feeding of this product for some time. After a couple of weeks, try again, and maybe you will be very surprised to find that this time the baby is eating a vegetable on both cheeks.

What to do if a child spits food from a year to three?

At this age, the baby can spit food for several reasons.

1. At the age of about a year, the baby can be very disturbed by the teeth, which erupt through the gum and cause severe discomfort. At such a time, children most often prefer to completely refuse food, or eat it in very small quantities. If parents are persistent and stubborn, then the baby can start and spit on the proposed food. In fact, there is no cause for concern in this case. Parents should not worry too much. After all, children of this age replenish their energy through breast milk or milk formula. This period will sooner or later pass, and your baby will again eat food with the same appetite.

2. Closer to three years, the baby has a so-called negativity crisis. He wants to make decisions independently and choose clothes, toys, and even food for himself. It even happens that the parent offers the child his favorite food, but because the choice was not made by the kid himself, the food spits out and the plate flies off to another corner of the kitchen.

First of all, in such a situation, the parent needs to put his own feelings in order. If you react, guided by your own negative emotions, then you definitely will not achieve a positive result.

Remember that when the child is hysterical, it is the adult who needs to pull himself together, because the baby is not yet capable of this. His nervous system is not formed enough for this, and the processes of excitation prevail over the processes of inhibition. Explain to the child at this moment that he did wrong, and even more so screaming at him is pointless. He simply will not hear you, because his brain at such a moment works in a completely different mode, not able to perceive any information.

It is best, in such a situation, to remove from the child all the dangerous objects for him - heavy mugs, a plug, and wait until he calms down a little. When the first stream of emotions subsides, it is necessary to hug the child and assure him of his unconditional love. This must be done in any situation when the child is faced with their own emotions.

Only after all of the above, you can talk with your child about how you could express your disagreement differently. Only in this case, the child will hear your words and maybe even take into account your recommendations in the next such situation.

What to do if a child spits food from three to seven years old?

After the crisis period, the child becomes more balanced in the manifestation of their emotions. Therefore, unexpected manifestations of hysteria are becoming an increasingly rare case. However, children are still children, and their behavior is always direct.

And so, you came to visit, where your child was offered to try a new dish that he had never eaten before. Perhaps there was something from spices, or olives - those products that are rarely liked by young children. And the kid, without hesitation, spits out the food back on the plate.

You become terribly uncomfortable in front of the owners, and you think to yourself: “My child spits food! What to do?!!". The owners are probably thinking about the bad manners of your baby, but your child is only yours and you have come for a short visit. Therefore, do not make a scandal out of the blue. This will only spoil the mood for yourself, the owners, and most importantly - the child.

If you are very much embarrassed by what people think about you - just try to laugh it off. By doing so, you defuse the situation and allow everyone to shift attention from your child to anything else. It is worth telling the baby that he no longer ate food he didn’t like. And the conversation about how to behave at the table should be transferred to your home. Obviously, your baby has not yet understood for himself some of the rules of etiquette, either due to age or because of your carelessness.

Children are unpredictable creatures, and you can always expect anything from them, including spitting out food. But always remember that you must be on the side of your child and take an adult position in relations with him, not breaking into a cry, as an educational method.


Watch the video: Feeding and Swallowing - Feeding Therapy Sessions - The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 3 of 6 (June 2024).