Burn, but do not burn out: why it is important to alternate work with rest


When fatigue builds up, you need to get rid of it. Long-term stress does not pass without a trace, initially the body will use additional reserves of forces and energy, but sooner or later, failures will appear in its work.

The consequences of stress:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • depression;
  • burnout;
  • mood swings;
  • organ malfunctions;
  • apathy and others

In this case, it is important to learn how to competently change work by a respite.

It is necessary to alternate physical labor with mental stress, or to set aside time for rest. Our body can be compared to a battery, whose work is equal to zero if it is not charged.

At work, you must adhere to the following scheme: 50 minutes of work - 10 minutes of rest. This rule contributes to success in any activity, without prejudice to health. It is not necessary to spend respite time in inaction, it will be much better to walk or to do a small workout for the muscles. You can also go for coffee, look at the view from the window, etc. It is important to get distracted and not think about difficulties, let your body reboot and maybe after a pause, the solution to the problem will come by itself.

The first condition is to fall asleep without any sleeping pills. In such a delicate matter as a dream, it is important to understand that the quality of oversleeping hours is much more important than their quantity. For well-being and good mood, you need to go to bed in the first half of the night, when the value of each hour of rest is very high. Easy falling asleep contribute to absolute darkness (you can purchase a special mask), high oxygen levels, as well as comfortable clothes. Pajamas need to buy a free cut, preferably from a natural, pleasant to the touch material.

It is difficult to overestimate the beneficial effects of sleep. Rest perfectly relieves the nervous system, restores strength and allows you to recharge your energy for the whole day. Minimize any technique at night, turn off the TV an hour before bedtime, and also postpone socializing. network until tomorrow. For dinner, choose simple foods that are easy to digest. Fit kefir or vegetable salad, you need to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.

In the morning, do not rush to get out of bed, for a start stretch and enjoy the rays of the sun, put your thoughts in order. Next, do exercises, perform simple exercises that will help to finally wake up and tune in to a useful day. The purpose of charging is to fill the body with vigor and energy, so exercise does not need a lot of time, just 10 minutes.

To increase tone and stamina, you can be tempered. Try to get wet, but get used to it gradually and only after consulting a doctor.

Do not completely load your day off with household chores. Solve problems of paramount importance, and such a thing as cleaning will wait, it is more correct to deal with it on weekday evenings.

Go out into the nature, the healing effect of clean air, the sound of pine trees, and the murmur of a river will definitely surprise you. If you like outdoor activities, you can go on a family trip to explore the surroundings on bicycles.

Alternating rest and work, and only in this way, one can achieve high efficiency in a professional niche. Therefore, boldly refuse to anyone who offers you to take extra work at home.

Vacation is time that it is important to devote yourself personally and to accomplish what you have been dreaming of for a long time. These days depend on your working spirit and productivity in general. Going to the sea, alternate indifferent idleness with active recreation. A lively ball game on the beach or a water competition with a prize for the winner will do. Rest will help to throw off all the negativity, put the figure in order, and also to establish relationships with loved ones.

It is important to switch, otherwise thoughts will hover around work, as well as other problems. Many people miss this point, and thereby make a gross mistake. Before relaxation, go to a cafe, visit an exhibition, an excursion. All this will help to tune in the desired mood and then the vacation will really succeed.

To eliminate as many unforeseen “surprises” as possible, consider every detail. Find out the reviews of tourists, book a hotel room, study the bus schedule, weather. It would be nice to draw up a cultural program for every day in advance, as well as analyze the company with which you are going to relax. You should not travel with people who are not pleasant to you.

Indeed, for the result, it is important to spend a lot of strength and energy, but working without stopping is a gross mistake and disrespectful attitude to your health. It is important to work in a controlled manner, and to fix time for rest, so the body will show its maximum productivity. Write a list of tasks for the whole day, so you do not have to fuss and think: "What needs to be done right now?".

Discuss the issue of rest with colleagues, be sure to consider all desires and preferences. It would be nice to organize a small recreation area, where a coffee maker, a comfortable sofa, a table will be located. You can put a small aquarium with fish that perfectly relieve stress, be sure to ensure that everyone has a convenient workplace.

A personal example is what really affects subordinates. Do not indulge yourself, be on par with the rest, it is better to get up an hour earlier, but be on time at work. Try to rally the team, do not let discuss someone's personal life. The trusting environment excludes many incidental situations, which means that people will direct energy in a useful direction.

And one more, no less important advice: love your work as much as rest. May your activity bring joy, satisfaction and financial independence.


Watch the video: 20 MIN FAT BURN HIIT WORKOUT Cardio doesn't have to be boring! (July 2024).