How to teach a child to manage his emotions: recommendations for parents


Many modern parents want only the best for their children, so they pre-choose a kindergarten, school, university and other educational institutions that will help develop the child’s abilities and open up all the facets of his potential. Along with worrying about the future of their children, parents often try to protect them from any negative emotions, but forget that they will not be able to always be with their children and provide them with protection from negativity at an older age.

That is why it is necessary to teach children not only languages ​​and mathematics, but also emotional flexibility, which will help them solve difficult problems as they grow older.

The following factors affect the effectiveness of teaching children how to manage their own emotions:
1. A personal example.
2. Expression of feelings.
3. Support.
4. The autonomy of the child.
5. Sensitivity of parents.

Personal example

Children instantly perceive the surrounding information, but do not know how to analyze it, so they tend to repeat everything they see. This applies not only to good or bad deeds, but also the manifestation of emotions. Parents should control their own emotions and calmly respond to the actions of the child to determine the cause of his behavior and find the best way to solve the problem. Do not deny bad or painful emotions - you need to explain to the child the reasons for their manifestation.

Expression of feelings

Boys do not cry - this belief is firmly fixed in the memory of parents and does not want to let go of their concepts of masculinity and strength, but it only leads to the fear of the children to show weakness in the form of unpleasant emotions for them. Also, do not underestimate the importance of children's sadness and disappointment. To an adult, the situation may seem too insignificant to be seriously upset because of it, but the children do not have rich life experiences, therefore even insignificant details are important to them. It is necessary to give children freedom in expressing emotions and the opportunity to meet them face to face. This approach will help the child gain his life experience, which will further protect him from stress.


Feelings of love, care and protection are necessary for children not only in infancy, but also at an older age. Adults seek precisely these feelings when creating a family. The child urgently needs support from family members. He must know and feel that he is loved and appreciated despite his difficulties in controlling emotions. In the process of growing up, the child learns the whole gamut of feelings, including sadness and anger. He learns to recognize and understand their emotions, so parents must support their child, explain to him the reasons and meaning of the feelings he experiences.

Child autonomy

The independence of the child is extremely important for his further development not only in school, but also in a moral spirit. To develop autonomy, you need to appreciate the personal qualities of the child - a passion for modeling or drawing, and not desired - successes in mathematics, languages, sports. The child should be given reasonable discretion. The ability to choose his own clothes or toys will help him feel confident and assert himself within the family. If at some point the parents restrict their child’s freedom of choice, then it is worth arguing their decision and explaining the situation in a clear language without ultimatums or orders.

Sensitivity of parents

From the height of the life experience of adults, it is not always clear that the emotions or problems of a child at a certain moment have special significance. A person’s memory cannot save everything, so parents don’t remember how they felt at the age of their child or in the same situation. But an understanding of the experiences of the child is simply necessary. Sensitivity by the example of parents helps children grow up to be kind and responsive people, able to notice injustice from others.

Thanks to emotions, children gain their own life experience and learn to build social connections. Parents only need to guide their children and explain that they should not be afraid of emotions, because they quickly pass and teach their lessons, which help to overcome life's difficulties.


Watch the video: 6 tips to help your children control their emotions. UCLA Healthy Living Tips (July 2024).