Rat: little mistress of a big house


The Chinese horoscope has 12 animals, and the Rat is the smallest of them. Which, however, does not prevent her from positioning in the first place: it is with this sign that the “animal” countdown begins. In the horoscope of the Middle Kingdom there are absolutely no accidents, and such a small but active creature turned out to be a leader in him not by chance. After all, the Rat sign has a lot of unique features and features that not everyone knows about.

Rat and the powers that be

One of the most important features of the little Rat is its respect and tact. It easily converges with the powers that be, with both good-natured and exceptional aggressors. And in any case, it finds mutual understanding, and even respect. This may surprise and amaze: driven by curiosity or some of its own goals, it calmly approaches the resting Dragon or Tiger, as if it simply does not notice the lurking power. And they perceive this phenomenon kindly. And even more than that: an inconspicuous, quiet Rat could well settle down in a dragon's den forever, even if the owner of the "living space" intended to live there alone always.

The invasion will not be punished, and over time, a major leader will even see the benefits of such a neighborhood: all things and finances will be put in place, the farm will suddenly be put in order.

The Rat will never compete for the supremacy right, it is above this, and it does not require much on the whole ...

Rat World Order

The Rat’s passion for order, for the systematization of all sorts of values ​​that fall under her paws is another amazing feature of the sign. Rats are exceptionally economic: while the same Dragons, and a number of other signs, tend to bring something from the outside, find some jackpot, and throw it in their lair in a mess and idle, the Rat does otherwise. She loves to restore order in existing affairs, and more importantly - in the heads of her entourage. Moreover, she does this without pressure, without a hint of possessiveness, not aggressively - and therefore they listen to her, and the order she created is preserved and cherished.

Rats are collectors. Each of them has its own passion.

Some even collect money, and not within the framework of numismatics and not with the aim of saving up for a large acquisition. They just like the process. Representatives of this sign do not like to throw things away, even if their “values” have long been idle and no one needs. The rat is more likely to bring some new necessary things into the house than throw out at least one of the available ones. However, even this factor does not become the cause of landfills: any Rat knows perfectly well what and how much it has, lays out everything neatly, stores it properly. Its accumulations are invisible in the house, or are stored in such a way that decorate it.

Little intellectual and innovator

Despite their thriftiness and ability to pay attention to various trifles, Rats are not mundane creatures. These are intellectuals, and even more so - innovators. It is possible that it is the attention to detail and the iron logic, according to which they create the world around them, and allow them to constantly train and develop intelligence - Rats remain trained until the last days of their lives. But they live for a long time, and they rarely acquire mental disorders under the old age, rather, as part of the exception. The mind of the Rats always remains alive, and health is usually plenty.

The Chinese sign Rat is similar in its energy to Aquarius from the Zodiac; they have many common qualities.

Aquarius is also a sign of innovators, scientists, intellectuals. It’s also a sign of communication. And Rats, too, usually show extraordinary sociability, and the status of the interlocutor does not bother them at all.

For example, a rat in old age can willingly and for a long time communicate with the young generation - not within the framework of some boring instructions about life, but on the same wavelength, grasping the youth’s beliefs and tendencies on the fly, even knowing how to adapt to them - usually without pretense, sincerely. Rats can have friends at the same time with representatives of local authorities and dysfunctional alcoholics from a neighboring entrance - and communicate with everyone on an equal footing, especially if they themselves need it.

How rat luck is born

From the outside it may seem that the life of a typical representative of Rats goes smoothly and smoothly, always on a positive wave, surrounded by a loving family and many friends. As a rule, this is the case - in Rats in adulthood, who have already understood all their advantages and strengths, there is always the opportunity to arrange their life the way they want.

Moreover, they do not climb into the leaders for this, knowing full well that ruling in the open is not for them.

The most successful area of ​​rat activity is a backstage game, the ability to adapt to people, and find strong patrons.

Or vice versa, twist the intrigue so that it turns out to be a completely irreplaceable character on whom the local leader relies.

Rats are usually lucky, but luck here is not some kind of magic or karmic, it has quite material roots, which are acquired by the Rat itself in the process of its life and communication with other people.

The rat relies on the people around it, creating a positive relationship with them. First, she spends her time studying the local leader and others, and then she tries to please her, in order to become the necessary and beloved next step.

If she acts competently, she receives unconditional support for life. This is not to say that the female Rat was lucky with her husband, or that a man of the same sign was granted luck by a good boss and a good career.

In most cases, the favor was deserved, or maybe even suffered. And not so much behind the scenes or intrigues, as real activity aimed at creating in the little things and details that many overlooked.

The rat, although not large, can be completely invisible among its brighter and larger surroundings, but without it in any way. She is charming, next to her is warm and comfortable. It definitely brings happiness to the house, creates all conditions so that all the signs following it within the framework of the Chinese countdown can feel comfortable.


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