Do not know how to accept men's gifts - learn!


At all times, men gave, give and will give gifts to women. Depending on the size of the wallet, they can be different - from chocolates and soft toys to jewelry and cars.

By this, men express sympathy or love, serious intentions.

With the help of pleasant offerings, they try to conquer the "impregnable fortress", to please their beloved or make amends.

It would seem that only the stronger sex can have difficulties here - what to give, how to choose, present, not to make a mistake with color, style or size, so that the surprise is really pleasant. But no, it is women who often experience psychological discomfort.

Sometimes you feel embarrassed and even guilty when fans give presents, don't they?

Especially if they are valuable enough. You are embarrassed, denied, babbling incoherently. Do not worry, many women do not know how to correctly receive a present. And some even don’t know how to accept compliments, not to mention gifts.

The most common reason is that a woman does not want to be obligated. It is one thing when a loved one gives her something, and quite another when one does it with whom she does not plan to be together in illness and health, in joy and sadness. She believes that they are trying to buy her with expensive gifts, to incline her to intimacy. What is there to dissemble, to some extent it is.

A man invests, makes investments in the subject of his adoration, hoping for returns.

Some women perceive gifts as an encroachment on their freedom and independence. And they relate to the manifestation of male generosity negatively:

- Does he really think that I am not able to buy perfume, a subscription to a fitness club or a fur coat?

Such women usually do not want to be paid for in cafes and restaurants. Refuse to travel together for the same reason. And they return the gifts that the man has already bought. It is clear that with such representatives of the fair sex it is incredibly difficult to build a relationship. It is not surprising that most of them remain independent. And lonely.

But pride, false modesty, fear of falling into sexual slavery - only the tip of the iceberg called "I do not know how and do not want to accept gifts from men." Wise psychologists have found the root of the problem.

Want to know the cruel truth? There are women with high, normal and low self-esteem. So, if it is difficult for you to accept signs of male attention in the form of gifts - your self-esteem is already below the plinth.

This is no good. A woman must be sure that she deserves a bouquet of flowers, expensive perfumes, jewelry, cars and even yachts, damn it!

So, she needs to work on herself. Every day repeating aloud or to oneself, recalling famous films:

- I am the most charming and attractive!

- Here I am walking along the street, so beautiful, and all the men around are falling and stacking in stacks!

- Each man is ready to turn into Richard Gere and go with me to the boutiques to get rid of the indecently large amount of money!

Remember the great women in history. What innumerable riches and half-kingdom in addition men threw at their feet! And you are self-taught because of a chocolate set or bouquet!

It is customary to make offerings even in the mating games of some animals. A spider brings a fly to his beloved, completely humanly packing it in a bundle of cobwebs. While the lady opens the gift and enjoys the treat, the gallant cavalier manages to continue her family and wash off, so as not to become the second course in her meal.

Male chimpanzees and other species of monkeys treat their compatriots with pieces of fruit. Sometimes with a hint of intimacy, sometimes just like that.

But observations showed that females with "generous" males entered into an intimate relationship more readily than with those who did not treat them with anything.

Male gulls express their feelings with the help of caught fish, and they must be of a certain type and size. The stupid "birds", unable to extract the desired quality fish from the deep sea, are rejected by a beautiful gull. And she can be understood - why the hell is he needed, such a male for procreation? What is he going to feed future chicks with?

But dolphins surpassed everyone - the greatest romantics and lovers of beauty. They give their chosen ones the most exquisite objects that can be found in the underwater world: picturesque sea sponges, fragments of coral and bunches of bright algae - why not a wedding bouquet?

Examples from the life of primates, marine animals, birds, and arthropods are not accidental. Men are also a part of nature, the crown of her creation.

After us, of course. To delight women, to be courageous and generous, to give gifts for them is as natural as breathing. So do not deprive your fans of such pleasure! And remember - men's generosity does not oblige you to anything.

You have the right to be pampered. Because you are a WOMAN.

So, you need to perceive gifts in a feminine way gently and positively. Give a man your positive emotions! Expand the gift, be delighted, thank.

Even if, instead of an elegant lace set, he bought you cozy pajamas with teddy bears, perfumes that were not quite suitable, and earrings instead of a coveted ring were in the box. After all, he tried so hard to please you, he so wanted to please!

Refusing a gift is a cruel blow to a man’s pride. Almost the same effect will be if you accept a present with a sour mine or chastise your donor for not guessing your wishes.

Rejecting a male gift, you thereby reject it. If a person is dear to you, never do this to him. Wouldn't you yourself feel pain and resentment in his place?

Only your positive reaction, joy in your eyes and sincere gratitude will give a man a powerful incentive to arrange small and big surprises for you again and again. And you will soon realize that receiving gifts is awesome!
