Ugly beauties


Almost all famous women have become famous for their beautiful appearance and their seeing talents. However, there are women who have proven that it is not necessary to be beautiful, so that you are wanted and known all over the world.

Barbra Streisand. This ugly beauty was always not ashamed of her big Jewish nose and from childhood began to dye her hair white. Barbara has achieved world fame as a singer and actress, despite the fact that she grew up in cruel poverty and was not beautiful. Mother did not believe that Barbara would marry anyone and that the girl was able to sing or play in the theater, and after a few years, Barbra received several Oscars, recorded many albums and did not have time to beat off the crowd of Hollywood beauties at her feet: Omar Sharif, Liam Neeson, Sylvetre Stallone, Elvis Presley. Andre Agassi, the Arab sheikhs and even Crown Prince Charles himself - all adored and adored her until now.

Sarah Jessica Parker. Everyone sees Sarah shining on the screens and on the covers of magazines. Everyone admires her sense of style and femininity. And behind this bright glitter of the style queen it is almost impossible to notice that Sarah is not at all beautiful: a big nose, a long face, crooked legs are clearly not a sign of beauty. However, nothing prevented her from becoming a “Sex and the City” star, an icon of style, a happy wife and mother.

Amy Winehouse. Another sexy nekrasavitsa. Her name is on everyone's lips, many girls want to be like her, not even noticing her ugly face. Amy became famous not only as a successful soul-pop singer, but also as one of the women with a unique style. She was able to combine the incongruous - tattoos with feminine dresses, defiantly bright makeup with elegant clothes. Karl Lagerfeld himself called her a real “style icon”.

Heard about Liza Minelli? To say that Lisa did not come out with beauty is to say nothing. However, despite the unattractive appearance, she successfully spun countless romances with famous men in Hollywood, won the Oscars and Golden Globes. The actress was married 4 times and met for some time with Mikhail Baryshnikov. About Liza Minnelli can be said that she is ugly, but it is easy to forget about this when she is fascinated by her magnetism with sexuality.

Ellen DeGeneres. Not many can remember her name, but her face is known to all. Ellen hosts the television show of the same name and is not shy about declaring her sexual orientation. Ellen is married to actress Portia de Rossi. All relations Ellen were with very beautiful women, and this, in spite of everything, testifies to her crazy attractiveness and attractiveness. Ugly face did not prevent Ellen to shine on the screens, get an Oscar and become recognizable around the world.

Rossi de Palma. This actress is quite an eccentric figure. She was awarded the title of "beauty in the world of cubism," which does not detract from her external unattractiveness. However, Rossi is such a good actress that her appearance fades to the fore. She refers to those women about whom they say, "what is in her that she is so catchy?"

Of course, all these women have succeeded, relying on their exceptional inner qualities. They did not expect anyone to give them fame for their appearance. They did not stop at nothing. That is why they are worthy of admiration from those who despised them in the past, and those who adore now. These actresses, singers, presenters proved that a woman is not only a body, but also a mind, and that a woman can and should be loved first of all as a person. Removing all the barriers in front of them, they became one of the most desirable women in Hollywood, along with recognized beauties.

Text: Irina Lev


Delovaya Pechen'ka 04/13/2016
Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy, intelligent, and with rich parents)


Watch the video: "Harold Lloyd" by Marilyn Lerner performed by Ugly Beauties (June 2024).