Bride: Tricks for Preparing for a Wedding Ceremony


A wedding celebration is a long-awaited event for young people, which cannot be imagined without a beautiful decoration of the room, a luxurious bride’s dress and a wedding cake. To successfully prepare the holiday, many brides and wedding organizers recommend using life hacks that have been tested in practice. With their help, the wedding will take place without flaws and give real happiness to the newlyweds.

Collection of the "alarm case"

Often during a wedding ceremony, unforeseen situations occur that can affect the outcome of events. In this case, many brides recommend collecting an “alarm case”. It should include:

  • pins
  • a needle with white or black thread;
  • Scotch;
  • patches;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • nail scissors;
  • antiperspirant;
  • charging device;
  • extension;
  • glue moment;
  • a small pack of cotton pads;
  • cosmetics;
  • ammonia;
  • paper scarves;
  • first aid kit.

If desired, the composition of the suitcase can be changed at your discretion. According to the wedding organizers, such a set more than once rescued not only the newlyweds, but also the guests. For example, there were cases when it was necessary to sew the hem of the dress, the bride rubbed her feet in new shoes or washed a little makeup.

Sometimes the celebration is perfect, and a suitcase is not required. However, no one is safe from unforeseen circumstances, therefore it is better to collect a set. It can be put in the trunk of a car, or kept nearby.

Spare shoes

Every bride knows that before the wedding ceremony, wedding shoes must be carried. However, in some situations this is not enough, because of which the shoes will cause discomfort during the celebration. For this reason, the bride will not be able to truly enjoy the holiday, and will constantly be distracted by pain.

To avoid this, it is recommended to bring along any proven shoes that are comfortable and convenient to be in. It can be sandals, ballet shoes or even gym shoes. The main thing is that the shoes should be light in color and not striking. Thanks to this life hack, the bride will be happy to participate in various competitions and dance.

Preparing stylish umbrellas in case of rain

Many couples prefer to organize weddings in open areas or zones. However, no one is safe from inclement weather, so the risk of precipitation is always great. In order not to spoil the mood, you need to purchase several umbrellas.

It is desirable that they be of the same design. In case of rain, guests will be able to hide under an umbrella, as a result of which their outfits and hairstyles will not deteriorate. This will not only save you from bad weather, but also add uniqueness to the celebration itself.

Simplify Wedding Timing

Traditionally, painting in the registry office takes place on the wedding day, however, this bureaucratic procedure takes a lot of time, which is why the celebration itself does not last long.

Many organizers recommend postponing the painting a day earlier, and celebrate the celebration on the appointed date. Brides note that such a separation does not affect emotions and mood at all.

This allows the young people during the celebration to say not the typical “yes”, but the warmest and most tender words, without which this holiday cannot be imagined.

Preparing a menu for children

Usually in the process of organizing a young couple selects a menu, focusing on their guests. However, they often forget about children who may not like many dishes. To avoid this, it is necessary to make an additional menu consisting of several items.

Usually there are few children at weddings, so this item will not be costly for young people.

Making wedding lists with tasks

For most people, a wedding is associated precisely with a large number of to-do lists, without which a celebration cannot be made.

In the process of organizing daily, the main tasks are supplemented with new items, so tracking them becomes difficult.

For this case, you can get a standard diary, but the best option would be a board and paper with an adhesive edge.

In a regular notebook, it’s hard to view several lists at the same time, since you have to periodically scroll through the pages. Blackboard with paper will become a more practical option. It can be put or hung in a conspicuous place, attached or removed notes with notes, and also fully monitor the process. With such a glider it is impossible to forget or miss something.

Organizer Choice

Most often, brides prefer to prepare their own wedding without the help of outsiders. However, many women say that this is a big mistake, as there are problems with finding a venue, wedding style, host or contractor. Because of this, a panic begins, as each bride is afraid not to have time to prepare everything.

Professional organizers who can be hired at a wedding agency do an excellent job of these and other tasks. This step will not only save time, but also save the nerves of the bride and her family. The main thing is to choose a responsible and trusted specialist who is easy to work with.

Lead Training

Almost no one thinks about this item, however it will affect the interaction of guests with the host. Before the wedding ceremony, it is recommended to print the names of the guests seating on the tables on a regular sheet of A4 paper. With this, the facilitator will remember the name of each person invited, as well as their place. As a result, there will be an excellent interaction with the guests, and the specialist will become “his”.

Wedding organization is a responsible process that will require a maximum of strength and attention from a couple. To simplify and facilitate the preparation, the bride must take advantage of proven and effective tricks. They will help not only in the organization process, but also come in handy at the time of the celebration itself.


Watch the video: WEDDING Q&A. Advice for Brides, Planning, Budgeting & All About our Big Day! (July 2024).