Meat in the pan - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook meat in a pan.


Cooking meat tastelessly unreal.

This energy and healthy product is added to many recipes for cooking hot dishes, snacks and even desserts, meat is also prepared as a main dish. As soon as they do not cook meat - boil, stew, bake, fry in a pan.

By the way, the latter method is the fastest and most popular way of preparing a tasty and juicy meat dish. In order to maximize the taste of meat cooked in a frying pan, you should possess several secrets and tricks that will make even a novice cook a notable chef. A number of aspects should be taken into account, starting with the choice of meat for frying, and ending with its preparation.

Beef and pork tenderloins, meat fillets, kidneys and livers are more suitable for cooking in a pan. It is also worth giving frozen food to defrost quietly. In no case should not fill it with warm water or put in hot places. Only well-prepared meat will be able to maintain tenderness and juiciness.

Meat in the pan - preparation of products

You do not know what to cook for your family for lunch or dinner, and there is practically not enough time. We offer to cook quickly and very tasty meat in a pan. By the way, we want to note that roasting meat in vegetable oil is far from the only way to prepare a meat product. You can take advantage of numerous sauces. Try to combine meat with vegetables. Pork, poultry, rabbit and beef meat can be used as meat. Even if the recipe indicates beef, then when cooking, you can safely replace it with pork.

Recipe 1: Marinated Meat in a Frying Pan

How much sauce can transform the taste of meat! Even if it is cooked in the most usual way - in a frying pan. The combination of sweet and sour sauce and fried onions will whet your appetite.

Ingredients Required:

• pork - 400 g;

• onions - 2 pcs .;

• mustard - 1 tbsp. l .;

• sugar - 1 tsp;

• Tkemali sauce - 5 tbsp. l .;

• salt - 1 tsp;

• sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

For cooking according to the described recipe useful pork with fat. Cut meat into long strips. Onion finely shred. Next, you should prepare the sauce. To do this, in a vessel, mix the tkemali sauce with the rest of the ingredients - salt, mustard, sugar, ground pepper and vegetable oil. We send the meat with onions to the sauce, carefully press and store the meat in the refrigerator for about 2 to 3 hours.

You can begin to roast meat. By the way, cooking takes place without oil. It is enough to lay out the meat on a red-hot frying pan, reduce the heat and stir occasionally stirring the meat. On cooking will take no more than 20 minutes. The meat is tender, sour, served with any side dish.

Recipe 2: Meat in a frying pan (pork in kefir)

A characteristic feature of this dish is the combination of pork with kefir. Dairy product allows meat to preserve its juiciness. When cooking herbs and greens are used, which indicates the exceptional aroma of meat.

Ingredients Required:

• pork - 1 kg;

• garlic - 4 tooth .;

• kefir - 400 ml;

• bay leaf - 2 pcs .;

• onions - 1 pc .;

• butter for frying;

• Provencal herbs;

• tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l .;

• greens - cilantro, basil, parsley;

• lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

Chop the pork fillet into small pieces, each of which is thoroughly beaten, salt and pepper. Chopped onions until golden brown fried in a pan. After that we add tomato paste, kefir, greens. Chopped garlic and lemon juice.

Give the resulting sauce a couple of minutes to boil and turn off the fire. Only now you can add dried herbs and spices.

Meat in the sauce is added only after the fire is turned off. Pork should be well soaked in sauce, hold for about an hour. After putting the pan back on the fire, simmer for about 25-30 minutes. Cooked pork in kefir sauce will surely surprise you with tenderness and aroma.

Recipe 3: Meat in a pan with vegetables

You can take any meat - pork, chicken or beef. The presence of vegetables will decorate the dish, they can also serve as a side dish and the hostess will not have to worry about what to serve with the meat.

Ingredients Required:

• meat - 700 g;

• Bulgarian pepper - 3 pcs .;

• onions - 1 pc .;

• pumpkin - 300 g;

• carrots - 1 pc .;

• tomato sauce - 3 tbsp. l .;

• water - 2 tbsp .;

• cumin - pinch;

• Coriander - 1 tsp;

• garlic - 2 tooth .;

• cinnamon - pinch;

• vegetable oil;

• chili - pinch;

• salt and greens.

Cooking method:

Let's start cutting ingredients. The meat is cut into medium pieces, onions and pumpkin - diced, pepper and carrots - strips, garlic into small plates.

Getting to roasting. Heat the pan. Do not add too much vegetable oil, as the meat will release its own fat. In the pan, lay out the meat, Bulgarian pepper, carrots and onions. Everything is thoroughly browned. You can turn down the fire, let the dish stew a little.

After 10 minutes, you can salt and add on a pinch of coriander, cumin, pepper.

After another 10 minutes send the pumpkin in the pan. Mix and add sauce, water and chili to taste.

After 15 minutes, remove the dish from the heat. Add garlic and chopped greens. The finishing touch is a pinch of coriander. A sunny dish will not only feed you deliciously, but also lift your spirits!

Recipe 4: Meat in a pan with mushrooms and prunes

A delicious and fragrant dish that can be served with a proudly raised head on a festive table, and this despite the fact that you can cook it in a couple of minutes.

Ingredients Required:

• meat - 700 g:

• mushrooms - 300 g;

• prunes - 200 g;

• Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs .;

• turmeric, red pepper and other spices on a pinch;

• carrots - 1 pc .;

• cooking oil;

• onions - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

The dish is striking in its simplicity. The meat is cut into oblong pieces. Vegetables can be cut on your own. Pre-fill the prunes with hot water and then chop finely.

In a hot skillet, the meat is fried until the pink color disappears. Next, add all the vegetables and prunes. It remains to tightly cover the pan with a lid and stew the meat until done. After removing from heat add spices.

Recipe 5: Meat in a pan (skewers in a lamb pan)

Nature, green grass, birds singing and fresh air - what could be more beautiful. Another thing that remembers the rest in the lap of nature is fragrant kebabs. But what about on weekdays when there is no opportunity to get out into the fresh air, and you really want to enjoy juicy kebabs? Do not worry, we give the recipe for cooking kebabs in a pan.

Ingredients Required:

• lamb - 1 kg;

• tomatoes - 500 g;

• onions - 2 pcs .;

• vinegar - 1 tsp;

• salt;

• lemon - 1 pc .;

• black pepper.

Cooking method:

For kebabs better to take the pulp from the back foot. We clean the meat from the film, cut into portions. In a deep pan, pickle the lamb, salt, pepper, chop the onion, filter the lemon, add vinegar, herbs and spices for the mutton.

Marinate the meat for several hours. After stringing the meat on skewers. Between the lamb pieces we string onions and tomatoes.

Skewers in a pan cooked over high heat, which will provide a golden crust. After roasting, all the skewers are stacked on top of each other, you can pour a little marinade on the pan and simmer the meat until ready.


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