Do you have pharyngitis? Folk remedies rush to the rescue!


For the treatment of pharyngitis, one can not only listen to the recommendations of the attending physician or take various medications, but along with this, methods of alternative medicine can be safely used.

Folk recipes using honey and propolis

Very often, with sore throat, honey and bee products are used for treatment. But they must be used carefully. It is contraindicated for persons with sensitivity to these ingredients as a means of treatment. Here are some good and effective recipes:

• Honey with garlic:

1. Take, preferably, buckwheat honey, but if it is not, then any and several finely chopped cloves of garlic will do;

2. mix the ingredients thoroughly;

3. heat the resulting mass in a water bath for 15-20 minutes;

4. dilute the syrup with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and allow to cool;

5. take the finished product as follows: 1 tbsp. spoon once every 1 hour.

• Honey with fir cones:

1. Take a few tablespoons of spruce buds, you can buy from grandmothers or pick up in the early spring yourself and rinse;

2. add to them 0.5 l of water and prepare a decoction

3. strain it through a bandage or gauze;

4. add to it honey and propolis extract in the ratio: 1: 1;

5. Consume 3 times a day for half an hour before meals, 1 tablespoon.

Folk remedies based on honey, properly prepared, really help with the acute form of the disease and effectively relieve pain. Propolis is also very good for treating throat. It is a strong biological active substance with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial properties. This quality of it contributes to the rapid regeneration of cells, which means that the process of restoration of the body is much faster.

It is recommended to use propolis water or alcohol tincture to rinse the throat and mucous membranes. People's experts advise using a 10% propolis solution. For rinsing, add 40 drops of tincture to ¼ of the glass. You can safely rinse your throat with the finished liquid several times a day, while 4-5 drops are instilled into the nose. You can also mix propolis infusion with glycerin oil in a 2: 1 ratio and lubricate the sore throat with the finished mixture.

The use of herbal infusions for treatment

Popular folk remedies in the treatment of mild forms of pharyngitis are various herbal preparations or a separate type of plant. For rinsing, herbs with antiseptic properties such as chamomile, calendula, sage, eucalyptus are suitable. Herbal Tincture Recipe:

• 10 grams of dried plant;

• 1 cup of water heated to 80-90 ° С, that is, it is not necessary to bring to a boil.

For inhalation, it is recommended to use an infusion of coniferous kidneys, as they are rich in vitamin C and strengthen the immune system. It will help relieve concomitant cough - cocoa butter. A small piece dissolved in a cup of milk can soothe the sore throat. A decoction of blackberries - universal it is used for rinsing, and for inhalation.

Acute pharyngitis? Folk remedies and herbal preparations will facilitate and reduce the duration of the course of inflammation. Herbal Rinse Recipe:

• take 1 tbsp. spoon of chamomile, calendula, sage, plantain, thyme and mix well;

• throw herbs in hot water, it should be about 0.5 liters and boiled for 10-15 minutes;

• when cool add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon.

Take the drug internally, it can also be used for rinsing.

Here are a few recipes that are ideal for inhalation:

• We prepare a collection of immortelle flowers, raspberry leaves and field horsetail, pour 1 cup boiling water and insist for 2 hours;

• We take elderberry flowers and peppermint grass and grass of the Veronica plant, then all the actions are as in the previous one.

Far from the last remedy in the treatment of sore throat is vitamin B rich in vitamin C - wild rose. It is used both in tinctures and in decoctions. For the manufacture of folk remedies take a thermos, 1 liter and throw in it 2 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed berries, but if desired more can be, pour all this with boiling water. Infusion lasts about 2 hours. There you can add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil. To enhance the action of a rosehip broth, herbs such as thyme and nettle are added to it.

Pharyngitis. Folk remedies to alleviate the condition during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is extremely undesirable to take any medications and you need to be very careful with all kinds of herbs, since they have various properties that can damage the fetus.

In this unique case, a universal remedy for many diseases comes to the rescue - sea salt. Take 1 tablespoon and dissolve in 0.5 liter of boiled water, cooled to room temperature. Gargle with a solution, preferably 5-6 times a day. The procedure is done from 1 to 5 days depending on well-being. Pregnant women are advised to inhale steam from their jacket-cooked potatoes, and drink a cup of hot milk with honey at night.

Necessary requirements that must be observed during treatment.

In order for the recovery process to go as quickly as possible, there are general recommendations that it is advisable to follow:

• drink more herbal teas with a slice of lemon;

• use drugs that reduce puffiness;

• do not drink alcohol;

• Do not smoke;

• do not take hot and spicy food; drinks should also be at room temperature;

• the room in which you are located needs to be constantly ventilated and humidified; it is also desirable that there be as little dust as possible.

A pharyngitis has awakened. Folk remedies in the form of compresses will relieve irritation.

In this disease, various types of compresses have a great therapeutic effect. The best, according to many patients and folk experts, is an alcohol compress. To make it, we take gauze and soak it with 40 ° С vodka. Then we lay it on the throat, on top of it we cover it with plastic wrap and cover it all with a woolen cloth. We leave the compress for the whole night, in the morning, as a rule, significant relief of pain symptoms occurs.

Help with various types of pharyngitis

With a hypertrophic appearance, folk doctors advise taking raw potato juice to rinse the inflammation. The use of burdock also brings relief to the body. Take a few of its stems, grind and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. In this infusion, you can add a chamomile pharmacy. Burdock has an astringent effect, and chamomile flowers are anti-inflammatory. Their properties enhance the overall therapeutic effect.

With atrophic pharyngitis, various oil inhalations are used. Apply olive, peach, menthol, eucalyptus and oil from rose petals. To prepare a solution for inhalation take from 5 to 10 drops of oil, add to 1 cup of heated water, then, closing tightly with a towel, inhale the vapor. The procedure is repeated twice a day, and its duration is 5 minutes.

To remove dryness in the throat, a salt-soda solution is used. For the manufacture of take 1 tbsp. spoon of baking soda and ordinary salt, you can use sea salt, and diluted in one glass of them. A good tool for softening and moisturizing the mucous membrane of the throat is the collection of linden, calendula and sage flowers. For the manufacture, we take everything in a 1: 1: 2 ratio and pour a glass of boiling water, then we insist 1 hour and use it for rinsing and inhalation.

There are a wide variety of recipes for traditional medicine to relieve sore throats. Folk remedies by their properties not only help get rid of pharyngitis, but also have a general strengthening effect on the body. They are suitable for all age groups. They can be used both independently and in combination with medicines. But if the course of the disease dragged on for a long time, you should not try to overcome the disease on your own, in this case, you should definitely contact your doctor. He will carefully examine you and give recommendations for better health.

You also need to carefully approach the herbal collection, if you are allergic to any of them, then in this case it is best to stop treatment with this ingredient, in order to avoid serious complications and choose another method that will be effective, just for you.


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