The worst places in the city in terms of energy. Where can I catch spoilage?


What are the positive and negative places in the city? Where can a person catch spoilage? Where can he jinx it? Where, on the contrary, can he begin to feel good?

The short answer is: don't look for good places in cities.

Cities were not originally created for these purposes at all. Another thing is when you live in your own private house somewhere on the edge of a beautiful forest or on the banks of a picturesque river, where fields sown with cereals stretch around you, where deer playfully roam, bears and wolves roam.
In the city you will not find this. There are a huge number of people, especially in megacities. And each leaves an individual energy trail, which, of course, affects you.

You can collect from other people, if I do not spoil, then some blackness. After all, thoughts are material, and each person can think of you or someone else’s most diverse heresy, send a negative charge or a stream of energy.

The worst places

In the city there are three of the best places where you can pick up a lot of energy muck. These are cemeteries, markets and train stations.
At the cemetery people come to suffer, there they bury the bodies of dead people. All these people were different, very different people come to visit them, and everyone leaves their energy there. Damage is often dropped there. When you were in the cemetery, you might come across stretch marks of thread, candy left, and so on. Destruction programs may be incorporated into them.

However, a cemetery is not such a bad place compared to the other two.

The fact is that burial places are the quietest and quietest points on the city map, they can even be treated like parks. And if you go to the cemetery on Radunitsa, you will meet a real holiday there: musicians play in the central avenues, gypsies dance, people have fun, celebrating the ancient pagan holiday of the victory of life over death.

As for the market (bazaar), then the energy here is worse than in the "places of eternal rest". They are constantly trying to trick you there, they are trying to vaparize you. They sell products there, a large part of which are overdue. Carcasses of chopped up pets are lying around. What is meat? These are corpses. Let it be just the corpses of cows and chickens, it does not play a special role. In the cemetery, it is all ennobled, hidden from view, only barrows, crosses and monuments are visible. And in the market all this is in sight.
Imagine that you are on the battlefield, where dead bodies are lying around, and some of them are turned into mincemeat by tanks. In general, the analogy is clear.

People who sell meat are the most frequent clients of not only doctors, but also magicians who remove bad energy.

What can be said about the station? There is even such a phrase - "bazaar station", meaning a noisy place or public scandal. That is, these two concepts stand side by side. If you live in a large city or transport hub, then hundreds of thousands of different people will pass through your station. Someone leaned back from the zone and returned home. Someone is taken to the zone or to serve in the army, not particularly asking for their consent. There are many thieves, scammers, beggars, and homeless people at train stations. It is clear that the area is strongly infected with negative energy.

Black and white magicians dump the negative just in these 3 places. They do this even at crossroads, but crossroads are actually the safest places, because, roughly speaking, everything quickly inflates there.

Air terminals are also relatively safe places. Flying with airplanes today is expensive, so the elite gathers at airports in some way. You can hardly find homeless people, gypsies, thieves, drug addicts, hanyig, declassed elements there. In addition, airports are usually located outside the city, so urban energy is less affected.

In general, if you want to reduce the negative impact of the urban environment, do not go, firstly, to indoor markets. Secondly, limit your stay at the station to a minimum, do not enter into communication with anyone there. And in the cemetery you have nothing to do at all. If your relative is buried there, then you will not help him. The man died, now he is in paradise, hell, reincarnated, and so on, in general, he does not need anything from you.


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