The role of gifts in a woman’s life


The main purpose of the gift is to give the recipient pleasure and establish good relations. Usually, a donated thing has a meaning, purpose, or is a symbol of something.

Many people like to give gifts, and absolutely everything to receive them. It's nice to see how the children react, clutching the coveted toy in their hands. They sincerely rejoice, jump, clap their hands, laugh.

Throughout life, the reaction to gifts does not change, because all people come from childhood, however, many are embarrassed to show their emotions, considering it inappropriate or solid ...

Why is a gift more important for a woman than for a man

Men, with rare exceptions, accept gifts calmly, with dignity, but women, like in childhood, can jump, clap their hands, laugh, long admire and show their sincere joy in every possible way.

It happens because women are in great need of gifts.

It is generally accepted, and psychologists insist that the more money a man puts in his beloved, the more expensive it will be for him, and the stronger their relationship will develop.

There is, of course, some truth to this, but it is very insignificant.

There are not so many mercantile women who want to pump out more money from men.

A gift for a woman is a reward for her love and recognition of her love for her, it is a gratitude for her care and taking care of her, it is an opportunity to interest a woman and show her interest in her, this is a desire to give her joy and pleasure and be glad herself.

Do not forget that apologies backed by a gift are accepted faster and easier.

If there are no gifts ...

Not receiving gifts, a woman is inclined to think that she is unworthy of them, that she is not

remember, they don’t want to please her that they are not interested in her. This affects not only self-esteem, but also character.

ATTENTION! Lack of attention creates a woman's nervousness, tedium, discontent, and sometimes anger.

A man wonders what could happen? And the woman is simply tormented by doubts, does her man need her? After all, he does not give any signs indicating its necessity.

Essential manifestation of feelings are flowers.

You need to give them to the beautiful half of humanity as often as possible. The bouquet does not have to be huge and chic. It just has to be.
It is customary to make gifts for a holiday or some significant event, but for women, those that are presented for no reason are most expensive and desirable.


Watch the video: Woman Gives Family Their 'Lost' Belongings As Christmas Gifts! Extreme Cheapskates (June 2024).